Panagiotis Doxaras

Panagiotis Doxaras (* 1662 in Mani , † 1729 in Corfu ; also Panayotis or Panayiotis Doxaras ) was an important Greek painter and founder of the so-called painting school of the Ionian Islands .
In 1664 his family settled on the island of Zakynthos. On the island he took icon painting lessons from Leo Moskos at a young age. In 1694 he became a soldier in the Venetian army and fought against the Ottomans in Chios . Five years later he left the army, where he was made a knight by the Venetians for his military services and in 1721 was given real estate on the island of Leukas .
From 1699 to 1704 he studied painting in Venice . After studying in Italy, he spent the rest of his life on the islands of Zakynthos , Leukas and Corfu .
The works of Doxaras represent a turning point in Greek painting from Byzantine hagiographic painting to Renaissance art . Panagiotis Doxaras was an admirer of Italian painters and especially of Leonardo da Vinci , whose work "Trattato della pittura" he translated into Greek. In 1726 he wrote his own work, a painter's book with the title "About Painting" (Peri Zographias), which was published much later, in 1871 (in German translation 2004).
Doxara's works deal mainly with religious subjects. But he was also one of the first Greek portraitists. His best-known portrait is that of Count von der Schulenburg, the defender of Corfu. Doxaras also painted the ceiling of the Church of Saint Spyridon in Corfu and decorated it with icons. The ceiling painting, his main work, was destroyed by moisture and had to be painted over in the middle of the 19th century.
- Δοξαράς, Παναγιώτης: Περί ζωγραφίας, εκδ. Σπ. Π. Λάμπρου, εν Αθήναις, 1871; Αθήνα (Εκάτη 1996)
- Λάμπρου, Σπ .: Συμπληρωματικαί ειδήσεις περί του ζωγράφου Παναγιώτου Δοξαρά Ν. * Ελληνομνήμων ή Σύμμικτα Ελληνικά, τ. 1, 1843
- Σάθα, Κ .: Νεοελληνική Φιλολογία, Αθήνα 1868
- Σάθα, Κ .: Τουρκοκρατούμενη Ελλάς, Αθήνα 1868
- Ηλίας Τσιτσέλης: Κεφαλληνιακά Σύμμικτα, Αθήνα 1960
- Παπαντωνίου, Ζαχαρία: Κριτικά. Εστία 1966
- Δεληγιάννη, Δ .: Η Πραγματεία του Παναγιώτη Δοξαρά Περί ζωγραφίας 1726. Περ. Διπλή * Εικόνα, τεύχος 4-5, Αθήνα 1985
- Κόντογλου, Φώτη: Π. Δοξαράς - Λεξικό Κ. Ελευθερουδάκη τ. Δ΄ σελ. 700
- Κουτσιλιέρη, Ανάργυρου: Ιστορία της Μάνης. Παπαδήμας, Αθήνα 1993
- Bentchev, Ivan: Greek and Bulgarian painting books. Technology. Recklinghausen; Museums of the City of Recklinghausen, 2004 (Contributions to the art of the Christian East; Volume 11, edited by Eva Haustein-Bartsch) ISBN 3-929040-74-3 , pp. 130–153
- Мутафов, Е .: Европеизация на хартия, София 2001, с. 143-150
- Мутафов, Емануел: Панайотис Доксарас "За живописта". Ерминия за различните верници - превод от гръцки език и коментар // Паметници, реставрация, музер, 2004, музер., 2004 2, май, c. 9-17
- Бенчев, Иван: Доксарас, Панайотис // Православная Энциклопедия (ПЭ), т. XV, М. 2007, c. 576
Web links
- English-language article on the art of Corfu, with a mention of the painting by Panagiotis Doxaras
- French-language article on painting on Zakynthos, with a section on Panagiotis Doxaras
personal data | |
SURNAME | Doxaras, Panagiotis |
ALTERNATIVE NAMES | Doxaras, panayotis; Doxaras, panayiotis; Δοξαράς, Παναγιώτης (Greek) |
BRIEF DESCRIPTION | Greek painter |
DATE OF BIRTH | 1662 |
DATE OF DEATH | 1729 |
Place of death | Corfu |