East wind - departure for Ora

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Original title East wind - departure for Ora
Country of production Germany
original language German
Publishing year 2017
length 110 minutes
Age rating FSK 0
Director Katja von Garnier
script Lea Schmidbauer
production Andreas Ulmke-Smeaton ,
Ewa Karlström
music Annette Focks
camera Florian Emmerich
cut Tobias Haas

←  Predecessor
Ostwind 2

Successor  →
Ostwind - Ari's arrival

Ostwind - Aufbruch nach Ora is a German feature film from 2017 directed by Katja von Garnier . The film is the continuation of the film Ostwind from 2013 and Ostwind 2 from 2015. The novel of the same name by Kristina Magdalena Henn and Lea Schmidbauer serves as a template . The cinema release was on July 27, 2017.


Mika still doesn't know exactly what she's looking for in life and turns her back on Gut Kaltenbach without further ado. Together with her stallion Ostwind, she makes her way to Andalusia , where she wants to find the legendary town of Ora, where Ostwind has its roots.

In southern Spain, Mika meets self-confident Samantha, who helps her father Pedro run the horse farm. However, Pedro has been in a bitter quarrel with his sister Tara for years, who prefers to live in freedom with her horses rather than lock them in boxes.

When a corporation threatens the untouched landscape, Mika has a brilliant idea: the legendary source of Ora is to be saved with a horse race.


The shooting took place in Germany and Spain, including in November 2016 on the main motif Gut Waitzrodt (Gut Kaltenbach), Hauptgestüt Altefeld near Herleshausen in Northern Hesse and the Hacienda Buena Suerte by Kenzie Dysli in Andalusia .

The German Film and Media Assessment FBW in Wiesbaden awarded the film the rating particularly valuable.

Film music

A CD with the same title ('Ostwind - Aufbruch nach Ora') with the soundtrack has been released for the film.


In 2019, another sequel to the series entitled Ostwind - Ari's arrival came to the cinemas. The film is based on the novel of the same name by Ostwind author Lea Schmidbauer . This time it was directed by Theresa von Eltz .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Release certificate for east wind - departure to Ora . Voluntary self-regulation of the film industry (PDF; test number: 169448 / K). Template: FSK / maintenance / type not set and Par. 1 longer than 4 characters
  2. Age indication for east wind - departure to Ora . Youth Media Commission .
  3. "Ostwind" stars in front of Altefeld scenery , Werra-Rundschau from November 17, 2016, accessed on November 18, 2016