Ingo Abel

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Ingo Abel (born December 16, 1966 in Hanover ) is a German actor and speaker.


Abel grew up in Hanover and played there in classical plays at the State Theater as a child . After graduating from high school, he completed musical and acting training from 1989 to 1992 at the Stage School Hamburg. He began working as a voiceover for advertising and television, which soon became his professional focus.

Abel's voice is best known from the program Bravo TV and the contributions by Spiegel TV . He can often be heard in reports and documentary soaps . Abel has been the station voice for Antenne MV since 2009 . He has also taken on roles in radio plays and recorded several audio books . In 2002 he was nominated for the Hörkules for his reading of Henry Miller's The Smile at the Foot of the Ladder .

As a television actor, Abel repeatedly plays supporting roles in series such as Alphateam , Die Rettungsflieger , Großstadtrevier , Notruf Hafenkante (episode Angst from 2008) or The Country Doctor and in the docudrama Half the World Belongs to Us - When Women Fought for the Right to Vote .

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