Karl Benedict von Schirach

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Karl Benedict von Schirach (born May 25, 1790 in Altona , † after 1855 in Davenport (Iowa) , USA ) was a German lawyer and author.


He is the son of the German historian, Danish legation councilor and publicist Gottlob Benedikt von Schirach (1743–1804).

Like his father, Karl Benedict von Schirach entered Danish service (in the duchies of Schleswig and Holstein ). In 1834 he was a councilor in the Holstein- Lauenburg Higher Court, in 1840 a royal Danish budget councilor and in 1841 a councilor in the Schleswig-Holstein-Lauenburg Higher Appeal Court in Kiel . In 1854 he resigned.

In 1855 he emigrated to America, where he died.


  • 1828 - Handbook of Schleswig-Holstein Criminal Law and Process
  • 1829–30 - the history of our time in annual overviews
  • 1840 - Messages from the life of a judge
  • poetic articles in magazines (Morgenblatt, Eidora, Nord. Musenalmanach and others), z. B. Julian Apostate. A dramatic poem in Gardthausen's Eidora 1825, p. 51.
