Divini cultus sanctitatem
With the apostolic constitution Divini cultus sanctitatem of December 20, 1928, Pope Pius XI writes . on the liturgy and calls for the promotion of Gregorian chant and church music .
About church art
The Pope expressed the hope and wish that ecclesiastical art would be obeyed according to canonical laws , and that such art should be preserved and promoted: "For the arts should, as it is appropriate, really be subordinate to worship as the most distinguished servants. That certainly does not harm the arts that are used in holy places, but rather to increase their dignity and their splendor. " (Divini Cultus Sanctitatem (DCS))
Liturgy and art
Pius XI. saw in his considerations an important task in the mediation of liturgy and art and stated: "There is a very close connection between dogma and sacred liturgy, as well as between the Christian cult and the sanctification of the people." (DCS).
Liturgical chants
Pius XI. explained the power and effect of the liturgical chants and explained their effectiveness for the conversion of the unbelievers: “In the old basilicas , where the bishop , clergy and people alternately sang the praises of God, it was not least the liturgical chants that caused barbarians in large numbers for the Christianity and culture were won, as history shows (…) Yes, in Milan the false teachers accused St. Ambrose of enchanting the crowd with liturgical songs. Augustine of Hippo was so shaken by them that he decided to accept the Christian faith ”. (DCS) Pius XI. ordered instruction in Gregorian chant for the seminaries and assessed church music as an important instrument in the liturgy. In addition, he laid down the qualitative and spiritual requirements for the church choirs, the choir directors and cantors .
About the instrument of the organ
The Church has, wrote the Pope, an instrument that has been specially handed down from ancient times: the organ . Because of her sonority and grandeur, she was considered worthy of participating in the liturgical services. “Only such organ music should sound in the churches that expresses the majesty of the place and lets one feel the consecration of the ordinances. (DCS) "
Active participation in the service
So that the faithful on active service can participate in the Pope's Gregorian chant should be in accordance with the opinion of parish be reintroduced. “Indeed, it is absolutely necessary that the faithful do not take part in the sacred ceremonies like strangers or mute spectators, but rather, completely moved by the beauty of the liturgy, so that they sing with the priest and the choir according to the given regulations alternate. "(DCS)