February 6th
February 6 is the 37th day of the Gregorian calendar , leaving 328 days (329 days in leap years ) until the end of the year.
Historical Anniversaries January · February · March |
politics and world affairs
- Sasanian king Hormizd IV , against whom his general Bahram Chobin has already risen, is overthrown by a party of nobles at court and replaced by his son Khosrau II before Chobin has reached the capital. 590: The
- Frankish king Charlemagne issues the Divisio Regnorum for the time after his death , which provides for the division of the empire among his sons Charles , Pippin and Ludwig . Due to the premature death of the two older brothers, the division plan has no meaning, Ludwig has the sole inheritance. The document also mentions Ingolstadt for the first time ( Ingoldes stat = "site of Ingold"). 806: The
- 1637: The Union of Chains against the French presence in Graubünden is concluded in Chur .
- 1643: The Dutch navigator Abel Tasman is the first European to discover the archipelago of Fiji in the Pacific.
- 1662: In the Treaty of Montmartre , French King Louis XIV gains influence over the Duchy of Lorraine .
- 1685: With the death of Charles II , his brother James II becomes king of England and – as James VII – of Scotland .
- 1713: Tsar Peter the Great and the Danish King Frederick IV meet at the time of the Great Northern War in Gottorf Castle , where the Tsar is also interested in the Gottorf giant globe, known throughout Europe , which a few weeks later went to the Tsar ’s Kunstkammer in Sankt Petersburg is being transported.
- 1778: France recognizes US independence during the American Revolutionary War .
- 1788: Massachusetts becomes the 6th state of the USA .
- 1795: In Graaff-Reinet , Boers establish the first Boer Republic in protest against the Dutch East India Company , which lasts for about a year and a half .
- 1810: The French begin the Siege of Cádiz during the Napoleonic Wars . The capture of the city does not succeed and in 1812 the troops withdraw.
- 1838: The Zulu king Dingane has Pieter Retief and his Voortrekkers murdered during peace negotiations in the Zulu capital of uMgungundlovu .
- 1840: New Zealand falls under British rule with the Treaty of Waitangi between Māori representatives and the United Kingdom .
- 1862: At the Battle of Fort Henry, Union troops under General Ulysses S. Grant achieve their first significant victory in the western theater of the Civil War .
- 1875: In the German Reich , the new Reich law on the certification of civil status and marriage , which was created during the Kulturkampf , stipulates compulsory civil marriage and allows for divorce . The law comes into effect on January 1, 1876.
- 1888: In the German Reich , compulsory military service is extended to seven years and the military strength of the army is increased to 700,000 men.
- 1919: The National Assembly of the Weimar Republic to draw up a constitution meets for the first time in Weimar to escape the revolutionary unrest in Berlin .
- 1922: In the Washington Naval Agreement , the five naval powers Great Britain, France, Italy, Japan and the USA agree on an armament limitation for their large warships . However, the first disarmament treaty is thwarted by an arms race in smaller ship classes that will soon burgeon.
- 1952: Elizabeth II becomes after the death of her father George VI. Queen and Head of State of the United Kingdom and various other Commonwealth countries . She finds out about it after spending the night at the Treetops Hotel in Kenya .
- 1989: The first round table meeting between the communist leadership and the Solidarność trade union takes place in the Polish capital of Warsaw . The talks last until April 5th.
- 1998: France 's Prefect of Corsica , Claude Erignac, assassinated by Corsican separatists .
- 2000: Tarja Halonen wins the Finnish presidential runoff , becoming the first woman to be elected to the post.
- 2001: Ariel Sharon of Likud wins special election for prime minister in Israel .
- 2004: Gerhard Schröder announces that he intends to hand over the SPD party chairmanship to Franz Müntefering . Formally, a special party conference is required for the handover, which will take place on March 21.
- 1903: The US House of Representatives tightened the existing Anti- Trusts Act .
- 1919: For the first time, planes take off twice a day from Berlin-Johannisthal to transport mail to the Constituent National Assembly in Weimar . This marks the beginning of the history of civil airmail in Germany.
- 1959: American engineer Jack Kilby files a patent for the first integrated circuit .
- 1963: The prototype of the Boeing 727 has its maiden flight.
- 1980: The Federal Constitutional Court finds that the peaceful use of nuclear energy is compatible with the Basic Law for the Federal Republic of Germany . A constitutional complaint regarding the approval process for the Mülheim-Kärlich nuclear power plant is unsuccessful.
science and technology
- 1886: German chemist Clemens Winkler , while analyzing the rare mineral argyrodite , discovers another chemical element, which he names germanium . It corresponds to the eka silicon predicted 15 years earlier by Dmitri Mendeleev .
- 1680: The premiere of the opera L'Honestà negli Amori by Alessandro Scarlatti takes place in the Palazzo Bernini in Rome .
- 1727: The opera Don Chisciotte in corte della duchessa by Antonio Caldara is premiered at the Teatrino di corte in Vienna.
- 1737: The premiere of the tragicomedy Alessandro in Sidone by Giovanni Bononcini takes place at the Small Court Theater in Vienna .
- 1746: The premiere of the opera Caio Mario by Niccolò Jommelli takes place in Bologna .
- 1764: Prince Franz Xaver founds as administrator for his nephew, the still underage Elector of Saxony Friedrich August III. an academy for painting in Leipzig, which he reports to the art academy in Dresden .
- 1829: The opera Le Jeune Propriétaire et le vieux fermier by Adolphe Adam is premiered at the Théâtre des Nouveautés in Paris .
- 1900: The German Empire passes the Lex Heinze , which censors the public depiction of "immoral" acts in works of art, literature and theater performances .
- 1959: The world premiere of Francis Poulenc 's opera La voix humaine takes place at the Opéra-Comique in Paris .
- 2002: In Berlin , the film Heaven by Tom Tykwer opens the International Film Festival .
- 2003: In Berlin , Rob Marshall 's film Chicago opens the International Film Festival .
- 2009: The Canadian feature film Polytechnique by director Denis Villeneuve , which deals with the 1989 killing spree at the Polytechnic of Montréal , opens in Québec cinemas .
- 1932: In the Calmette trial about the Lübeck vaccination gap , in which 77 children died as a result of a contaminated tuberculosis vaccine, the two doctors Georg Deycke and Ernst Altstaedt are sentenced to imprisonment for negligent homicide.
- Julius I is elected Bishop of Rome . 337:
- 1457: The Marienfeld Altar is erected in the Cistercian Abbey of Marienfeld .
- 1831: Bartolomeo Alberto Cappellari, elected on February 2nd, becomes Gregory XVI. crowned pope.
- 1922: Cardinal Achille Ratti is elected Pope after four days of conclave and takes the name of Pius XI. on.
- 1958: British European Airways Flight 609 crashes during a stopover at Munich-Riem Airport en route from Belgrade to Manchester . 23 of 44 passengers, including almost the entire team of the English football club Manchester United , are killed.
- 1979: In Bremen's Roland mill , a cable fire triggers the most violent flour dust explosion in German history. The result was 14 dead, 17 injured, some seriously, and property damage equivalent to around 50 million euros.
- 1996: A charter aircraft operated by Turkey's Birgenair , a Boeing 757 with flight number 301 , crashed into the Atlantic Ocean shortly before midnight local time after taking off from Puerto Plata Airport in the Dominican Republic. 189 people die, including 164 German tourists.
- 1997: The dam on Lake Opuha in New Zealand ruptures after heavy rains, releasing 13 million cubic meters of water.
- 1999: More than 300 people die when an Indonesian ferry sinks off the island of Borneo .
- 2016: An earthquake with an epicenter near Kaohsiung kills more than 100 people and causes massive damage in Taiwan .
Minor accidents are listed in the sub-articles of Disaster .
- 1936: Adolf Hitler opens the IV Olympic Winter Games in Garmisch-Partenkirchen . Skier Willy Bogner speaks the Olympic oath .
- 1968: French President Charles de Gaulle opens the X Winter Olympics in Grenoble , which features two separate German teams for the first time. Ski racer Léo Lacroix speaks the Olympic oath, the Olympic flame is lit by former figure skater Alain Calmat .
- 1995: With Arantxa Sánchez Vicario , the first tennis player from Spain moves to the top of the tennis world rankings .
- 2012: The Court of Arbitration for Sport bans the Spanish cyclist Alberto Contador for two years because of doping. His victory at the 2010 Tour de France and the 2011 Giro d'Italia were retrospectively revoked.
Entries of track and field world records are located under the respective discipline under Athletics .
Before the 18th century
- Daigo , Japanese Emperor 885:
- 1347: Dorothea von Montau , patroness of the Teutonic Order and Prussia
- 1356: Henry Ferrers, 4th Baron Ferrers of Groby , English nobleman
- 1402: Ludwig I (the peaceable), Landgrave of Hesse
- 1452: Joan of Portugal , Portuguese princess of the House of Avis
- 1465: Scipione del Ferro , Italian mathematician
- 1519: Georg IV Fuchs von Rügheim , Bishop of Bamberg and Prince Bishop of the Bishopric of Bamberg
- 1521: Sebastian Ochsenkun , German lutenist and composer
- 1566: Georg Wecker , German physician and physicist
- 1577: Beatrice Cenci , Roman patrician
- 1608: António Vieira , Portuguese Catholic theologian, Jesuit and missionary
- 1611: Chongzhen , last emperor of the Ming dynasty in China
- 1614: Hans Rudolf Werdmuller , Zurich general
- 1620: Elisabeth von Baden-Durlach , German proverb poet
- 1630: Lucas van de Poll , Dutch legal scholar
- 1634: Georg Christian , Prince of East Friesland
- 1639: Daniel Georg Morhof , German literary historian and polyhistor
- 1643: Johann Kasimir Kolb von Wartenberg , Prussian minister
- 1664: Mustafa II , Sultan of the Ottoman Empire
- 1665: Anne , Queen of Great Britain and Ireland
- 1675: Johann Friedrich zu Castell-Rüdenhausen , Imperial Privy Councilor
18th century
- 1708: Anna Petrovna , Russian noblewoman, daughter of Peter the Great
- 1721: Christian Henrich Heineken , Lübeck child prodigy
- 1722: Regina Mingotti , Italian soprano
- 1727: David Claparède , Swiss Protestant clergyman and university teacher
- 1730: Januarius Zick , German Baroque painter and architect
- 1732: Charles Lee , British soldier, General of the Continental Army in the American Revolutionary War
- 1732: Jean-Baptiste Duhamel , French dragoon officer, a key player in the fight against the "Beast of Gevaudan"
- 1733: James Duane , New York State delegate to the Continental Congress
- 1736: Franz Xaver Messerschmidt , German sculptor
- 1739: Christian Gottfried Hahmann , German master builder
- 1748: Adam Weishaupt , German founder of the Illuminati Order
- 1752: Carl Christian Horvath , German bookseller and founder of the Börsenverein der Deutschen Buchhändler
- 1756: Aaron Burr , American politician and US Vice President
- 1758: Johann Baptist Farina , German entrepreneur
- 1767: Saul Ascher , German writer
- 1769: Ludwig von Wallmoden-Gimborn , Austrian cavalry general
- 1772: Gerhard von Kügelgen , German portrait and history painter
- 1772: Karl von Kügelgen , German landscape and history painter, Russian court and cabinet painter
- 1778: Ugo Foscolo , Italian poet
- 1781: John Keane, 1st Baron Keane , British general
- 1784: Wilhelm Ferdinand Ermeler , Berlin industrialist and Privy Councilor of Commerce
- 1790: John Silva Meehan , US head of the Library of Congress
- 1796: Joseph Karl Anrep-Elmpt , Russian officer
- 1797: Joseph von Radowitz , Prussian general and politician
- 1799: George Arnott Walker Arnott , Scottish botanist
- 1800: Achille Devéria , French painter and lithographer
19th century
- 1801: Laure Cinti-Damoreau , French opera singer
- 1802: Charles Wheatstone , British physicist
- 1803: Doroteo Vasconcelos Vides , head of state of El Salvador
- 1807: Hans Matthison-Hansen , Danish composer and organist
- 1809: Carl August Hube , German lithographer
- 1809: Jakob Ferdinand Schreiber , German lithographer and publisher
- 1811: Robert Berndt , German jurist, mayor and member of parliament
- 1811: Henry George Liddell , British classical scholar and lexicographer
- 1812: Berthold Damcke , German composer, pianist, conductor
- 1812: Heinrich Kahl , German instrumentalist and choirmaster
- 1813: Eduard Michelis , German Catholic theologian
- 1814: Johann Adä , German physician and politician
- 1814: Romuald Božek , Czech inventor and designer
- 1814: Nicolas Adolphe de Galhau , German businessman and politician
- 1814: Franz Adolf Schalch , Swiss politician and judge
- 1815: George A. Bicknell , American politician
- 1817: August Kindermann , German opera singer
- 1818: Karl Aberle , Austrian physician
- 1818: Henry Litolff , British piano virtuoso, composer and music publisher
- 1825: José Julián Acosta , Puerto Rican journalist
- 1828: Emil Arnoldt , German philosopher and private scholar
- 1829: Thomas H. Armstrong , American politician
- 1829: Émile Vaudremer , French architect
- 1830: Daniel Oliver , British botanist
- 1832: John Brown Gordon , American jurist, Confederate general in Civil War, politician
- 1833: James Ewell Brown Stuart , American officer, Confederate general in American Civil War
- 1834: Hermann Aubel , German painter, illustrator and author
- 1834: Ilma von Murska , Croatian opera singer (soprano)
- 1834: Wilhelm von Scherff , German military writer
- 1836: Maria Gugelberg von Moos , Swiss botanist
- 1838: Eduard Hitzig , German brain researcher
- 1838: Henry Irving , British actor
- 1842: Mary Rudge , British World Chess Champion
- 1843: Georg Arnould , German marine and army painter
- 1843: Frederic WH Myers , British poet, critic and essayist
- 1843: Paul Sébillot , French narrative researcher, painter and writer
- 1845: Bernhard von Prittwitz and Gaffron , royal Prussian cavalry captain, state elder of Upper Silesia
- 1845: Ernst Eckstein , German writer
- 1846: Karl Haider , German painter
- 1848: Wilhelm von Finck , German banker
- 1849: Hermine Villinger , German writer
- 1851: Hanna Bieber-Böhm , German women's rights activist and pioneer of social work
- 1852: Conwy Lloyd Morgan , British animal psychologist
- 1854: Korl Biegemann , German poet
- 1859: Jakob Julius David , Austrian journalist and writer
- 1859: Wilhelm Cohn , German chess player
- 1860: Robert Misch , German librettist and writer
- 1860: Bruno Wille , German philosopher, journalist and writer
- 1861: Nikolai Dmitrievich Selinsky , Russian chemist
- 1861: George Tyrrell , Irish theologian
- 1862: Rafaela Serrano Rodríguez , Cuban pianist and music teacher of Spanish origin
- 1863: Carl Bössenroth , German painter
- 1864: John Henry Mackay , Scottish-German writer
- 1865: Andrew Crommelin , British astronomer
- 1865: Arthur Lemisch , Austrian politician
- 1866: Henri Letocart , French organist and composer
- 1867: Richard Lipinski , German trade unionist, politician, writer and publicist, MdR, state minister, prime minister
- 1871: Hermann Alois Mayer , German businessman, health researcher, inventor, philosopher and writer
- 1872: Alfred Mombert , German writer
- 1873: Ewald Ovir , Baltic German missionary, evangelical martyr
- 1875: Otto Gessler , German politician, Minister of Defense
- 1875: Walter Hyde , British opera singer and singing teacher
- 1876: Eugène-Henri Gravelotte , French fencer
- 1876: Wilhelm Schmidtbonn , German writer
- 1879: Pedro Aguirre Cerda , Chilean politician
- 1879: Othon Friesz , French painter
- 1879: Neville Bulwer-Lytton, 3rd Earl of Lytton , British officer, sportsman and painter
- 1879: Edwin Samuel Montagu , British politician
- 1879: Carl Ramsauer , German physicist
- 1880: Alexander von Bernus , German writer
- 1881: Bruno Italiener , German rabbi
- 1882: Anne Spencer , American novelist
- 1883: Dmitri Pavlovich Grigorovich , Soviet aircraft designer
- 1883: Frederick Hulford , British athlete
- 1883: Carl Arthur Richter , Swiss composer and conductor
- 1885: Jo Eshuijs , Dutch footballer
- 1886: Sergio Corazzini , Italian poet
- 1887: Josef Frings , German theologian, cardinal and archbishop of Cologne
- 1888: Oscar Gans , German dermatologist
- 1889: Hans Bellée , German archivist and historian
- 1889: Elmo Lincoln , American actor
- 1890: Ernst Wilhelm Lotz , German poet
- 1891: Birger Dahlerus , Swedish industrialist
- 1892: Carl von Braitenberg , South Tyrolean politician
- 1892: William Parry Murphy , American physician, Nobel laureate
- 1893: Franz Arnold , Austrian canon lawyer
- 1893: Grete Fischer , Austro-British journalist and educator
- 1893: Muhammad Zafrullah Khan , Pakistani politician, Minister of Foreign Affairs, President of the International Court of Justice and the UN General Assembly
- 1893: Ernst Wyss , Swiss civil servant
- 1894: Richard Merrill Atkinson , American politician
- 1895: Sepp Allgeier , German cameraman and photographer
- 1895: Franz Radziwill , German painter
- 1895: Babe Ruth , German-born American baseball player
- 1895: Ferdinand Peroutka , Czech writer, playwright and publicist
- 1895: Kurt Wolff , German fighter pilot in World War I
- 1896: Peter Kollwitz , teenage German painter
- 1897: Louis Buchalter , American criminal in New York
- 1897: Alberto Cavalcanti , Brazilian film director and producer
- 1897: Humphrey Davy Findley Kitto , British classical scholar
- 1898: Erna Sack , German singer (soprano)
- 1899: Ramón Novarro , Mexican-American silent film star
- 1900: Qian Xingcun , Chinese literary scholar
- 1900: Roy Smeck , American guitarist
- 1900: Rüdiger Syberberg , German novelist and playwright
20th century
- 1902: Robert Dannemann , German politician, MP
- 1902: Rudolf Eickhoff , German politician, MdB, MdL
- 1903: Claudio Arrau , Chilean pianist
- 1903: Egon von Vietinghoff , German painter, textbook author and philosopher
- 1904: Theo Balden , German sculptor and printmaker
- 1905: Władysław Gomułka , Polish politician, minister, general secretary of the Polish United Workers' Party
- 1905: Irmgard Keun , German writer
- 1906: Tommy Wisdom , British racing driver and journalist
- 1907: Hansjochem Autrum , German zoologist
- 1907: Erich Dorn , German cyclist
- 1907: Kamei Katsuichirō , Japanese novelist and literary critic
- 1907: Paul Lemmerz , German wheel manufacturer and patron from Königswinter
- 1908: Richard Fritz Behrendt , German sociologist
- 1908: Gitta von Cetto , German writer and journalist
- 1908: Edgar Dittmar , German glider pilot
- 1908: Amintore Fanfani , Italian politician, Prime Minister
- 1908: Ulrich Paul Albert Graf , German mathematician
- 1908: Edward Lansdale , American officer
- 1910: Vera Brühne , German double murderer
- 1910: Siegfried Eifrig , German athlete, torchbearer at the 1936 Olympics
- 1910: Elfriede Seppi , German politician, MP
- 1911: Ronald Reagan , American actor and politician, Governor of California, 40th US President
- 1912: Eva Braun , German photo lab technician, partner of Adolf Hitler
- 1912: Odorico Sáiz , Spanish Roman Catholic bishop
- 1913: Mary Leakey , British archaeologist
- 1913: Lutz Theen , German painter
- 1914: Karlgeorg Hoefer , German typographer and calligrapher
- 1914: Walter Lütgehetmann , German carom player, world and European champion
- 1914: Thurl Ravenscroft , American bass singer, voice actor and actor
- 1916: Jean-Pierre Campredon , French diplomat
- 1916: Clifford Griffith , American racing driver
- 1917: Emmanuela Aichinger , German abbess of Tettenweis Monastery
- 1917: Zsa Zsa Gabor , American-Hungarian actress
- 1917: Hermann Schmidt , German politician, MdL, MP
- 1918: Lothar-Günther Buchheim , German writer, painter, art collector and publisher
- 1918: Johnny Tyler , American country music artist
- 1920: Ruth Deutsch Lechuga , Austrian physician, anthropologist and photographer
- 1920: Max Mannheimer , Jewish merchant, book author and painter, Holocaust survivor
- 1921: Angelo Cuniberti , Italian Vicar Apostolic in Colombia
- 1921: Bob Scott , New Zealand rugby union player
- 1922: Patrick Macnee , British actor
- 1922: Bruno Tetzner , German church musician and music teacher
- 1922: Haskell Wexler , American cinematographer
- 1923: Gyula Lóránt , Hungarian football player and coach
- 1924: Ivo Garrani , Italian actor
- 1924: Jin Yong , Chinese writer and sinologist
- 1924: Sammy Nestico , American jazz musician, composer, arranger
- 1924: Chuck Parsons , American racing driver
- 1924: Argentina Santos , Portuguese fado singer
- 1924: Paolo Volponi , Italian writer
- 1924: Billy Wright , English footballer
- 1925: Perry A. Chapdelaine , American science fiction writer
- 1925: Wolfgang Dietrich , German ev. religious education teacher, university lecturer and author
- 1925: Wolfgang Hammerschmidt , German dramaturge
- 1925: Pramoedya Ananta Toer , Indonesian writer
- 1926: Amélia Christinat , Swiss national councilor and women's rights activist
- 1926: Helmut Adamzyk , German politician
- 1926: Otto Austad , Norwegian ski jumper
- 1926: Julie Ann Jardine , American author and dancer
- 1926: Erik S. Klein , German actor
- 1926: Jean-Bernard Raimond , French politician and diplomat
- 1926: Lothar Zenetti , German theologian and writer
- 1927: Alexandru Apolzan , Romanian footballer
- 1927: George Froscher , German actor, dancer, set designer, choreographer, theater director and manager
- 1927: Charles Gerhardt , American conductor, arranger, sound engineer and music producer
- 1927: Felix Gerritzen , German soccer player
- 1927: Siegfried Jankowski , German politician, MdL
- 1927: Manfred Mautner Markhof junior , Austrian entrepreneur and politician
- 1927: Tom McIntosh , American jazz musician and composer
- 1927: Egon Morbitzer , German violinist
- 1927: Friedel Münch , German motorcycle designer
- 1927: Fritz Rößling , German soccer player and coach
- 1927: Hans-Bernhard Wuermeling , German forensic pathologist
- 1928: Walter Auffenberg , American biologist
- 1928: Hans-Eckehard Bahr , German Protestant theologian
- 1928: Sjel de Bruijckere , Dutch footballer
- 1928: Arno Esch , German politician, victim of East German dictatorship and Stalinism
- 1928: Allan Meltzer , American economist
- 1928: Chen Xilu , Chinese Catholic bishop
- 1929: Pierre Brice , French actor and singer
- 1929: Benbow Bullock , American sculptor
- 1929: Geraldo Holanda Cavalcanti , Brazilian writer, translator and diplomat
- 1929: Uwe Holmer , German theologian
- 1929: Sixten Jernberg , Swedish cross-country skier
- 1929: Manfred Roeder , German lawyer, Holocaust denier
- 1930: Rafael Alfaro , Spanish religious priest and poet
- 1930: Lionel Blue , British rabbi, author, journalist and television presenter
- 1930: Rolf Eden , German businessman and nightclub owner
- 1930: Allan King , Canadian film director
- 1930: Jun Kondō , Japanese physicist
- 1930: Amei-Angelika Müller , German writer
- 1930: Alexander Ivanovich Pirumow , Armenian-Russian composer and music teacher
- 1930: Richard M. Weiner , Romanian-German theoretical physicist and writer
- 1930: Horst Witterstein , German boxer
- 1931: Aly Dioum , Senegalese journalist and diplomat
- 1931: Mamie van Doren , American actress
- 1931: Heinz Kahlau , German poet
- 1931: Paul Lange , German canoeist
- 1931: Hans Schuierer , German district administrator
- 1931: Rip Torn , American actor
- 1931: Ricardo J. Vidal , Filipino priest, Archbishop of Cebu and cardinal
- 1931: René Villiger , Swiss artist and printmaker
- 1932: Ernst Haag , German theologian
- 1932: Ernst Herhaus , German writer
- 1932: Hans Holländer , German art historian
- 1932: Abdel-Halim Khafagy , Egyptian author and editor
- 1932: Olavio López Duque , Colombian Vicar Apostolic
- 1932: Heinz-Klaus Metzger , German music theorist and music critic
- 1932: François Truffaut , French director, film critic, actor and producer
- 1933: Jon Bluming , Dutch martial artist and artist
- 1933: Manfred H. Grieb , German entrepreneur, art collector and publisher
- 1933: Hans Haberhauffe , German handball player and handball and football coach
- 1933: Claus Leitzmann , German nutritionist
- 1933: Leona Siebenschön , German journalist and writer
- 1933: Michel Vovelle , French historian
- 1934: József Bielek , Hungarian politician
- 1934: Vern Ehlers , American politician
- 1934: Josef Grafeneder , Austrian pastor and author
- 1934: Yoshihiko Ikegami , Japanese linguist and literary scholar
- 1934: Annelies Laschitza , German historian
- 1934: Tomoko Yoshida , Japanese writer
- 1935: Bruno Hillebrand , German literary scholar and writer
- 1935: Anne Marie Moss , Canadian jazz singer
- 1935: Peter Thom , German actor
- 1935: Günter Werschy , German football player and coach
- 1937: Eckhart Dietrich , German judge
- 1937: Karl Drößler , German soccer player and biology scientist
- 1937: Rudolf Heinz , German philosopher, psychoanalyst and musicologist
- 1938: Jón Páll Bjarnason , Icelandic jazz guitarist
- 1938: Ulrich Feldhoff , German athlete and sports official
- 1939: Marina Petrova , Yugoslav actress
- 1939: Jair Rodrigues , Brazilian singer
- 1940: Peter Baumeister , German jazz drummer and banker
- 1940: Russell Streiner , American film producer and actor
- 1940: Tom Brokaw , American journalist
- 1940: Helga Thiede , German singer (soprano)
- 1941: Klaus Buchner , German physicist and politician
- 1941: Stephen Albert , American composer
- 1942: Will Danin , German actor
- 1942: James W. Loewen , American sociologist and author
- 1942: Gabriel Núñez , Mexican soccer player
- 1943: Gisela Hoey-Meeser , German handball player
- 1943: John Kornblum , American diplomat
- 1943: Per Svensson , Swedish wrestler
- 1943: Jürgen Udolph , German onomastics researcher
- 1944: Hans-Georg Atzinger , German officer
- 1944: Gert Audring , German ancient historian
- 1944: Per Øhrgaard , Danish Germanist and translator
- 1945: Maria Mambo Café , Angolan economist and politician
- 1945: Mišo Cebalo , Croatian chess grandmaster
- 1945: Jennifer Jackson , American model
- 1945: Bob Marley , Jamaican musician
- 1945: Heinz Stuy , Dutch footballer
- 1945: Michael Tucker , American actor
- 1945: Jean Xhenceval , Belgian racing driver
- 1946: Richard Hayward , American rock drummer
- 1946: Masatomo Taniguchi , Japanese basketball player
- 1947: Horst-Wolfram Kerll , German diplomat
- 1948: Stefan Baron , German journalist, spokesman for Deutsche Bank
- 1948: José Luis Capón , Spanish footballer
- 1948: Felix Mitterer , Austrian playwright
- 1948: Renate Roland , German actress
- 1948: Adolfo Tito Yllana , Philippine Catholic bishop and Vatican diplomat
- 1949: Adrian Alston , Australian footballer
- 1949: Mike Batt , British musician and composer
- 1949: Reinhard Fißler , German rock singer and guitarist
- 1949: Michael Fuchs , German entrepreneur and politician, MP
- 1949: Heinz-Detlef Kronfeldt , German physicist and university lecturer
- 1949: Manuel Orantes , Spanish tennis player
- 1949: Babatunde Osotimehin , Nigerian physician and politician
- 1949: Karin Roth , German politician, senator, MP
- 1949: Jim Sheridan , Irish director and screenwriter
- 1949: Bent Tomtum , Norwegian ski jumper
- 1949: Eliot Weinberger , American writer, essayist and translator
- 1950: Ağaxan Abdullayev , Azerbaijani mugham singer and music educator
- 1950: Hideo Azuma , Japanese mangaka
- 1950: Natalie Cole , American singer and actress
- 1950: René Fasel , Swiss ice hockey official, President of the IIHF
- 1950: Paul Gentilozzi , American racing driver and racing team owner
- 1950: Lars-Christer Olsson , Swedish football official
- 1951: Brigitte Fuchs , Swiss author and poet
- 1951: Ulla Lachauer , German documentary filmmaker, journalist and book author
- 1951: Jacques Villeret , French actor
- 1952: Viktor Giacobbo , Swiss author, cabaret artist, presenter and actor
- 1952: Ricardo La Volpe , Mexican soccer player and coach
- 1952: Christian Mähr , Austrian editor and writer
- 1952: Klaus Möller , German author, producer and director
- 1952: John P. O'Neill , American anti-terrorism expert
- 1953: Gisela Sparmberg , German politician
- 1954: Bärbel Freudenberg-Pilster , German politician
- 1954: Érik Izraelewicz , French business journalist
- 1955: Birgir Andrésson , Icelandic artist
- 1955: Michael Pollan , American journalist and non-fiction author
- 1955: Ralf Salzmann , German long-distance runner
- 1956: Peter Gailer , German ice hockey player and coach
- 1956: Natalia Linichuk , Russian figure skater
- 1956: Hikaru Okuizumi , Japanese writer
- 1956: Nazan Öncel , Turkish pop singer
- 1956: Dieter Winkler , German writer
- 1957: Matthew Best , British conductor
- 1957: Andrea Bürgin , Swiss actress
- 1957: Ricardo Ortíz , Uruguayan soccer player and coach
- 1957: Simon Phillips , British drummer
- 1957: Ralph Thiekötter , German sound engineer
- 1958: Cecily Adams , American actress and director
- 1958: Efraín Flores , Mexican soccer player and coach
- 1958: Barry Miller , American actor
- 1959: Dermot Bolger , Irish writer, editor and publisher
- 1959: Irene Diet , German writer
- 1959: Helga Pankratz , Austrian author and cabaret artist
- 1960: Erich Amplatz , Austrian table tennis player
- 1960: Markus Antonietti , German chemist
- 1960: Dieter Engels , German soccer player
- 1960: Aris Fioretos , Swedish writer and translator
- 1960: Megan Gallagher , American actress
- 1961: Florence Aubenas , French journalist
- 1961: Bernd Dittert , German track cyclist, national coach in track cycling
- 1961: Malu Dreyer , German politician, MdL and Prime Minister
- 1962: Therese Hämer , German actress
- 1962: François Lecointre , Chief of the French General Staff
- 1962: Axl Rose , American rock singer ( Guns N' Roses )
- 1963: Michael Georg Link , German politician and MP
- 1963: Dorothee Nolte , German journalist and writer
- 1963: Jukka Ylipulli , Finnish Nordic combined athlete
- 1964: Michael Breitkopf , German musician
- 1965: Bernhard Bettermann , German actor
- 1965: Jan Svěrák , Czech film director, actor and screenwriter
- 1966: Rick Astley , British singer
- 1966: Mirko Schmidt , German politician, MdL
- 1967: Zard , Japanese pop singer
- 1967: Hansjörg Weißbrich , German film editor
- 1968: Patrick Lemarié , French racing driver
- 1968: Arne Lygre , Norwegian novelist and playwright
- 1968: Monica Mæland , Norwegian politician
- 1968: Adolfo Valencia , Colombian footballer
- 1969: Scott Amendola , American jazz drummer and bandleader
- 1969: Eiríkur Bergmann , Icelandic political scientist and novelist
- 1969: David Hayter , American actor and screenwriter
- 1969: Daniel Lind Lagerlöf , Swedish film director
- 1970: Per Frandsen , Danish footballer
- 1970: Tim Herron , American professional golfer
- 1970: Patrice Loko , French footballer
- 1970: Margit Dengler-Paar , German luger
- 1971: José María Jiménez , Spanish cyclist
- 1971: Simon Stephens , British playwright
- 1972: Gisela Aderhold , German actress
- 1972: Tomas Andersson Wij , Swedish singer and songwriter
- 1972: Greger Artursson , Swedish ice hockey player
- 1972: Akın Kuloğlu , Turkish boxer
- 1973: Chris Braide , British singer, composer, songwriter and record producer
- 1973: Manuel Höferlin , German politician and MP
- 1974: Donny Crevels , Dutch racing driver
- 1974: Jan Thomas Lauritzen , Norwegian handball player
- 1974: Serge Mimpo , Cameroonian footballer
- 1975: Orkut Büyükkökten , Turkish software engineer
- 1975: Charlotte Karlinder , Swedish-German TV presenter
- 1976: Kasper Hvidt , Danish handball goalkeeper
- 1976: Maria Simon , German actress and musician
- 1976: Annelies Verbeke , Flemish writer
- 1977: Jason Euell , Jamaican-English footballer
- 1977: Thomas von Steinaecker , German writer and journalist
- 1977: Josh Stewart , American actor
- 1978: Yael Naim , French-Israeli singer and songwriter
- 1978: Gareth Roberts , Welsh footballer
- 1979: Kristy Augustin , German politician
- 1979: Dan Bălan , Moldovan pop singer and music producer
- 1979: Volodymyr Bileka , Ukrainian cyclist
- 1979: Ilka Held , German handball player
- 1979: Reentko Dirks , German musician and composer
- 1979: Alice Weidel , German management consultant and politician
- 1980: Ludovic Delporte , French footballer
- 1980: Frank Løke , Norwegian handball player
- 1980: Luke Ravenstahl , American local politician, youngest mayor of Pittsburgh
- 1980: Flavio Schmid , Swiss footballer
- 1981: Ari Pekka Ahonen , Finnish ice hockey goalkeeper
- 1981: Samuele Dalla Bona , Italian footballer
- 1982: Nick Audsley , British film actor
- 1982: Inez Bjørg David , Danish actress
- 1982: Jimmy Davis , English footballer
- 1982: Alice Eve , British actress
- 1982: Lieke van Lexmond , Dutch actress, presenter and singer
- 1982: Juan Pablo Magallanes , Mexican cyclist
- 1982: Semavi Özgür , Turkish footballer
- 1982: Roman Patkoló , Slovak musician
- 1983: Corinna Biethan , German artistic cyclist
- 1983: Branko Ilič , Slovenian footballer
- 1983: Michael Klingler , Liechtenstein bobsledder
- 1983: Bérangère Sapowicz , French soccer player
- 1984: Duanganong Aroonkesorn , Thai badminton player
- 1984: Darren Bent , English footballer
- 1984: Piret Järvis , Estonian musician
- 1984: Hande Kodja , Belgian actress
- 1984: Katarina Tomašević , Serbian handball player
- 1985: Owusu Ampomah , Ghanaian footballer
- 1985: Brad Knighton , American soccer player
- 1985: Gülsüm Tatar , Turkish boxer
- 1985: Muhittin Tekin , Turkish footballer
- 1986: Dane DeHaan , American actor
- 1986: Alice Greczyn , American actress
- 1986: Carlos Sánchez , Colombian soccer player
- 1986: Mathew Tait , English rugby player
- 1987: Rinik Carolus , German footballer
- 1987: François-Henri Désérable , French writer; previously ice hockey player
- 1987: Martin Hess , German footballer
- 1987: Miika Lahti , Finnish ice hockey player
- 1987: Sarah Stork , German actress
- 1987: Orhan Taşdelen , Turkish footballer
- 1987: Cemil Tosun , Austrian footballer
- 1987: Barış Uçele , Turkish ice hockey goalie
- 1987: Joseph Walker , American actor and musical performer
- 1988: Farid Ahmadi , Afghan footballer
- 1988: Berkan Emir , Turkish footballer
- 1988: Robert Hauser , Austrian Nordic combined athlete
- 1988: Richard Weil , German footballer
- 1989: Craig Cathcart , Northern Ireland footballer
- 1989: Manuel Schäffler , German footballer
- 1989: Jonny Flynn , American basketball player
- 1990: Tatyana Yevgenevna Khmyrova , Russian handball player
- 1990: Desirée Schumann , German soccer player
- 1991: Bruno Andrade , Brazilian racing driver
- 1991: Ida Njåtun , Norwegian speed skater
- 1991: Anna Vladimirovna Sidorowa , Russian curler
- 1991: Max Stahr , German cyclist
- 1991: Carina Wenninger , Austrian soccer player
- 1992: André Dej , German footballer
- 1992: Wellington Nem , Brazilian footballer
- 1992: Steffan Winkelhorst , Dutch alpine skier
- 1993: Bianca Claßen , German web video producer
- 1993: Marius Steinhauser , German handball player
- 1994: Aldrich Bailey , American sprinter
- 1994: Danny Handling , Scottish footballer
- 1994: João Teixeira , Portuguese footballer
- 1994: Josh Webster , British motor racing driver
- 1994: İbrahim Yılmaz , Turkish footballer
- 1994: Charlie Heaton , American actor
- 1995: Leon Goretzka , German footballer
- 1995: Marie Luise Lehner , Austrian writer
- 1995: Jacqueline Lölling , German skeleton athlete
- 1996: Đỗ Tuấn Đức , Vietnamese badminton player
- 1996: Meike Pfister , German alpine skier
- 1997: Nicklas Nielsen , Danish racing car driver
- 1996: Michele Rocca , Italian footballer
- 1997: Jannes Horn , German soccer player
- 1997: Djibril Sow , Swiss footballer
- 1998: Tobias Warschewski , German footballer
- 2000: Conor Gallagher , English footballer
- 2000: Nico Mantl , German soccer player
Before the 16th century
- Chūai , 14th Emperor of Japan 200:
- Vedast , Bishop of Arras 540:
- K'an Joy Chitam I , ruler of the Maya city of Palenque 565:
- Hlothhere , King of Kent 685:
- Photios I , Patriarch of Constantinople 893:
- 1131: Gottfried , Count of Calw and Count Palatine of the Rhine
- 1140: Thurstan , Archbishop of York
- 1144: Godebold II , Burgrave of Würzburg
- 1182: Valentin , Bishop of Prague
- 1183: Hildegund von Meer , abbess
- 1200: Kajiwara Kagetoki , Japanese general
- 1215: Hōjō Tokimasa , Japanese prince
- 1224: Guttorm , Archbishop of Nidaros
- 1250: Godfrey VI. , Viscount of Châteaudun, Lord of Mondobleau and Saint-Calais, Crusader
- 1317: Brynolf Algotsson , Bishop of Skara
- 1317: Werner , Bishop of Lavant
- 1363: Henry III. of Brunswick-Lüneburg , Bishop of Hildesheim
- 1378: Jeanne de Bourbon , Queen of France
- 1390: Adolf I of Nassau , Archbishop of Mainz
- 1402: Louis de Sancerre , Constable of France
- 1439: Johann Dederoth , German Benedictine monk, abbot of the monasteries of Clus and Bursfelde
- 1447: Ital Reding the Elder , Schwyz Landammann
- 1456: Peter II Nowag , Bishop of Breslau
- 1497: Johannes Ockeghem , Franco-Flemish composer, singer and cleric
16th to 18th centuries
- 1515: Aldus Manutius , Venetian printer and publisher
- 1519: Lorenz von Bibra , Prince Bishop of Würzburg
- 1523: Jens Holgersen Ulfstand , Danish knight
- 1534: Johannes Bernhardi , German rhetorician and physicist
- 1539: John III. , Regent of the United Duchies of Jülich-Kleve-Berg
- 1546: Sophia of Liegnitz , Electress of Brandenburg
- 1547: Konrad Adelmann von Adelmannsfelden , German canon and humanist
- 1552: Henry V , Duke of Mecklenburg-Schwerin
- 1552: Friedrich Nausea , Catholic Bishop of the Diocese of Vienna
- 1553: Ernst I , Margrave of Baden
- 1554: Arnold von Bruck , German composer
- 1578: Felix Büchser , Swiss sculptor, carver and theater director
- 1591: Anna Sophie , Princess of Prussia and Duchess of Mecklenburg
- 1593: Jacques Amyot , French writer and theologian
- 1593: Ōgimachi , 106th Emperor of Japan
- 1597: Francesco Patrizi , Italian philosopher
- 1612: Christophorus Clavius , German Jesuit, mathematician and astronomer
- 1625: Philipp Julius of Pomerania , last Duke of Pomerania-Wolgast
- 1642: Veit Holzlechner , German Seidensticker, mayor of Wittenberg
- 1651: Hermann Czernin von Chudenitz , Austrian diplomat and soldier
- 1651: Erdmann August , Hereditary Prince of Brandenburg-Bayreuth
- 1654: Francesco Mochi , Italian sculptor and medalist
- 1679: Margherita de' Medici , Duchess of Parma and Piacenza
- 1684: Ernst Bogislaw von Croÿ , Bishop of Cammin and Brandenburg governor in Pomerania and Prussia
- 1685: Charles II King of England, Scotland and Ireland
- 1695: Ahmed II , Sultan of the Ottoman Empire
- 1699: Joseph Ferdinand , Elector-Prince of Bavaria and Prince of Asturias, heir-designate to the Spanish throne
- 1720: Johann Christoph Pfaff , Württemberg Lutheran theologian and dean of the University of Tübingen
- 1725: Johann Philipp Krieger , German composer, organist and conductor
- 1729: Pietro Marchitelli , Neapolitan violinist and composer
- 1733: Luise Raugräfin zu Pfalz , half-sister of Liselotte von der Pfalz
- 1740: Clement XII. , Pope
- 1745: Theodor Lubomirski , Voivode of Kraków and Imperial Field Marshal
- 1761: Clemens August of Bavaria , Archbishop of Cologne
- 1769: Georg Friedrich Bärmann , German mathematician
- 1770: Franz Kaspar von Franken-Siersdorf , auxiliary bishop in the Archdiocese of Cologne
- 1771: Johann Wolfgang Textor , German imperial, city and court mayor
- 1771: Johannes Daniël van Lennep , Dutch philologist
- 1783: Capability Brown , English landscape gardener
- 1793: Carlo Goldoni , Italian comedy poet
- 1799: Étienne-Louis Boullée , French architect
19th century
- 1803: Gasparo Angiolini , Italian dancer, choreographer and theorist
- 1804: Joseph Priestley , British-American theologian and philosopher, chemist and physicist
- 1809: Francesco Azopardi , Maltese composer
- 1809: Antoine Joseph Santerre , French National Guardsman
- 1833: Pierre André Latreille , French entomologist
- 1834: Richard Lander , British explorer of Africa
- 1835: Cayetano Valdés , Spanish naval officer, politician and regent
- 1838: Pieter Retief , Boer Voortrekker
- 1839: Heinrich August Wilhelm von Bülow , chief forester
- 1840: Peter von Bohlen , German orientalist
- 1841: Anton Hasenhut , Austrian actor and comedian
- 1855: Carl August Alsleben , Prussian politician
- 1855: Josef Munzinger , Swiss merchant and politician
- 1863: Carl Ludwig Frommel , German painter and etcher, steel engraver and etcher
- 1863: Christoph Bernoulli , Swiss naturalist and economist
- 1865: Isabella Beeton , British cookbook author
- 1887: Pětr Młónk , Sorbian folk poet
- 1894: Jacob Ammen , American teacher, civil engineer and brigadier general
- 1894: Theodor Billroth , German physician
- 1894: Maria Deraismes , French writer, humanist and suffragette, founding member of the Droit Humain
- 1896: John Gibbon , American Union general in the Civil War
- 1896: Charles-Gustave Smith , Canadian organist, composer, painter and music teacher
- 1897: Raffaele Cadorna the Elder , Italian general
- 1897: Christian Tønsberg , Norwegian publisher
- 1898: Leopold Löffler , Polish painter
- 1898: Rudolf Leuckart , German zoologist, founder of parasitology
- 1899: Alfred of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha , Hereditary Prince and heir apparent to the Dual Duchy
- 1899: Leo von Caprivi , Prussian general, statesman and chancellor
20th century
- 1902: Sophie Sichart von Sichartshoff , German poet
- 1904: Julius von Horst , Austrian major general and statesman
- 1905: Eduard Richter , Austrian geographer, historian, glaciologist and alpinist
- 1908: Justus Köberle , German Protestant theologian and university lecturer
- 1911: Morteza Qoli Chan Hedayat , Iranian politician, first President of the Parliament of Iran
- 1914: Peter Auzinger , German actor, Bavarian dialect poet
- 1916: Rubén Darío , Nicaraguan writer and diplomat
- 1917: Max Ohnefalsch-Richter , German archaeologist
- 1918: Gustav Klimt , Austrian painter, representative of Viennese Art Nouveau and the Vienna Secession
- 1919: Enrico Golisciani , Italian librettist
- 1921: Alberto Membreño Vásquez , President of Honduras
- 1922: Georg August Zenker , German gardener, botanist and zoologist
- 1923: Wyatt Aiken , American politician
- 1923: Edward Barnard , American astronomer
- 1923: Gerdt von Bassewitz , German writer
- 1923: Adolf Heyduk , Czech poet
- 1929: Maria Christina of Austria , Spanish regent
- 1929: Minnie Hauk , American opera singer (mezzo-soprano)
- 1929: Siegfried Ochs , German choir director and composer
- 1931: Motilal Nehru , Indian lawyer and statesman, co-founder of Swaraj party
- 1935: Anton von Premerstein , Austrian ancient historian and papyrologist
- 1935: Jackson Whipps Showalter , American chess player
- 1937: Jane Atché , French painter, printmaker and poster artist
- 1937: Gustav Gotthilf Winkel , German heraldist
- 1938: Marianne von Werefkin , Russian Expressionist painter
- 1939: Georges Gardet , French sculptor
- 1942: František Mareš , Czech politician, physiologist and philosopher
- 1943: Bogislav von Selchow , German writer and naval officer
- 1944: Tatyana Barbakoff , Latvian dancer, victim of the Holocaust
- 1945: Otto Thörner , German educator and local poet
- 1945: István Tóth-Potya , Hungarian football player and coach
- 1946: Gustav Böß , German lawyer and politician, Lord Mayor of Berlin
- 1946: Oswald Kabasta , Austrian conductor
- 1948: Sidney Arodin , American jazz clarinetist and composer
- 1949: Georg Amberger , German athlete
- 1949: Heinrich Köhler , German politician, Reich Minister, President of Baden, MdL
- 1949: Béla Zsolt , Hungarian writer and journalist
- 1950: Georg Imbert , French chemist and inventor
- 1952: Lipót Aschner , Hungarian industrialist
- 1952: George VI , British King
- 1953: Hans Strobel , German architect and building supervisor
- 1954: Maxwell Bodenheim , American writer
- 1954: Friedrich Meinecke , German historian and university professor
- 1955: Constantin Argetoianu , Romanian diplomat and politician
- 1955: Paul Aron , German pianist, composer, director, conductor, organizer, educator and translator
- 1955: Ottomar Schreiber , German-Lithuanian politician
- 1956: Henri Chrétien , French astronomer and inventor
- 1956: Friederike Manner , Austrian writer and editor
- 1958: Roger Byrne , English footballer
- 1958: Walter Crickmer , English football club secretary
- 1958: Mark Jones , English footballer
- 1958: Frank Swift , English footballer and journalist
- 1958: Tommy Taylor , English footballer
- 1959: Jules Mazellier , French composer
- 1960: Jesse Belvin , American R&B singer
- 1960: Karl Maybach , German engine designer
- 1961: Archibald Thompson Davison , American musicologist, music educator, and choral conductor
- 1961: Reinhard Machold , Austrian politician, provisional governor of Styria
- 1962: Maria Fischer , Austrian silk winder, resistance fighter against Austrofascism and National Socialism
- 1962: Teodósio Clemente de Gouveia , Portuguese-Mozambican cleric, Archbishop of Maputo and cardinal
- 1963: Abd al-Karim , leader in the Rif-Kabyle uprising in Morocco
- 1963: Piero Manzoni , Italian artist, pioneer of conceptual art
- 1964: Emilio Aguinaldo , Filipino general, politician and independence leader
- 1967: Martine Carol , French actress
- 1967: Henry Morgenthau , American politician
- 1970: Ferdinand Streb , German architect
- 1972: Boris Gavrilovich Shpitalny , Soviet weapons designer
- 1972: Emil Maurice , German SS officer, chauffeur and early political companion of Adolf Hitler
- 1975: Keith Park , Air Marshal of the British Royal Air Force
- 1976: Vince Guaraldi , American jazz musician, pianist and composer
- 1977: Hermann Felsner , Austrian football coach
- 1978: Frances Wayne , American jazz singer
- 1980: Franz Schafheitlin , German film actor
- 1981: Heinz Benthien , German table tennis player
- 1981: Friederike of Hanover , German Queen of Greece
- 1981: Marthe Robin , French mystic
- 1982: Ben Nicholson , British painter and object artist
- 1984: Hildegard Bleyler , German politician, MP
- 1985: Muriel Gardiner Buttinger , American psychoanalyst and author
- 1985: Inger Hagerup , Norwegian poet and writer
- 1985: Eduard Wahl , German legal scholar and politician, MP
- 1986: Minoru Yamasaki , American architect
- 1989: Chris Gueffroy , Victim at the Berlin Wall
- 1989: King Tubby , Jamaican reggae recording engineer
- 1989: Barbara Tuchman , American reporter and author
- 1991: Salvador Edward Luria , American microbiologist
- 1991: Erika Menne , German politician, MdL
- 1991: Chucho Rodríguez , Mexican composer, arranger, pianist and orchestra leader
- 1992: Felix Rexhausen , German journalist, author and satirist
- 1993: Arthur Ashe , American tennis player
- 1994: Joseph Cotten , American actor
- 1994: Jack Kirby , American comic artist
- 1994: Ignace Strasfogel , American composer
- 1995: Mira Lobe , Austrian children's book author
- 1995: James Merrill , American writer
- 1995: Art Taylor , American jazz drummer
- 1997: Roger Laurent , Belgian motorcycle and automobile racer
- 1997: Rolf Rodenstock , German entrepreneur, Chairman of the Federation of German Industries
- 1998: Liebfriede Bernstiel , German ceramist
- 1998: Falco , Austrian singer and musician
- 1998: Oscar Thiffault , Canadian folk singer
- 1998: Carl Wilson , American musician ( Beach Boys )
- 1998: Ferenc Sidó , Hungarian table tennis player
- 1999: Ernst Achilles , German Fire Director
- 1999: Erwin Blask , German athlete
- 1999: Umberto Maglioli , Italian racing driver
- 2000: Derroll Adams , American folk singer
- 2000: Gus Johnson , American drummer
- 2000: Phil Walters , American racing driver
21st century
- 2001: Joe Menke , German music producer and Schlager composer
- 2001: Kurt Neuwald , German founding member of the Central Council of Jews
- 2002: Max Ferdinand Perutz , Austro-English chemist
- 2003: Peter C. Steiner , German cellist
- 2004: Claus Hinrich Casdorff , German radio and television journalist
- 2004: Helmut Werner , German industrial manager
- 2005: Lazar Naumovich Berman , Russian pianist
- 2005: Hubert Curien , French research minister and physicist
- 2005: Hermann Jiinger , German goldsmith
- 2005: Detlef B. Linke , German brain researcher and philosopher
- 2005: Armin Müller , German writer and painter
- 2006: Mary Henderson , Canadian singer and music teacher
- 2006: Karin Struck , German writer
- 2007: Lee Hoffman , American author
- 2007: Frankie Laine , American singer, entertainer and actor
- 2008: Dieter Noll , German writer
- 2008: Tony Rolt , British racing driver, technical developer and officer
- 2009: Bashir Ahmad , Scottish politician
- 2009: Franz Austeda , Austrian civil servant, philosopher and educator
- 2009: James Whitmore , American actor
- 2010: John Dankworth , British jazz saxophonist (alto), clarinetist, big band leader and composer
- 2011: Andrée Chedid , Lebanese-French writer
- 2011: Gary Moore , British rock and blues guitarist, composer and singer
- 2012: Yasuhiro Ishimoto , Japanese-American photographer
- 2012: Antoni Tàpies , Spanish painter, printmaker and sculptor, theorist of Catalan art, major artist of the Informel
- 2012: Janice Elaine Voss , American astronaut
- 2013: Doğan Andaç , Turkish lieutenant colonel, football coach and official
- 2013: Stuart Freeborn , British makeup artist
- 2015: Peter Abraham , German writer
- 2015: André Brink , South African writer
- 2015: Assia Djebar , Algerian writer
- 2015: Willy Purucker , German screenwriter and radio play director
- 2016: Eddy Wally , Belgian singer
- 2017: Inge Keller , German actress
- 2017: Alec McCowen , British actor
- 2019: Rudi Assauer , German soccer player and manager
- 2019: Manfred Eigen , German chemist and Nobel laureate
- 2019: Rosamunde Pilcher , British novelist
- 2020: Jhon Jairo Velásquez , Colombian hitman
- 2021: Burwell Jones , American swimmer
- 2021: George Shultz , American politician
holidays and commemorations
- International Days of Remembrance
- Church commemorations
- St. Amand of Maastricht , Messenger of the Faith in Belgium and Bishop of Maastricht (Protestant, Catholic)
- St. Dorothea , Roman virgin, martyr and patron saint (Catholic, Orthodox)
- St. Paul Miki and Companions , Martyrs and Missionaries (Catholic)
- Holy Martyrs of Nagasaki , Martyrs and Missionaries (Anglican, Evangelical Memorial Day is February 5)
- St. Photios I , Byzantine author, Bishop and Patriarch of Constantinople (Orthodox)
- State holidays and commemorations
The list of commemoration and action days contains further entries .
Commons : February 6 - Collection of images, videos and audio files