Claus Leitzmann

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Claus Leitzmann (born February 6, 1933 in Dahlenburg ) is a German microbiologist and nutritionist .

Live and act

Claus Leitzmann studied chemistry at Capital University in Columbus , Ohio, and graduated in 1962 with a Bachelor of Science . He then studied microbiology at the University of Minnesota and graduated with a Master of Science degree in 1964 . In 1967 he was promoted to Dr. rer. nat. PhD .

He was then until 1969 research assistant to Paul Boyer at the Institute for Molecular Biology at the University of California in Los Angeles. He was then in Thailand from 1969 to 1971 visiting lecturer at Mahidol University and until 1974 head of the research laboratory of the Anemia and Malnutrition Research Center in Chiang Mai .

From 1974 Leitzmann worked at the Institute for Nutritional Science at the Justus Liebig University in Giessen , where he qualified as a professor in 1976 and was appointed professor for nutrition in developing countries in 1979 . From 1990 to 1995 he was director of the Institute for Nutritional Science. In 1998 he retired .

His research interests include nutritional problems in developing countries , nutritional ecology , vegetarianism and immunological aspects of nutrition.

Leitzmann is a member of the Association of German Scientists and the German Nutrition Society . He is head of the scientific advisory board at the Association for Independent Health Advice . and was a member of the Euro Toques Science Council. In 2010, Claus Leitzmann and the initiator Markus Keller founded the Institute for Alternative and Sustainable Nutrition in Gießen , which has been based in Langgöns since the end of 2011 . Leitzmann works there as a scientific mentor.

Claus Leitzmann has been a vegetarian since 1979.


  • The influence of protein and energy intake on the levels of proteins, lipids and free amino acids in the serum in children with severe protein-calorie malnutrition. Habilitation thesis. University of Giessen 1976.
  • with Karl W. von Koerber, Thomas Männle: Whole food nutrition. Haug, Heidelberg 1981, ISBN 3-7760-0551-3 . 11th edition: 2012, ISBN 978-3-8304-7494-4 .
  • with Ulrich Oltersdorf: Opportunities to improve the nutritional situation in developing countries. Weltforum-Verlag, Munich 1982, ISBN 3-8039-0246-0 .
  • with Edith Öhrig, Ulrike duration: dictionary of nutritional science. German, English, French, Italian, Spanish. Ulmer, Stuttgart 1988, ISBN 3-8001-2137-9 .
  • with Eva-Maria Spitzmüller, Kristine Pflug-Schönfelder: Nutritional ecology: Eating between pleasure and responsibility. Haug, Heidelberg 1993, ISBN 3-7760-1263-3 .
  • with Marika Weiger, Marey Kurz: Nutrition in Cancer. Gräfe and Unzer, Munich 1996, ISBN 3-7742-2800-0 .
  • with Andreas Hahn: Vegetarian Diet. Ulmer, Stuttgart 1996, ISBN 3-8001-2688-5 . 2nd edition with Markus Keller. UTB, Stuttgart 2010, ISBN 3-8252-1868-6 .
  • with Markus Keller, Andreas Hahn: Alternative forms of nutrition. Hippokrates, Stuttgart 1999, ISBN 3-7773-1311-4 .
  • Vegetarianism. Beck, Munich 2001, ISBN 3-406-44776-7 .
  • Nutrition in prevention and therapy. Hippokrates, Stuttgart 2001, ISBN 3-7773-1141-3 .
  • with Ingrid Hoffmann, Katja Schneider (Ed.): Nutritional Ecology. Meeting complex challenges integratively. Oekom, Munich 2011, ISBN 978-3-86581-140-0 .
  • with Petra Bracht: clear text nutrition. The answers to all the important questions - how food prevents and cures. Mosaik, Munich 2020, ISBN 978-3-442-39359-6 ( limited preview in Google book search).

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Scientific Advisory Board on, accessed on October 26, 2010
  2. Presidium - then and now ( Memento from May 14, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) on, accessed on July 5, 2009
  3. Team of the Institute for Alternative and Sustainable Nutrition
  4. Andreas Ferber: Nutritionist Prof. Dr. Interview with Claus Leitzmann . Vegetarian Association Germany . April 26, 2015. Retrieved April 30, 2015.