Johann Philipp von Carrach

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Johann Philipp Carrach , von Carrach from around 1760 , (born August 30, 1730 in Halle an der Saale , † after 1781 in Vienna ) was a German legal scholar and Reich journalist .


Carrach was born the son of the legal scholar Johann Tobias Carrach . At the age of only 14, on March 15, 1745, he matriculated at the University of Halle for the philosophical subjects and law . In 1749 he received his master's degree there . In 1750 he was with the dissertation Exercitatio inauguralis iuris eaque ecclesiastici de jure condendi Capellas to doctor of law doctorate . About two years later, in 1752, he received a position as associate professor at the University of Halle . In 1757 he was appointed Ysenburg-Büdingischer Hofrat .

Carrach took in 1758 a reputation as a full professor of the rights to the University of Duisburg on. However, because of the Seven Years' War, he was initially unable to move to Duisburg . He went to Breslau as an official . There he became a government official and received the title of Privy Councilor . The Prussian King Friedrich II ennobled him during this time. In 1764 he was able to take up his chair in Duisburg.

In 1768 Carrach accepted a position as the first professor of law and procurator of the University of Kiel . Associated with this was the award of the title of a Grand Princely Holstein Budget Council. He only stayed briefly in Kiel. In 1769 he received his release. He then went to Vienna and converted to the Catholic faith . There he worked for the court printer Thomas von Trattner as a lecturer and writer.

Works (selection)

  • Exercitatio inauguralis eaque iuris ecclesiastici de iure condendi capellas , Grunert, Halle an der Saale 1750.
  • De interpretatione legum imperii fundamentalium inprimis monetalium secundum analogiam cum superioritate territoriali , Grunert, Halle an der Saale 1752.
  • Tractatio juris publici saecularis de exemtionibus territorium Germaniae , Ulm 1752.
  • Legal concerns about three questions from the ecclesiastical and ecclesiastical state rights, the emigration requirement, funds to be provided against it and the deduction money from Augsburg confessional relatives who abstained from the Holy Communion , Altona 1753.
  • Brief but thorough proof that the Kingdom of Bohemia Sr. Königl. Majest. in Prussia , 1756.
  • Theological and legal reservations regarding the lawful report and refutation of the errors of the Catholic Church […] , Grunert, Halle 1757.
  • Reichs-Grund-Gesetz- and observance-like report from the Reichs-Acht , Curts, Halle 1758.


Web links

Wikisource: Johann Philipp von Carrach  - Sources and full texts

Individual evidence

  1. Michael Stolleis : Reichspublizistik und Policeywissenschaft 1600 to 1800 (History of Public Law in Germany, Volume 1), CH Beck, Munich 1988, pp. 306 f., Fn. 62.