Clay Blair

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Clay Blair (born May 1, 1925 in Lexington , Virginia , † December 16, 1998 in Washington Island , Wisconsin ) was an American journalist and non-fiction author.


Blair served in the US Navy on the USS Guardfish submarine in the Pacific during World War II . After the war he worked for various magazines such as Time and Life magazine before becoming editor-in-chief of The Saturday Evening Post . In addition, he wrote numerous publications on the Second World War, in particular the submarine war, but also on other historical events.

The title Silent Victory: The US Submarine War Against Japan from 1975 is regarded as the standard work on submarine warfare in the Pacific during World War II.

In Germany it is primarily known with the two-volume title: The U-Boat War, Volume 1: Die Jäger 1939–1942 and Volume 2: Die Jäger 1942–1945 (English original title: Hitler's U-Boat War ) from 1996 and 1998.

He was married twice and had seven children with his first wife, Agnes Kemp Devereux Blair. He then dated Joan Blair, who is the co-author of several of his books.


  • "Atomic Submarine and Admiral Rickover" 1954 Henry Holt and Co, Inc
  • "Silent Victory: The US Submarine War Against Japan" 1975 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
  • "Survive!" 1976 Berkley Pub Group (German edition: Because they wanted to survive, Heyne 1974)
  • "MacArthur: Korea and the Undoing of an American Hero" 1977 Pocket
  • "Combat Patrol" 1978 Bantam Books
  • "Return from The River Kwai" 1979 Simon & Schuster (German edition: Return from the River Kwai, Moewig 1981)
  • "Mission Tokyo Bay" 1980 Bantam
  • "Swordray's First Three Patrols" 1980 Bantam Books
  • "Beyond Courage: Escape Tales of Airmen in the Korean War" 1983 Ballantine Books
  • "A General's Life: An Autobiography by General of the Army, Omar N Bradley" 1983 Simon & Schuster
  • "Ridgeway's Paratroopers: The American Airborne in World War II" 1985 Dial Press
  • "The Forgotten War: America in Korea, 1950-1953" 1987 Crown
  • "Hitler's U-Boat War: The Hunters, 1939–1942" 1996 Modern Library
  • "Hitler's U-Boat War: The Hunted, 1942–1945" 1998 Modern Library (German edition: Der U-Boot Krieg, Heyne)
  • with James Robinson Shepley: The hydrogen bomb, Stuttgart 1955
  • with William R. Anderson: The Adventure of the Nautilus, Benziger 1962

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Clay Blair: Der U-Boot-Krieg, Die Jäger 1939–1942 , Wilhelm Heyne Verlag , Munich 1998, ISBN 3-453-12345-X , p. 25.
  2. James F. Dunnigan: The World War II Bookshelf: Fifty Must-Read Books . Citadel Press, 2005, ISBN 0-8065-2649-1 , p. 164: "Clay Blair Jr.'s book is considered the definitive account of American submarine operations in the Pacific during World War II."
  3. ^ Dan Van der Vat: Pacific Campaign: The US – Japanese Naval War 1941–1945 . Simon and Schuster, 1992, ISBN 0-671-79217-2 , p. 161: "... Clay Blair, author of the definitive and exhaustive history, Silent Victory ."
  4. ^ John W. Dower: War without mercy: race and power in the Pacific war . Random House, 1986, ISBN 0-394-75172-8 , p. 357: "The definitive study of the submarine war is Clay Blair, Jr., Silent Victory: The US Submarine War Against Japan ."
  5. Ronald H. Spector: Listening to the enemy: key documents on the role of communications intelligence in the war with Japan . Scholarly Resources, 1988, ISBN 0-8420-2275-9 , p. X: "Clay Blair's definitive study of submarine operations."