Mogens Pedersøn

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Mogens Pedersøn ( Mogens Pedersen , Magno Pedreo ) (* around 1585 in Copenhagen ; † 1623 there ) was a Danish composer.

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Mogens Pedersøn was a student of Melchior Borchgrevinck , who later became the royal conductor, with whom he went on a study trip to Venice in 1599 to see Giovanni Gabrieli . In 1603 he became a member of the Royal Chapel. From 1605 to 1609 he continued his studies with Gabrieli in Venice. He then continued to work as a member of the Royal Chapel in Copenhagen. In 1611 he made a trip to England with Jacob Ørn and Hans Brachrogge . A year after Borchgrevinck was appointed conductor, Pedersøn was appointed royal vice conductor in 1619.

During his second stay in Venice, the Madrigali a cinque voci collection was published . Libro Primo ... di Magno Petreo Dano, Musico . Perdersøn apparently worked on a second collection of madrigals during his trip to England. His main work, the Pratum Spirituale , was published in Copenhagen in 1620. It contains 21 five-part hymns and a mass, three motets and a number of responsories.

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  • Alfred Baumgartner: Propylaea World of Music - The Composers - A lexicon in five volumes . tape 4 . Propylaen Verlag, Berlin 1989, ISBN 3-549-07830-7 , pp. 277-278 .
