Johann Adam Aulhorn

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Johann Adam Aulhorn (* 1729 ; † 1808 ) was an actor, singer and dancer at the court of the Duchy of Saxony-Weimar-Eisenach .

Aulhorn entered Weimar court services in 1757, from which he was dismissed after Duke Ernst August Constantin's death (1758). Duchess Anna Amalie von Sachsen-Weimar-Eisenach appointed Aulhorn as substitute for court dance master Vezin in 1760 and, after his death in 1766, court dance master. From 1762 he was the dance teacher of the Hereditary Prince Karl August of Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach (1757-1828) and Prince Constantin. Aulhorn became acquainted with Goethe at an early stage through his participation in the princely amateur theater . Even during his later managerial work at the court theater, Goethe came into contact with Aulhorn, who was involved in the training of young actors.
