Joaquín del Pino Sánchez de Rojas

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Joaquin del Pino

Joaquín del Pino Sánchez de Rozas Romero y Negrete (born January 20, 1729 in Baena , ( Córdoba ), Spain , † April 11, 1804 in Buenos Aires ) was a Spanish politician and military man who held various positions within the colonial administration.

Joaquín del Pino was born to María Sánchez de Rojas and Francisco del Pino Romero. At the age of 18 he joined the Oran regiment as a cadet , where he lived with his family for 20 years. At a very young age, his path led him to the Academia Militar de Ingenieros . In 1770 he held the rank of Teniente Coronel . In the same year he was sent to Montevideo. Joaquín del Pino was there as the successor to José Joaquín de Vianas from February 1773 to August 2, 1790 governor of Montevideo . During this time he was raised to the military rank of brigadier in 1789 and soon afterwards he was posted to Charcas as captain general , where he became governor and president of the local court. After he had exercised these functions until 1798, he was appointed Mariscal that year . Between 1799 and 1801 he then held the post of governor of Chile . He was then from May 20, 1801 until his death on April 11, 1804 viceroy of the Río de la Plata .

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  1. Data on
predecessor Office successor
Gabriel de Avilés Viceroy of the Río de la Plata
Rafael de Sobremonte