Eugen Stadelmann

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Eugen Stadelmann (born February 1, 1919 in Hard , Vorarlberg ; † December 15, 1998 there ) was a teacher , school director and local poet.


Eugen Stadelmann attended the teacher training college (LBA) in Feldkirch and passed his school leaving examination in 1939 . After entering the Second World War, he worked as a primary school teacher in his native Hard from 1946. In 1959 he was appointed (initially provisional) director of the boys' elementary school Hard, which he headed until 1984 (under the changed name of the elementary school Hard-Markt). From 1955 he wrote poems in Hard dialect , popular contributions to the local and church history of Hard and worked in several associations.


  • 1980 Ring of Honor from the market town of Hard

Works (in selection)

  • Poems in the Vorarlberger Volkskalender
  • Me Hardar. Dialect poems. Hard: self-published by the market town, 1980.
  • Hard at Lake Constance in old views. Zaltbommel: Europ. Library, 1985.
  • Hard. Pictures from days gone by. Lustenau o. J.


  • Armin Kloser: Eugen Stadelmann - 70 years. In: Harder Dorfzeitung. No. 2. 1989. p. 5.
  • A well-deserved schoolboy said goodbye. In: Hard today. September 1984. p. 3.
  • Address by Mayor Gerhard Köhlmeier on the honorary ring ceremony. In: Hard today. December 1980. pp. 7-8.

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