Melchior Borchgrevinck

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Melchior Borchgrevinck (* around 1570; † December 20, 1632 ) was a Danish composer and court music director.


Borchgrevinck was the son of the Dutch musician Bonaventura Borchgrevinck , who became Kapellmeister at the court of King Friedrich II in 1587 . He became court organist for King Christian IV in 1596 . In 1599 he went on a study trip to Venice to see Giovanni Gabrieli . After his return, the king had him portrayed - an honor otherwise only bestowed on the most famous foreign musicians.

He spent the winter of 1601–02 again in Venice, where he enjoyed an excellent reputation. He contributed the madrigals Amate mi ben mio and Baci amorosi e cari to the madrigal collection Giardino nuovo bellissimo di vari fiori musicali sceltissimi , which he published in Copenhagen in 1605-06 . In 1607 he published 9 Davids Salmer med 4 Stemmer rimvis udsat .

In 1618 Borchgrevinck was appointed chief conductor of the royal court, his pupil Mogens Pedersøn became vice conductor in 1619. During the Thirty Years' War, a large part of the court orchestra was dismissed in 1627 and Borchgrevinck retired to his country estate in Roskilde . At the beginning of 1631 he was reinstated in his previous position, which he held until his death a year and a half later.


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