K'an Joy Chitam I.

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Name of K'an Joy Chitam I on an inscription in the Temple of the Cross in Palenque
Redrawing the attribution

K'an Joy Chitam I. ( May 3, 490 - February 6, 565 ) was a ruler ( Ajaw ) of the Maya city ​​of Palenque . He ruled from February 6, 529 until his death.

Origin and family

K'an Joy Chitam I. was born on May 3, 490 ( long count, calendar round 12 Lamat 6 weeks). His family relationship with his predecessor Ahkal Mo 'Nahb I. has not yet been clarified. Since he was only 14 years old when K'an Joy Chitam was born, it seems unlikely that he was his father. It is also unclear whether his two successors Ahkal Mo 'Nahb II and Kan Bahlam I were his sons.

An inscription from the Temple of the Sun in Palenque names a ritual in which K'an Joy Chitam I participated on November 19, 496 (, 12 Ajaw 8 Keh) at the age of 6 years. Although the then ruler Butz'aj Sak Chiik had already moved the seat of power from the previously unidentified town of Toktahn to Palenque a few years earlier , this ritual still took place in Toktahn. The old mansion had not lost its importance suddenly. In the course of this ritual, K'an Joy Chitam I was introduced into an office, the meaning of which is so far unclear.


The beginning of the rule of K'an Joy Chitam I seems to have been accompanied by difficult political circumstances. His predecessor Ahkal Mo 'Nahb I. died on December 1, 524. K'an Joy Chitam I did not ascend the throne until more than four years later, on February 6, 529 (, 5 K'an 12 K'ayab). His age does not seem to have been a decisive reason for this, as he was 38 years old when he took office.

However, hardly any events have come down to us from his subsequent reign, which lasted over thirty years. One under K'inich Ahkal Mo 'Nahb III. (678 – after 736) inscription from Temple XIX in Palenque names celebrations at the end of a calendar period on February 11, 561 ( So far, this is the only event for which more detailed descriptions are available. Another, heavily weathered inscription from the Temple of Inscriptions in Palenque mentions further endings of calendar periods, namely on July 1, 534 ( and on March 18, 554 ( and possibly on September 3. April 551 ( and January 25, 564 ( Another event is mentioned for March 11, 552 (, but the bad condition of the inscription makes it impossible to make more precise statements about this.

K'an Joy Chitam I. died on February 6, 565 (, 7 Kib 4 K'ayab). At 74 years of age he was relatively old for the pre-Columbian period. His successor Ahkal Mo 'Nahb II ascended the throne 85 days later, on May 2, 565.


Web links

Commons : K'an Joy Chitam I.  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Mesoweb Encyclopedia
  2. ^ Skidmore: The Rulers of Palenque. P. 28.
  3. Martin / Grube: Chronicle of the Maya Kings and Queens. P. 158.
  4. ^ Skidmore: The Rulers of Palenque. Pp. 27-28.
predecessor Office successor
Ahkal Mo 'Nahb I. Ajaw of Palenque
Ahkal Mo 'Nahb II.