Werner Arens (theologian)

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Werner Arens (born December 20, 1924 in Wenden ; † April 24, 2010 ibid) was a German Roman Catholic theologian .


Werner Arens studied philosophy and theology. On April 3, 1954, he was ordained a priest in Paderborn. He initially worked as a vicar in the Liebfrauengemeinde in Dortmund. With a thesis on church youth work in Munich, he was awarded a Dr. theol. PhD. Then he was a lecturer for youth ministry at the Ruhr University in Bochum and at the Ruhr University of Education in Dortmund .

In 1969, Arens became the first professor for Catholic theology and methodology of Catholic religious instruction at the Osnabrück Department of the Lower Saxony University of Education, later the University of Osnabrück . As the last dean of the college of education, he co-founded this university in 1972. In particular, he taught Catholic religious education and pastoral theology . He was also active as the leader of the Catholic university community.

He was a member of various associations in the Cartell Association of Catholic German Student Associations and has been involved in the Lions Club Osnabrücker Land since 1975 .

honors and awards

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Single receipts

  1. ^ Membership Directory , published by Lions International All District 111, as of June 1, 1976