Lope de Ulloa y Lemos

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Lope de Ulloa y Lemos (* around 1572 in Galicia , Spain ; † December 8, 1620 ( according to other information in October or November 1620 ) in Concepción , Chile ) was a Spanish soldier who held the post of governor from 1618 until his death of Chile held.


Career in the Spanish Army and Navy

Ulloa spent his youth in the Serliza fortress in Galicia; at a young age he joined the Spanish army and went to the New World in 1595. He fought in Mexico , which was then still called New Spain , and served on three voyages (the last in 1603) in the escort fleet of the merchant ships on the route between Mexico and the Philippines ; these trips took him to Japan . For his services he was appointed Capitán General del Mar del Sur , the commander in chief of the Spanish Pacific Fleet. In this function he reached After he had married a wealthy heiress in Peru in 1604 , he reached the rank of guard and cavalry general. He also joined the secular covenant of the Jesuits . This office in particular later had political relevance.

Term of office as Governor of Chile

The Viceroy of Peru, Francisco de Borja y Aragón , Prince of Squillace , appointed him governor on September 23, 1617, after he had been shortlisted for the post in 1610. He traveled with almost 200 reinforcements and a piece of furniture and a trousseau of hitherto unknown splendor from Callao in December with two ships to Chile, where he went ashore on January 12, 1618 in Concepción. His interim predecessor, Fernando Talaverano Gallegos, handed over the official business to him and retired to Santiago de Chile , where he worked as Oidor of the colonial administration in Chile (Spanish: Real Audiencia von Chile ).

Ulloa held the office of governor for two years, his tenure was marked by the fight against the Mapuche Indians in the Arauco War . In 1620 the plague raged in Chile and claimed numerous lives. Governor Ulloa was also seriously ill in Concepión. His imminent death was foreseeable towards the end of the year; he appointed Cristóbal de la Cerda y Sotomayor as a temporary successor; Ulloa died on the morning of December 8, 1620. His widow, Francisca Lacero de la Coba, was accused of poisoning her husband after his death.


  • Diego Barros Arana : Historia General de Chile . tape 4 . Editorial Universitaria, Santiago de Chile 2001, p. 99–111 (Spanish, memoriachilena.cl [accessed June 10, 2010] First edition: 1886).
  • José Toribio Medina : Diccionario Biográfico Colonial de Chile . Imprenta Elziviriana, Santiago, Chile 1906, p. 882–883 (Spanish, memoriachilena.cl [PDF; accessed June 10, 2010]).