Brynolf Algotsson

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Brynold Algotsson

Brynolf Algotsson , Latinized Brynolphus (* around 1240; † February 6, 1317 in Skara , Sweden ) was bishop of Skara from 1267 to 1317 and was canonized in 1492 .


He was educated in Paris before being appointed bishop at a relatively young age. There were disputes with the Swedish King Magnus I during his tenure, but these were ultimately settled. As the author, he is traditionally attributed four histories (= rhyming officers), five hymns and, albeit unsecured, a poem on Nikolaus von Linköping. He should Officien author of the Holy Eskil , Helen of Skövde , Siegfried be. Today's Läckö Castle in Lake Vänern is said to go back to a system he built in 1298.

His canonization took place largely at the insistence of Erik XIII.

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Individual evidence

  1. On the source criticism cf. Ingmar Milveden: New Finds on the Brynolphus Critique. (PDF) In: STM. 1972, pp. 5-50 , archived from the original on September 27, 2007 ; accessed on January 11, 2018 .
predecessor Office successor
Erik I. Bishop of Skara
Bengt III. Johansson