Jacob Ørn

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Jacob Ørn , Jacob Aqvilinus (* before 1600; † 1654 ) was a Danish musician and composer .


The first news that has come down about Ørn concerns a study trip to England, which he undertook in 1611-14 with Mogens Pedersøn and Hans Brachrogge . After his return to Denmark he became a singer in the court orchestra of King Christian IV. After he had actually represented Melchior Borchgrevinck as Kapellmeister between 1627 and 1631 and after his death , in 1634 he became vice conductor of the court orchestra under the direction of the chief conductor Heinrich Schütz . From 1649 he retired when he paid his full salary.

From Ørn's compositions, a Pavane in a manuscript from England and a four-part set of the chorale Af Højheden are preserved in Laurids Pedersen Thura's Canticum canticorum Salomonis (Copenhagen 1640). A four-part chorale book completed in 1647, however, has been lost.
