Aly Dioum

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Aly Dioum (born February 6, 1931 in Dahra , Louga region , † February 26, 2014 in Dakar ) was a Senegalese journalist and diplomat .


Aly Dioum was editor of the Senegalese press agency from 1961 to 1962. From 1963 to April 1970 he headed the party organ of the Socialist Party (UPS), L'Unite . From May 20, 1970 to May 1973, he was editor of the daily newspaper Le Soleil .

Within the UPS he was successively General Secretary of the Youth Organization of the UPS, President of the National Union of Youth of Senegal and Permanent Secretary of the UPS.

From July 1, 1973 to July 1978, he was the first Senegalese ambassador to Beijing , at the same time he was accredited in Pyongyang , North Korea . From July 1978 to 1986 he was ambassador to Morocco .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Entry in the Journal Officiel of the Republic of Senegal
  2. Dioum Aly. In: Les Elites sénégalaises. Édiafric, 1984, p. 64 ( limited preview in Google book search)
  3. Qui sommes Nous on, May 19, 2016
  4. Africa Diary. Volume 13. Mohana Chhabra, Delhi 1973, p. 6592 ( limited preview in Google book search).
  5. Africa Diary. Volume 13. Mohana Chhabra, Delhi 1973, p. 6592 ( limited preview in Google Book Search)
  6. Dioum Aly. In: Les Elites sénégalaises. Édiafric, 1984, p. 64 ( limited preview in Google book search)