Heinrich August Wilhelm von Bülow

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Heinrich August Wilhelm von Bülow (born January 19, 1782 on the Schliestedt manor ; † February 6, 1839 in Blankenburg ) was a German forest master .


Heinrich August Wilhelm von Bülow was the son of the Brunswick captain and landlord of Schliestedt, Vietzen and Küblingen Karl Christian Friedrich von Bülow (born September 30, 1740 - July 1, 1804) and his wife Sophie Regina Wilhelmine Schrader (born February 26, 1751 ; † January 10, 1801). He had another brother, Freiherr Heinrich Georg Christian Friedrich von Bülow-Wendhausen (* March 25, 1772, † August 10, 1840).

Heinrich August Wilhelm von Bülow was married to Karoline Wilhelmine Eleonore von Münchhausen (born April 3, 1786 in Hardegsen ; † April 19, 1838 in Blankenburg), a daughter of the district administrator of Münchhausen from the Schwöbber family, since July 26, 1806 did they have four children:

  • Franz Wilhelm von Bülow (born December 7, 1809 in Schliestedt, † January 18, 1890 in Lauenburg in Pomerania ), Royal Prussian lieutenant;
  • Luise Caroline Charlotte von Bülow (born February 28, 1813 in Schliestedt; † March 3, 1873), married to Enno Georg August Carl von Bockelmann, Kgl. Prussia. Lieutenant colonel
  • Heinrich Bernhard von Bülow (born December 27, 1815 in Schliestedt, † June 17, 1855 in Suhl ), manufacturer;
  • Adolf Ernst Friedrich von Bülow (born January 26, 1824 in Blankenburg, † May 24, 1885 in Bonn ), major of the Duke of Braunschweig.


Heinrich August Wilhelm von Bülow was tutored by private tutors until he came to the Collegio Carolina in Braunschweig, where he received lessons from Johann Joachim Eschenburg . After this school he developed an interest in forestry and went in 1801 to study at the University in Göttingen . After completing his academic studies, he returned home and was promoted to forestry and hunting squire in 1803. The following year his father died and Heinrich August Wilhelm von Bülow inherited the Schliestedt and Küblingen estates, which include the pilgrimage church of St. Mary , where the Dominican Johann Tetzel is said to have sold his letters of indulgence , which led to Martin Luther having his 95 theses published.

In 1806 he was appointed forester on the Elm , which was in the Brunswick region. After the defeat in the battle of Jena and Auerstedt , the Brunswick country was allocated to the Kingdom of Westphalia (1807-1813) newly created by Napoleon and because Heinrich August Wilhelm von Bülow did not want to serve the new masters, he withdrew to his inherited estates managed this. After another political change in 1815, he again made himself available for an office and in 1816 took over the forester's office in Walkenried in the southern Harz in the Duchy of Braunschweig , in which position he was promoted to chief forester . He had various hiking trails built and existing ones expanded to make the Harz more accessible, including in the Bodetal . With his approval, a small sales hut was built in 1820, which later became the Königsruhe settlement , which consisted of the inn and its outbuildings.

In 1823 he took over the top management of the entire manorial forests of the Lower Harz Mountains and moved with the family to Blankenburg, later he was offered the top management of the forest management of the entire country, but he refused this task.

He died of a stroke in 1839 while on a hunting trip.


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ New Nekrolog der Deutschen ... BF Voigt, 1842 ( google.de [accessed on November 1, 2017]).
  2. ^ Family tree of Wilhelm August Heinrich von Bülow. Retrieved November 1, 2017 .
  3. Historical, genealogical and critical description of the noble, baron and counts of Bülow with copper and many documents . Christian Gottlob Korb, 1780, p. 147 ( google.de [accessed on November 1, 2017]).