Katja von Garnier

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Katja von Garnier, 2018

Katja von Garnier (born December 15, 1966 in Wiesbaden ) is a German director .


Katja von Garnier is the daughter of the renowned color designer Friedrich-Ernst von Garnier . From 1985 to 1989 she studied art history, German, theater and film studies at the Goethe University in Frankfurt am Main and from 1989 to 1994 directing at the University of Television and Film in Munich.

In 1993, von Garnier's short film Lautlos (1990) aroused interest in Hollywood. The US film production company Columbia Pictures acquired the US marketing rights for the film and also commissioned Katja von Garnier to shoot the making-of documentary for In the Line of Fire , a feature film by the successful German director Wolfgang Petersen . This film opened on July 9, 1993 in the US and grossed over $ 100 million.

Your film made up as an exercise film ! ran nationwide in cinemas and reached a total of 1.2 million visitors. The project was rejected by various producers because no one believed that a one-hour film in the cinema could be a commercial success. On June 9, 1994, von Garnier received the Federal Film Prize (predecessor of the German Film Prize ) for young directors, and the make-up was removed! nominated as best German film. At the award ceremony of the 21st Student Oscars on June 12, 1994, the make -up was removed! honored with the award for the best non-English language film ( Honorary Foreign Film Award ). In 1997 her film Bandits was released in German cinemas; Received rather reserved by the critics, it was also a box office success.

In the fall of 2002 she made a feature film in the USA for the first time, which was broadcast in February 2004 on HBO . Alice Paul - The Path into Light deals with the life of the feminist Alice Paul and shows Hilary Swank and Anjelica Huston, two Oscar winners. Anjelica Huston received the Golden Globe for Best Supporting Actress for her role in this film .

She lives with her husband, the director Markus Goller , and their two children in Hollywood and Berlin .



Web links

Commons : Katja von Garnier  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. http://specials.dw.de/scorpions-de/