Battle of the Adda

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Battle of the Adda
Battle of the Adda by the painter Spiavonetti
Battle of the Adda by the painter Spiavonetti
date April 25 - April 27, 1799
place In Cassano d'Adda , today Italy
output Victory of the Russian-Austrian army, occupation of Milan
Parties to the conflict

Russian Empire 1721Russian Empire Russia Austria
Habsburg MonarchyHabsburg Monarchy 

France 1804First French Republic France


Russian Empire 1721Russian Empire Alexander Suvorov Michael from Melas
Habsburg MonarchyHabsburg Monarchy

France 1804First French Republic Jean-Victor Moreau Paul Grenier
France 1804First French Republic

Troop strength
43,000 28,000

2,500 dead and wounded

2,500 dead and wounded
5,000 prisoners

The Battle of the Adda (also the Battle of Cassano ) was a battle of the Second Coalition War and occurred in northern Italy on the Adda River between April 25 and 27, 1799. In it, a Russian - Austrian army under Alexander Suvorov defeated a French army under Jean-Victor Moreau .

Course of the battle

After the Russian-Austrian army, which had pushed into Italy , was able to take the fortresses of Brescia and Bergamo , it reached the left bank of the Adda. The French army, stretched for 100 km, stood on the steep right bank. Suvorov decided to use such a stretch and sent General Bagration against their left flank. Its attack on April 25th was successful and the city of Lecco was captured. Part of the French army was also directed onto the flank.

At the same time, Suvorov's armies crossed the river at Brivio , Cassano and Lodi . From the bridgehead at San Gervasio , the Russians began to push the French away from the river. Troops that had crossed the river at Cassano were able to penetrate into the rear of the French. Towards the evening of April 26th, the French began to withdraw from all positions. On April 27, the last French resistance flocks were suppressed at Brivio and Verderio .

After the victory on the Adda, the Russian troops took Milan . The battle went down in military history as an example of the skillful deployment of troops on a broad front, the successful river crossing and the clever combination of main and side attacks.

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