Hugo Low

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Hugo Gering (born September 21, 1847 on the Heinrichsberg estate, Briesen district in West Prussia , † February 3, 1925 in Kiel ) was a German Germanic and Scandinavian Medievalist . He was a professor for older German and Germanic philology, with a focus on Scandinavian Studies , Gothic , Old and Middle High German , and Old English at the Christian Albrechts University in Kiel . Of his publications , the adaptations of the Edda and Beowulf are still known today.


Little was the son of a landowner . After initial private lessons, he attended grammar schools in Thorn and Culm , where he passed the school leaving examination in 1867.

He studied philology, philosophy and history at the University of Leipzig and the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn . During his studies he became a member of the Leipzig fraternity Germania and in 1870 a member of the Bonn fraternity Frankonia . After an interruption due to his participation in the Franco-Prussian War in 1870/71, he moved to the Friedrichs-Universität Halle , where he received his doctorate under Julius Zacher with his dissertation on the syntactic use of the Participia in Gothic . In 1876 he completed his habilitation in Halle for German Philology.

After several scientific trips to Scandinavia, he became associate professor at the University of Halle in 1883 , before he was appointed full professor at the University of Kiel in 1889 . In the academic year 1902/03 he was rector of the University of Kiel. In 1921 he retired .

Scientific activity

From 1888 Gering was (co-) editor of the magazine for German philology , where he also published his runic and Eddic works. From 1892 Gering published the Old Norse Saga Library series together with Gustaf Cederschiöld and Eugen Mogk . After the glossary on the songs of the Edda (Sæmundar Edda) (Paderborn 1887, on Hildebrand's edition of 1876; 2nd edition. 1896), the Complete Dictionary on the songs of the Edda followed in 1903 (on the constructive edition of Barend Sijmons, Halle 1888 -1901) and in 1892 a rewrite of the Edda. Little revision of the Hildebrand edition first appeared in 1904 as the second, in 1912 as the third and in 1922 as the fourth; the associated glossary was adapted to the revised edition and followed in the 3rd edition in 1907, in the 4th edition in 1915 and in the 5th edition in 1923. Barend Sijmons posthumously published Gerings' commentary on the songs of the Edda (Halle 1927–31) . In 1906, Gerings' adaptation of Beowulf was published.

Publications (selection)

  • 1882–83 Islendzk Æventýri - Icelandic legends, novellas and fairy tales , 2 volumes. Hall. Open Library .
  • 1887 Glossary for the songs of the Edda (Sæmundar Edda). Paderborn. 5th edition 1923.
  • 1892 The Edda. The songs of the so-called older Edda . Translation and explanations, Bibliographisches Institut Leipzig and Vienna
  • 1903 Complete dictionary for the songs of the Edda . Hall. Repr. Hildesheim 1971.
  • 1904 The songs of the older Edda (Sæmundar Edda). 2. completely redesigned. Edition of the edition of Karl Hildebrand. Paderborn. 4th edition 1922.
  • 1906 Beowulf with the Finnsburg fragment . Translated and explained, Heidelberg.
  • 1927–31 Commentary on the songs of the Edda . 2 vol. After the author's death, ed. by Barend Sijmons. Hall.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Directory of the old gentlemen of the Bonn fraternity "Frankonia". from September 1, 1901, p. 11.
  2. Habilitation thesis: The causal sentences and their particles in the Old High German translators of the eighth and ninth centuries
  3. Rector's speech (HKM)


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