Reinhold Baer

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Reinhold Baer

Reinhold Baer (born July 22, 1902 in Berlin , † October 22, 1979 in Zurich ) was a German mathematician who is best known for his work on algebra and specifically on group theory , but also on geometry.


Reinhold Baer (1930)

Baer studied mechanical engineering at the Technical University of Hanover , but then moved in 1921 to study mathematics and philosophy for Freiburg (u. A. At Wolfgang Krull and Alfred Loewy (1873-1935)) and Göttingen , where he's circle Emmy Noether belonged and Hellmuth Kneser did her doctorate on a topic of differential geometry. Before that, in 1924 he went to Kiel to study with Helmut Hasse , Ernst Steinitz and Otto Toeplitz . From 1926 to 1929 he had an assistant position at Loewy in Freiburg, under whose influence he turned to algebra. In 1928 he went to Helmut Hasse in Halle , where he re-edited Steinitz 'classic essay "Algebraic Theory of Bodies" from 1910 (together with Hasse) as a book (with comments and an appendix by Baer on Galois theory). After the Nazis came to power in 1933, Baer (who was a Jew), who was on vacation in Austria with his wife Marianne Erika Kirstein (married in 1929), went to Princeton via Manchester (with Louis Mordell ) , where he was 1935–1937 at the invitation of Hermann Weyl was. In 1938 he accepted a professorship at the University of Illinois at Urbana . In 1956 he went to Frankfurt am Main as a professor . He had a large number of students and in Germany regularly organized group theory conferences in Oberwolfach , especially on groups in geometry.

Baer is best known for his work on group theory, where he dealt with expansion problems and finiteness problems, as well as nilpotent and solvable groups. Baer groups, Baer rings and the Baer radical of a group are named after him. Baer introduced the concept of the injective module in 1941. He also applied group theory to the theory of finite projective planes. He also dealt with set theory, body theory and topology.

Reinhold Baer Colloquia have been held at alternating German universities since 1963.

PhD students of his are e.g. B. Heinz Lüneburg , Bernd Fischer , Peter Dembowski , Donald G. Higman , Dieter Held , Gerhard O. Michler , Hans Kurzweil , Christoph Hering , Ingo Weidig (Prof. University of Koblenz-Landau), Helmut Bender (Prof. in Kiel), Otto Kegel , Rüdiger Göbel , Christine Williams Ayoub .


  • Isotopy of curves on orientable, closed surfaces and their connection with the topological deformation of surfaces , J. Reine Angew. Math. 159: 101-116 (1928). ( Dehn-Nielsen-Baer's theorem )
  • Extension of groups and their isomorphisms , Math. Z. 38 (1934), no. 1, 375-416. ( Baer sum of extensions)
  • Classification of group extensions , J. Reine Angew. Math. 187, (1949), 75-94
  • Linear algebra and projective geometry , Academic Press 1952

See also


  • Gruenberg, Bulletin London Mathematical Society Vol. 13, 1981, p. 339
  • Kegel, Mathematical Intelligencer Vol. 2, 1980, No. 4
  • M. Pinl: Colleagues in the dark. Part III . Annual report DMV, Volume 73, Issue 4
  • Henrik Eberle: The Martin Luther University in the time of National Socialism. Mdv, Halle 2002, ISBN 3-89812-150-X , p. 403

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