Oscar Thiffault

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Oscar Thiffault (born April 6, 1912 in Warwick / Ontario , † February 6, 1998 in Saint-Cyrille ) was a Canadian folk singer.

Thiffault won a folk competition in Trois-Rivières in 1929 at the age of seventeen . Since he could not make a living from his music during this time, he worked in various professions over the next few years, including as a building craftsman, mine engineer and concierge.

In the 1930s he became known for chansons about everyday problems such as J'ai fait une banqueroute and Y mouillera pus pantoute . His greatest success was Rapide Blanc . The recording of the chanson was sold more than five hundred thousand times and sung in France by Marcel Amont by Colette Renard . By the early 1970s, he had sold more than 100 records in more than two million copies. Serge Giguère made a documentary about him in 1987, on which Luc Lacoursière , Marcel Martel and Colette Renard participated. In 1988 he was awarded the Grand Prize of the Académie du Country for his life's work .
