Carl Heinrich Cornill

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Carl Heinrich Cornill (born April 26, 1854 in Heidelberg , † June 10, 1920 in Halle (Saale) ) was a German Protestant theologian .

Cornill, son of a lecturer, attended the municipal high school in Frankfurt am Main . After studying in Leipzig, Bonn and Marburg, the first-mentioned university earned him a doctorate in philosophy . In 1875 he was awarded a doctorate in theology, and in 1878 in Marburg licentiate in theology. After working there in 1877 as a tutor, he began teaching in 1878 and became an associate professor in 1886. In 1888 he took a position as a full professor in Königsberg and in 1898 in Breslau . He went to the theological faculty in Halle in 1910. As a Bible critic, he belonged to the school of Julius Wellhausen .


  • The Prophet Ezekiel (= collection of lectures for the German people. Issue 8). Winter, Heidelberg 1882.
  • The book of the prophet Ezekiel . 2 volumes. Hinrichs, Leipzig 1886.
  • Introduction to the Old Testament (= outline of the theological sciences. Series 1. Part 2. Volume 1). Jakob Christian Benjamin Mohr. Freiburg Breisgau 1891.
  • Israelite prophetism. Described in five lectures for educated laypeople . Dreamer. Strasbourg 1894.
  • History of the people of Israel from the earliest times to the destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans . Harrassowitz. Leipzig 1898.


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