José María Castro

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José María Castro (born December 15, 1892 in Avellaneda , † August 2, 1964 in Buenos Aires ) was an Argentine composer and cellist.

Castro attended the Conservatorio Santa Cecilia in Buenos Aires until 1907 and was then cello student of José García Jacot , the teacher of Pablo Casals , and Humberto Ferrari . He also studied harmony with Constantino Gaito and composition with Eduardo Fornarini . After taking part in various chamber music formations, he founded the Sociedad del Cuarteto in 1926 with his brother Juan José Castro , Manuel Almirall , Bruno Bandini and Francisco Amicarelli .

From 1931 to 1948 he directed the symphony orchestra of the Asociación del Profesorado Orquestal . From 1933 to 1955 he was director of the Municipal Orchestra of Buenos Aires. He was also a professor at the Conservatorio Santa Cecilia and a founding member of the Academia Nacional de Bellas Artes . In 1947 he became general secretary of the Argentine Composers Association.


  • Piano sonata , 1924
  • Lírica , 1929
  • Piano sonata , 1931
  • Concerto grosso , 1932
  • Diez piezas breves for piano, 1932
  • Sonata for violoncello and piano , 1933
  • Whimsy for piano, 1933
  • Motivos infantiles for piano, 1933
  • Georgia , Ballet, 1937
  • Sonata de primavera for piano, 1939
  • Concerto for piano and orchestra , 1941, 1955
  • String Quartet No. 1 , 1943
  • Concierto para orquesta , 1944
  • Sonata dramática for piano, 1944
  • Tres Pastorales , 1945
  • Tres estudios , 1946
  • Concierto para violonchelo y 17 instrumentos , 1946
  • String Quartet No. 2 , 1947
  • El libro de los sonetos , 1947
  • Suite de cinco piezas , 1948
  • El sueño de la botella , ballet, 1948
  • Preludio y Toccata , 1949
  • Falarka , ballet, 1951
  • Tema coral con variaciones , 1952
  • Concierto para violín y 18 instrumentos , 1953
  • La otra voz , monodrama, 1953
  • String Quartet No. 3 , 1956
  • Suite del ballet El sueño de la botella , 1956
  • Diez improvisaciones breves , 1957
  • Sonata poética for violin and piano, 1957
  • Cinco líricas , 1958
  • Preludio, Tema con variaciones y Final , 1959
  • Sinfonia de Buenos Aires , 1963
  • Con la patria adentro , 1964