January 29th
January 29 (in Austria and South Tyrol : January 29 ) is the 29th day of the Gregorian calendar , leaving 336 days (337 days in leap years) until the end of the year.
Historical Anniversaries December · January · February |
politics and world affairs
- Leo I , Leo II is crowned Emperor of the Eastern Roman Empire . Since he was still a minor, his father, the Isaurian Tarasicodissa, was elevated to co-emperor under the name of Zenon . 474: After the death of his grandfather
- 1616: Dutch navigators Jacob Le Maire and Willem Cornelisz Schouten reach the Pacific for the first time, sailing around Cape Horn .
- 1712: A congress of European powers begins in Utrecht with the aim of ending the War of the Spanish Succession . As a result, the Peace of Utrecht was concluded on April 11 of the following year, but Emperor Charles VI. not accepted.
- 1713: The Barrier Treatise on Occupation Rights in the Spanish Netherlands , concluded between Great Britain and the United Netherlands on 29 October 1709 , is restricted to the locations of Veurne , Knokke , Ypres , Menen , Tournai , Mons , Charleroi and Namur .
- 1787: France's King Louis XVI. At the initiative of Charles Alexandre de Calonne , who was responsible for finance, convened a meeting of notables to persuade the privileged estates to renounce their tax exemption. This is intended to put the shattered state finances in order.
- 1814: In the Battle of Brienne during the wars of liberation , Napoleon Bonaparte and his army prevail over Marshal Blücher's Prussian troops and Russian Cossacks .
- 1820: After the death of King George III. becomes the previous Prince Regent as George IV ruler in Great Britain and Hanover .
- 1832: In the German Confederation , the German Fatherland Association is founded in the Vormärz period to support the free press .
- 1834: The Ottoman Empire recognizes the Organic Regulations issued at the time of the Russian occupation of the Danubian Principalities during the Russo-Turkish War as valid. In return, Russia ends the occupation.
- 1856: Britain's Queen Victoria donates the Victoria Cross in honor of soldiers who have distinguished themselves through bravery or special services in the Crimean War .
- 1861: The eastern part of the Kansas Territory is incorporated as the 34th state of the United States under the name of Kansas . The western portion is added to the newly created Colorado Territory on February 28th .
- 1863: A unit of US Union troops massacres some 400 Shoshone Indians during the Battle of Bear River in Idaho .
- 1891: In Hawaii , Liliʻuokalani was proclaimed queen . She succeeds her brother Kalākaua and is first wife to the throne.
- 1906: Due to the death of his father Christian IX. Frederick VIII becomes the new king in Denmark .
- 1907: Charles Curtis of the Kansa people takes office as Senator for the State of Kansas , becoming the first American Indian Senator .
- 1916: The military airship LZ 79 drops bombs over Paris during World War I. On the way back, the zeppelin was hit in the rear and had to make an emergency landing in German-occupied Belgium.
- 1942: The first follow-up conference to the Wannsee Conference takes place in the offices of the Reich Ministry for the Occupied Eastern Territories in Berlin , where a far-reaching definition of “Jew” is established.
- 1942: The Peruvian-Ecuadorian War ends with the Rio de Janeiro Protocol , with Ecuador losing almost half of its national territory to Peru .
- 1943: In the Pacific War , the Battle of the Northern Solomons begins with the two-day Battle of Rennell Island between Japan and the United States.
- 1954: British Foreign Secretary Anthony Eden submits the Eden Plan for the reunification of Germany at an Allied Foreign Ministers Conference.
- 1955: Several German politicians adopt the German Manifesto in Frankfurt's Paulskirche on the occasion of West Germany's accession to NATO out of concern for German reunification, which is moving into the distant future.
- 1963: Negotiations with Great Britain to join the European Economic Community fail due to the veto of French President Charles de Gaulle .
- 1966 The Luxembourg Compromise ends the empty chair policy in the European Community .
- 1986: Yoweri Museveni conquers the Ugandan capital Kampala with his National Resistance Army and deposes President Tito Okello . He has reigned as President of Uganda ever since .
- 1989: In the last elections for the House of Representatives in independent West Berlin , the FDP fails at the five percent hurdle , which means that the SPD and the Alternative List surprisingly achieve a majority and Walter Momper (SPD) subsequently Eberhard Diepgen (CDU) as governor replaced mayor of Berlin . The right-wing Republicans make it into the city parliament.
- 1996: French President Jacques Chirac announces the end of further French nuclear weapons tests.
- 2002: In his State of the Union address , the first since the September 11 attacks , US President George W. Bush counts North Korea, Iran and Iraq as part of an axis of evil .
- 2004: Germany brokered a prisoner exchange between Israel and Hezbollah involving Bernd Schmidbauer , Frank-Walter Steinmeier and Ernst Uhrlau .
- 2018: In Romania, the Chamber of Deputies elects Viorica Dăncilă as the new Prime Minister . She is the first woman to hold this position.
- 2018: Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier is the first German head of state to pay an official visit to Lebanon .
- 1819: Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles establishes a port and base for the British East India Company in the fishing village of Singapore .
- 1903: The American Chamber of Commerce in Germany , founded by American businessmen in Berlin, is the first bilateral trade association in Germany.
- 1929: The Vereinigte Papierwerke Nürnberg apply to the Reich Patent Office in Berlin for protection of the Tempo trademark for the handkerchief they produce .
- 1968: The European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road (ADR) comes into force.
- 1972: The nuclear power plant in Stade is the eleventh German nuclear reactor to go online.
science and technology
- 1881: The surgeon Theodor Billroth succeeds in performing a gastric resection on a patient with stomach cancer for the first time .
- 1886: Carl Benz applied for a patent for his vehicle powered by a gas engine .
- 1938: The German chemist Paul Schlack discovers that aminocaprolactam can be polymerized and subsequently develops the polyamide fiber Perlon .
- 1939: Carl Bode reaches an altitude of 3,427 m in his Focke-Wulf Fw 61 . That means a new helicopter world record.
- 1998: Canada , Japan , Russia , the USA and the member states of the European ESA conclude the contract for the construction of the International Space Station ISS .
- 1664: The Forced Marriage ( Le mariage forcé ), a comedy by the French poet Molière , premieres as a ballet comedy with music by Jean-Baptiste Lully in the Queen Mother Anne 's apartments in the Louvre Palace. Louis XIV dances in a gypsy costume at the premiere. Other members of the high aristocracy dance alongside them, and the Marquise Du Parc takes on the role of Dorimène .
- 1728: John Gay 's comic opera The Beggar's Opera premiered at Lincoln's Inn Fields Theater in London .
- 1770: The premiere of the comic opera Die Jagd by Johann Adam Hiller takes place in Weimar.
- 1772: Antonio Salieri 's opera La fiera di Venezia celebrates a great success when it premieres at the Burgtheater in Vienna .
- 1781: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart's opera Idomeneo is successfully premiered at the Munich Residenztheater . The famous tenor Anton Raaff sings his last title role here. Mozart referred to the opera as his best throughout his life.
- 1811: The premiere of the opera Demophoon by Peter Joseph von Lindpaintner takes place in Munich.
- 1845: Edgar Allan Poe's poem The Raven is first published in the New York newspaper Evening Mirror .
- 1896: The premiere of the opera Kudrun by Hans Huber to the libretto by Stephan Born takes place in Basel.
- 1899: At the Theater an der Wien in Vienna, the premiere of the opera Ihr Excellency by Richard Heuberger the Elder takes place .
- 1917: The premiere of the drama The Burghers of Calais at the New Theater in Frankfurt am Main brings the artistic breakthrough for the Expressionist playwright Georg Kaiser .
- 1929: The novel Nothing New in the West by Erich Maria Remarque goes on sale. Its first edition is sold out immediately due to pre-orders.
- 1955: The film Les Diaboliques by director Henri-Georges Clouzot premieres in Paris.
- 1956: Friedrich Dürrenmatt 's "tragic comedy" The Visit of the Old Lady , starring Therese Giehse , premieres at the Zurich Schauspielhaus . The play subsequently became a worldwide success.
- 1958: The French crime film Elevator to the Scaffold by Louis Malle , which was awarded the Louis Delluc Prize the previous year and starred Jeanne Moreau , had its world premiere.
- 1959: The Walt Disney Company 's animated film Sleeping Beauty , with music by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky , premieres in the United States.
- 1964: The film satire Dr. Strange or How I Learned to Love the Bomb by Stanley Kubrick , starring Peter Sellers , premieres in the United States.
- 1966: The musical Sweet Charity by Cy Coleman and Neil Simon premiered at the Palace Theater in New York City .
- 1987: The opera Habemeajaja by Boris Blacher is premiered at the Academy of Arts in Berlin.
- 1996: The Teatro La Fenice in Venice burns down completely.
- 1979: Sixteen -year-old Brenda Ann Spencer kills two people and injures nine others in a school shooting in San Diego. Her reasoning inspired Bob Geldof to write the song I Don't Like Mondays , which became a huge hit for his group The Boomtown Rats .
- Sergius III. becomes pope after imprisoning anti -pope Christopher . 904:
- 1975: The crude oil tanker Jakob Maersk touches a sandbank while calling at the Portuguese port of destination Porto de Leixões , catches fire, breaks up and finally sinks. About 15,000 tons of leaking oil polluted the coast, and the plume of smoke from the burning cargo caused breathing difficulties on land.
Minor accidents are listed in the sub-articles of Disaster .
nature and environment
- 2008: The approximately 250-meter-wide asteroid 2007 TU24 approaches the earth to within 533,000 km. It will likely be the closest approach of any major celestial body to Earth until 2027 .
- 1898: The German Sports Authority for Athletics is founded in Berlin (today: German Athletics Association ).
- 1904: The Swedish sports club Västerås SK is founded.
- 1964 : The IX . _ Olympic Winter Games opened by Federal President Adolf Schärf . The Austrian luge world champion Paul Aste speaks the Olympic oath .
- 1994: The Austrian ski racer Ulrike Maier has a fatal accident at the Kandahar race in Garmisch-Partenkirchen.
Entries of track and field world records are located under the respective discipline under Athletics .
Before the 18th century
- 1292: Ibn Qaiyim al-Jawzīya , Sunni scholar
- 1455: Johannes Reuchlin , German philosopher and humanist
- 1499: Katharina von Bora , German reformer and wife of Martin Luther
- 1525: Lelio Sozzini , Italian humanist, jurist and theologian
- 1532: Lorenz Dürnhofer , German Protestant theologian
- 1584: Frederick Henry , governor of the United Netherlands
- 1586: Ludwig Friedrich von Württemberg-Mömpelgard , German prince
- 1593: Johann von Geyso , lieutenant general of Hesse-Kassel in the Thirty Years' War
- 1602: Amalie Elisabeth von Hanau-Münzenberg , Landgravine of Hesse-Kassel
- 1632: Johann Georg Graevius , German classical philologist and textual critic
- 1634: Adrian Beier the Younger , German jurist
- 1649: Charles Paris d'Orléans-Longueville , Duke of Longueville, Prince of Neuchâtel
- 1688: Emanuel Swedenborg , Swedish scientist, mystic and theologian
- 1690: Franz Joseph Roth , German plasterer and master builder
18th century
- 1715: Georg Christoph Wagenseil , Austrian composer
- 1717: Jeffrey Amherst, 1st Baron Amherst , British general
- 1718: Paul Rabaut , French evangelical preacher and minister
- 1722: Luise Amalie of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel , Princess of Prussia
- 1728: Georg Heinrich Conrad Hüttemann , Lutheran missionary in India
- 1746: Pierre Picot , Swiss Protestant clergyman and university teacher
- 1749: Christian VII , King of Denmark and Norway
- 1749: Rochus Franz Ignaz Egedacher , Austrian organ builder
- 1751: Joseph Bradley Varnum , American politician, Member and Speaker of the House of Representatives, Senator for Massachusetts
- 1756: Henry Lee III , US cavalry officer, major general and politician
- 1758: Heinrich Maria Graf , German Roman Catholic clergyman and politician
- 1761: Albert Gallatin , American politician and diplomat
- 1762: Giuseppe Nicolini , Italian opera composer
- 1763: Johann Gottfried Seume , German writer and poet
- 1767: Joseph von Thoma , German forest officer
- 1771: Samuel Gottlieb Hünerwadel , Swiss Protestant clergyman and university teacher
- 1773: Friedrich Mohs , German mineralogist
- 1780: Gustav Kalixt von Biron , lieutenant general in the Napoleonic Wars
- 1780: Marianne von der Mark , illegitimate daughter of Friedrich Wilhelm II.
- 1782: Daniel-François-Esprit Auber , French composer
- 1787: Franz Xaver Nippel von Weyerheim , Austrian jurist
- 1788: Michael Leopold Enk von der Burg , Austrian Benedictine monk, writer and literary theorist
- 1790: Julius Georg Knoll , German jurist
- 1792: Lemuel H. Arnold , American politician
- 1794: Francisco Ferrera , President of Honduras
- 1796: Francesco Lacedelli , Italian-Austrian mountaineer
19th century
- 1803: Anselm Salomon von Rothschild , Austrian banker
- 1810: Ernst Eduard Kummer , German mathematician
- 1818: Robert Caspary , German botanist
- 1820: Carl Giskra , Austrian statesman
- 1821: Robert Spiske , German priest, founder of the Sisters of Hedwig
- 1824: Oktavio von Boehn , Prussian infantry general
- 1829: Tommaso Villa , Italian minister
- 1832: Nikolai Ignatyev , Russian general and diplomat
- 1833: Carl Frederik Aagaard , Danish painter
- 1836: Ferdinand Dessoir , German actor
- 1838: Edward W. Morley , American chemist
- 1842: Alfred Friedrich Bluntschli , Swiss architect
- 1843: William McKinley , US President
- 1850: Ebenezer Howard , British pioneer of the garden city movement
- 1850: Ludwig Wolf , German physician and anthropologist
- 1851: Richard Reverdy , German construction manager and civil servant
- 1852: Kazimierz Morawski , Polish philologist, historian and translator
- 1853: Kitasato Shibasaburō , Japanese physician and bacteriologist
- 1856: Aleksander Brückner , Polish Slavist
- 1857: Richard Schwemer , German teacher and historian
- 1858: Otto Baumgarten , German theologian
- 1858: Charles à Court Repington , British war correspondent
- 1859: Karl Scheidemantel , German opera singer (baritone), director and opera director in Dresden
- 1859: Heinrich Schenkl , Austrian classics scholar
- 1860: William Robertson, 1st Baronet , British Field Marshal and Chief of the Imperial General Staff
- 1860: Anton Chekhov , Russian novelist, novelist and playwright ( Three Sisters, The Seagull, The Cherry Orchard )
- 1862: Frederick Delius , British composer
- 1863: Fryco Rocha , Lower Sorbian poet and writer
- 1864: Albert Preuss , German marksman
- 1865: Carl Sartorius , German jurist
- 1866: Romain Rolland , French writer, music critic, pacifist, and Nobel laureate
- 1867: Elisabeth Büchsel , German painter
- 1867: Vicente Blasco Ibáñez , Spanish writer
- 1868: Albin Egger-Lienz , Austrian painter
- 1868: Hans Glauning , German officer
- 1870: Karl Ernst Ranke , German internist
- 1873: Luigi Amedeo di Savoia-Aosta , Italian naval officer and explorer
- 1874: Robert Lach , Austrian musicologist
- 1874: John D. Rockefeller Jr. , American philanthropist
- 1876: Havergal Brian , British composer
- 1876: Ludolf Nielsen , Danish composer
- 1876: Pedro Sinzig , Brazilian writer and Franciscan friar, journalist and composer
- 1877: Georges Catroux , French general and diplomat
- 1877: Alban Haas , German theologian and historian
- 1877: Hugo Obermaier , German archaeologist
- 1878: Mary Jobe Akeley , American naturalist and cartographer
- 1880: Philibert Jacques Melotte , British astronomer
- 1880: W.C. Fields , American actor
- 1882: Paul Goerens , German professor and metallurgist
- 1883: Charles Méré , French writer
- 1884: Juhan Aavik , Estonian composer
- 1884: Hans Adlhoch , German politician
- 1884: Douglass Cadwallader , American golfer
- 1886: Sascha Kolowrat-Krakowsky , Austrian film pioneer
- 1887: August Wilhelm of Prussia , Prussian prince and SA general
- 1887: René A. Spitz , German psychoanalyst
- 1888: Sydney Chapman , British astronomer and geophysicist
- 1888: Men Rauch , Swiss engineer, politician and poet
- 1889: Bruno Ertler , Austrian writer
- 1889: Josef Linster , Romanian-German composer and music teacher
- 1889: Rudolf Mauersberger , German choirmaster and composer
- 1890: Marguerite Canal , French composer
- 1891: Archie Mayo , American film director
- 1891: Richard Norris Williams , American tennis player
- 1892: Clifford Gray , American bobsledder
- 1892: Ernst Lubitsch , German-American film director and actor, Oscar winner
- 1893: Émile Burie , French racing driver
- 1893: Edric Cundell , English composer, horn player, pianist, conductor and music educator
- 1893: Marțian Negrea , Romanian composer
- 1894: René Schiltz , French racing car driver
- 1896: Herbert Cysarz , Sudeten Germanist
- 1897: Arno Arnold , German physician, internist, and sports medicine physician
- 1898: Alphonse Auclair , French racing driver
- 1899: Gerhard Graubner , German architect
- 1899: Hans Henn , German politician, MdB, MdL
- 1899: Heinrich Blücher , German self-taught philosopher
- 1899: Paul Klages , German aircraft designer
20th century
- 1901: Heinrich Anacker , Swiss-German writer
- 1901: Mary Eaton , American actress
- 1903: Bernhard Reismann , German politician, MdL, MP
- 1904: Arnold Gehlen , German philosopher and sociologist
- 1905: Heinz Lieberich , German legal historian and archivist
- 1905: Barnett Newman , American painter
- 1906: Heinrich Bredt , German physician
- 1908: Grete Heublein , German track and field athlete
- 1911: Reuben H. Tucker , American general
- 1912: Karl Schlösser , German soccer player
- 1913: Victor Mature , American actor
- 1913: Peter von Zahn , German radio and television journalist
- 1914: Fukazawa Shichirō , Japanese writer
- 1914: Susi Weigel , Austrian children's book illustrator
- 1915: Johnny McDowell , American racing driver
- 1915: Bill Peet , American draftsman and story writer
- 1915: Halfdan Rasmussen , Danish poet
- 1915: John Serry senior , American accordion virtuoso, arranger, composer and organist
- 1918: Luis Aguilar , Mexican actor and singer
- 1918: Everhardus Ariëns , Dutch pharmacologist
- 1918: John Forsythe , American actor
- 1919: Konrad Hesse , German legal scholar and judge at the Federal Constitutional Court
- 1919: Helma Sjuts , German balloonist
- 1921: Hans Dichand , Austrian journalist
- 1923: Paddy Chayefsky , American author
- 1923: Walde Huth , German photographer
- 1923: Eddie Taylor , American blues guitarist
- 1924: Edi Finger , Austrian sports journalist
- 1924: Celio González , Cuban singer
- 1924: Luigi Nono , Italian composer
- 1925: Lois Marshall , Canadian singer and singing teacher
- 1926: Robert Falkenburg , American-Brazilian tennis player
- 1926: Abdus Salam , Pakistani physicist, second Muslim Nobel laureate
- 1926: Mario Suárez , Venezuelan singer
- 1926: Curt Timm , German actor, speaker and artistic director
- 1926: Ernst Träger , German judge at the Federal Constitutional Court
- 1927: Edward Abbey , American naturalist, philosopher and writer
- 1928: Kurt Joachim von Bornhaupt , German judge
- 1928: Bengt Hambraeus , Swedish composer, organist and musicologist
- 1929: Jerry Hoyt , American racing driver
- 1929: Elio Petri , Italian film director
- 1929: Ed Shaughnessy , American jazz drummer
- 1930: Derek Bailey , British guitarist and improvisational artist
- 1930: John Neely , American jazz musician
- 1931: Leslie Bricusse , British composer and songwriter of film music
- 1931: Gert Hofmann , German writer
- 1931: Ferenc Mádl , Hungarian jurist and head of state
- 1932: Frank Assunto , American band leader and trumpeter
- 1932: José Ayala Lasso , Ecuadorian politician
- 1933: Sacha Distel , French chansonnier and composer
- 1933: Werner Staak , German politician
- 1934: Kassian Lauterer , Austrian Abbot
- 1935: Luboš Kohoutek , Czech astronomer
- 1935: Theodor J. Reisdorf , German writer
- 1936: Patrick Caulfield , British pop artist
- 1936: James Jamerson , American bassist
- 1936: Walter Lewin , Dutch physicist
- 1938: Henry Ely , Dominican operatic tenor
- 1938: Shūji Tsurumi , Japanese artistic gymnast
- 1939: Germaine Greer , Australian intellectual, author and publicist
- 1939: Hans-Joachim Hecht , German chess player
- 1939: Jeanne Lee , American jazz singer
- 1939: Alan Silva , American jazz musician
- 1940: Katharine Ross , American actress and children's author
- 1940: Erika Schuchardt , German politician and professor, MP
- 1940: Kunimitsu Takahashi , Japanese auto racer
- 1941: Mark Arndt , German Archbishop
- 1941: Gail M. Ashley , American geologist
- 1942: Claudine Longet , French singer and actress
- 1943: Bernd Schiphorst , German media manager
- 1944: Syed Mohammed Arif , Indian badminton player
- 1944: Andrew Loog Oldham , British musician and manager of the Rolling Stones
- 1945: Maresa Hörbiger , Austrian actress
- 1945: Ibrahim Boubacar Keïta , Malian politician and President of Mali
- 1945: Manfred Lehmann , German actor
- 1945: Tom Selleck , American actor
- 1946: Günter Ohnemus , German writer and translator
- 1947: Linda B. Buck , US neurophysiologist, Nobel laureate
- 1947: David Byron , British musician ( Uriah Heep )
- 1947: Mladen Kuchev , Bulgarian weightlifter
- 1947: Jochen Sanio , German lawyer, President of the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority
- 1948: Michael Abendroth , German actor and director
- 1948: Delia Boccardo , Italian actress
- 1948: Halina Golanko , Polish actress
- 1948: Guido Knopp , German historian, publicist and moderator
- 1948: Espen Rud , Norwegian jazz drummer
- 1949: Stefan Diestelmann , German blues musician
- 1949: Vincent Klink , German chef
- 1950: Herbert Langemann , German actor
- 1950: Jody Scheckter , South African Formula One driver
- 1951: Peter Cornelius , Austrian singer
- 1951: Markus Felber , Swiss jurist and journalist
- 1951: Larry Schuba , German singer
- 1952: Peter Baumann , German electronic musician
- 1952: Tommy Ramone , American drummer ( Ramones )
- 1953: Dalila Di Lazzaro , Italian actress, singer and model
- 1954: Oprah Winfrey , American talk show host
- 1955: Hubert Burczek , German actor and speaker
- 1956: Jan Jakub Kolski , Polish director
- 1956: Amii Stewart , American pop singer, dancer and actress
- 1957: Gregor Aas , German forest scientist
- 1957: Manuela Groß , German figure skater and coach
- 1957: David Murry , American racing driver
- 1958: Leif Andrée , Swedish actor and drummer
- 1958: Thomas Blumenthal , German guitarist and music teacher
- 1958: Judy Norton-Taylor , American actress
- 1959: Peter Hettlich , German politician, MP
- 1960: Gia Carangi , American model, considered the first supermodel
- 1960: Greg Louganis , American springboard diver, Olympic gold medalist
- 1961: Michael Autengruber , German phalerist, historian and theologian
- 1961: Mark von Seydlitz , German film director and film producer
- 1962: Olga Tokarczuk , Polish writer and Nobel laureate
- 1962: Radovan Vlatković , Croatian-French horn player
- 1963: Urban Mangold , German politician
- 1964: Robert Geiss , German entrepreneur and television actor
- 1964: Andre Reed , American football player
- 1965: Dominik Hašek , Czech ice hockey player
- 1965: Julia Stemberger , Austrian actress
- 1966: Serap Çileli , German writer
- 1966: Maxim Dlugy , American chess player
- 1966: Romário , Brazilian soccer player
- 1967: Phil Bancroft , British jazz saxophonist
- 1967: Tom Bancroft , British jazz drummer
- 1967: Marc Cary , American jazz musician
- 1967: Khalid Skah , Moroccan track and field athlete
- 1967: Cyril Suk , Czech tennis player
- 1968: Susi Erdmann , German tobogganist and bobsleigh pilot
- 1968: Remigijus Lapinskas , Lithuanian entrepreneur and politician
- 1968: Bobbie Phillips , American actress
- 1968: Aeneas Williams , American football player
- 1969: Hyde , Japanese singer
- 1969: Lara Magoni , Italian alpine skier
- 1969: Mirjam Müntefering , German writer
- 1969: Saša Obradović , Serbian basketball player and coach
- 1970: Heather Graham , American actress
- 1970: Heike Meißner , German track and field athlete
- 1971: Jörg Albertz , German footballer
- 1972: Olga Viktorovna Anissimova , Russian biathlete
- 1973: Fabien Foret , French motorcycle racer
- 1973: Mona Sharma , German comedian
- 1974: Achim Schürmann , German handball player and coach
- 1974: Kōji Wada , Japanese singer
- 1975: Sharif Atkins , American film actor
- 1975: Sara Gilbert , American actress
- 1975: Hagen Stoll , German musician and producer
- 1976: Tracy Lynn Cruz , American actress
- 1976: Karsten Kroon , Dutch racing cyclist
- 1976: Belle Pérez , Belgian singer
- 1978: Martin Schmitt , German ski jumper
- 1979: Sarah Kuttner , German TV presenter
- 1979: Matej Mavrič , Slovenian footballer
- 1979: Vinzenz Kiefer , German actor
- 1980: Nils Bomhoff , German TV presenter
- 1980: Jenny Kirlin , American actress
- 1980: Ivan Klasnić , Croatian footballer
- 1980: Jan Matura , Czech ski jumper
- 1980: Jason James Richter , American musician and actor
- 1981: Thomas Broich , German footballer
- 1981: Alex Figge , American racing driver
- 1981: Jonny Lang , American musician
- 1981: Romano Denneboom , Dutch footballer
- 1982: Wallis Bird , Irish musician
- 1982: Kim Dong-jin , South Korean soccer player
- 1982: Ji Jianhua , Chinese bicycle racer
- 1982: Adam Lambert , American singer
- 1984: Yukio Peter , Nauruan weightlifter
- 1984: Taichi , German rapper
- 1985: Anna Aaron , Swiss singer-songwriter and pianist
- 1985: Isabel Lucas , Australian actress
- 1985: Jessica Marais , Australian actress
- 1985: Athina Onassis , Greek show jumper
- 1985: Patrick Osoinik , Austrian footballer
- 1986: Thomas Greiss , German ice hockey player
- 1986: Marie-Luisa Kunst , German actress
- 1986: Matilda Rapaport , Swedish freeride athlete
- 1987: Le-Thanh Ho , German musician and actress
- 1989: Inga Lessmann , German actress
- 1989: Daisuke Nakajima , Japanese racing driver
- 1993: Ndriqim Halili , German-Albanian footballer
- 1993: Alexandra Mazzucco , German handball player
- 1993: Kyary Pamyu Pamyu , Japanese model, blogger and musician
- 1994: Lucas Hufnagel , Georgian-German footballer
- 1994: Phillipp Mwene , Kenyan-Austrian footballer
- 1995: Cynthia Cosima , German actress
- 1996: Max van Splunteren , Dutch racing car driver
- 1997: Jessica Barreira , Portuguese track and field athlete
- 1998: Jorge Martín , Spanish motorcycle racer
- 1999: Eklent Kaçi , Albanian pool player
21st century
- 2004: Delia Folea , Romanian ski jumper
- 2004: Erriyon Knighton , American sprinter
Before the 15th century
- Ptolemy II , Egyptian pharaoh 246 BC BC:
- David , Bishop of Speyer 761:
- Edgitha , Queen of the East Frankish Empire and wife of Otto the Great 946:
- Peter I , Tsar of Bulgaria 969:
- 1119: Gelasius II , Pope from 1118 to 1119
- 1123: Frederick I , Archbishop of Bremen
- 1129: Minamoto no Toshiyori , Japanese poet
- 1152: Hermann II , Count of Winzenburg, Margrave of Meissen, Landgrave of Thuringia, later Count of Plesse
- 1180: Soběslav II , Duke of Bohemia and Landgrave of Moravia
- 1234: Ottaviano di Paoli de' Conti di Segni , Italian cardinal and camerlengo
- 1327: Adolf of the Palatinate , Count Palatine of the Rhine
- 1341: Louis I , Earl of Clemont and La Marche, Duke of Bourbon
- 1367: Hermann von Wickede I , Mayor of Lübeck
15th to 18th centuries
- 1430: Andrei Rublev , Russian icon painter
- 1438: John Merbury , English politician and civil servant
- 1465: Louis , French nobleman, Duke of Savoy, Prince of Piedmont, Count of Aosta and Maurienne
- 1477: Gregory of Sanok , Polish professor at the Kraków Academy, Archbishop of Lemberg, first representative of humanism in Poland
- 1487: Wedigo Gans von Putlitz , Bishop of Havelberg
- 1584: Wolf von Schönberg , Electorate of Saxony official
- 1597: Elias Nikolaus Ammerbach , German organist and arranger
- 1601: Louise de Lorraine-Vaudémont , Queen of France from 1575 to 1589
- 1608: Frederick I , Count of Mömpelgard and sixth Duke of Württemberg
- 1625: Melchior von Rechenberg , Saxon-Silesian nobleman, governor of the County of Glatz
- 1642: Bartholomäus Anhorn , Swiss pastor and historian
- 1706: Johann Georg Aberle , Bavarian soldier
- 1707: Otto Mencke , German scholar and professor of morals and politics
- 1722: Carl Gustaf Rehnskiöld , Swedish general, governor of Scania
- 1729: Johann Fabricius , German theologian
- 1730: Peter II , Russian Tsar
- 1738: Johann Georg Fux , German organ builder
- 1739: Friedrich Gottlieb Kettner , German Lutheran theologian and church historian
- 1743: André-Hercule de Fleury , French cardinal and statesman
- 1744: Thomas Mansel, 2nd Baron Mansel , Welsh nobleman
- 1750: Daniel Salthenius , Swedish educator and evangelical theologian
- 1751: Jacob van Schuppen , court painter at the Imperial Court in Vienna
- 1763: Johan Ludvig von Holstein , Chancellor of Denmark, art and literature collector
- 1763: Louis Racine , French poet
- 1766: Johann Friedrich Mögling , German jurist
19th century
- 1814: Johann Gottlieb Fichte , German educator and philosopher, representative of idealism
- 1817: Henry XIII. , Prince Reuss of Greiz
- 1820: George III. , King of Great Britain and Hanover
- 1824: Joachim Nettelbeck , German navigator and writer
- 1824: Luise zu Stolberg-Gedern , wife of Jacobite pretender Charles Edward Stuart
- 1827: Joseph Christian Lillie , Danish architect and interior designer
- 1829: Paul de Barras , French politician and member of the Governing Board
- 1829: Aloisius Fortis , French General of the Order
- 1829: Timothy Pickering , American politician, Secretary of War, third US Secretary of State
- 1833: Janez Baptist Novak , Slovene composer
- 1834: Johann Gaudenz von Salis-Seewis , Swiss poet
- 1838: Sigismund August Wolfgang von Herder , German geologist and mineralogist
- 1843: Wilhelm Abeken , German classical archaeologist
- 1844: Ernst I , Duke of Saxe-Coburg-Saalfeld
- 1844: Luisa Carlota of Naples-Sicily , daughter of Francesco I di Borbone, Infanta of Spain
- 1848: Joseph Görres , German high school and university teacher, publicist
- 1848: John Winston Jones , American politician
- 1848: Friedrich Pfluger , Swiss Roman Catholic clergyman
- 1856: Otto von Erxleben , German officer and landowner
- 1859: William Cranch Bond , American astronomer
- 1859: William Hickling Prescott , American historian
- 1860: Ernst Moritz Arndt , German writer and poet, member of the Frankfurt National Assembly
- 1860: Josef Liebermann , early German industrialist
- 1860: Stéphanie de Beauharnais , adopted daughter of Napoléon Bonaparte
- 1868: José María Achá , Bolivian general and politician
- 1869: Karl Ludwig Roeck , Mayor of the Hanseatic City of Lübeck
- 1870: Leopold II , Grand Duke of Tuscany
- 1875: Rageth Christoffel , Swiss pastor and educator
- 1876: Pyotr Romanovich Bagration , Russian general and governor of Tver
- 1878: Bruno Hildebrand , German economist and politician
- 1879: Antonio Benedetto Antonucci , Cardinal of the Catholic Church
- 1881: Nikolaus Munich , Cologne cathedral provost
- 1882: Alfred von Henikstein , Austrian Field Marshal Lieutenant
- 1882: Wilhelm Stieber , Prussian intelligence chief
- 1885: Franz Rieger , German master organ builder and company founder
- 1888: Edward Lear , British painter, illustrator and writer
- 1890: William Gull , British doctor, suspected of being Jack the Ripper
- 1891: William Windom , American lawyer and politician, Congressman and Senator, US Secretary of the Treasury
- 1895: Adalbert von Dobschütz , Prussian colonel
- 1896: Willem Gerard Brill , Dutch Netherlandishist, Romance scholar, Anglicist and historian.
- 1898: Roberto Ivens , Portuguese officer and explorer of Africa
- 1899: Alfred Sisley , French impressionist landscape painter
- 1899: Karl Buchrucker , Lutheran minister and theologian
20th century
- 1902: Carl Arendt , German Sinologist
- 1905: Heinrich Adam , German-Austrian architect and Vienna municipal councillor
- 1905: Hermann Landois , German zoology professor
- 1906: Christian IX , King of Denmark
- 1907: Helen Taylor , English suffragette
- 1910: Edmond Missa , French composer
- 1910: Édouard Rod , Swiss author
- 1911: Wilhelm Wilmanns , German scholar
- 1912: Bronisław Markiewicz , Polish priest and founder of the order
- 1912: Herman Bang , Danish writer
- 1918: Berthold Welte , German manufacturer and businessman
- 1919: Franz Mehring , German publicist, politician and Marxist historian
- 1920: Johann Desch , German co-founder of industrial clothing manufacturing
- 1921: Carl Georg Schillings , German photographer
- 1924: Jacobus Johannes Hartman , Dutch classical scholar
- 1928: Douglas Haig, 1st Earl Haig , British Field Marshal
- 1929: Paul Gerson Unna , German physician and dermatologist
- 1934: Fritz Haber , German chemist and Nobel laureate, pioneer of chemical warfare
- 1936: Joe Delahanty , American baseball player
- 1938: Johannes Werthauer , German jurist and criminal law reformer
- 1938: Mary Wurm , English pianist, composer and music teacher
- 1940: Nedo Nadi , Italian saber and foil fencer
- 1941: Franz Gürtner , German Reich Minister of Justice
- 1941: Ioannis Metaxas , Greek general and politician
- 1945: Hans Conrad Leipelt , German student, member of the White Rose and resistance fighter
- 1946: Otto Brunck , German chemist
- 1946: Harry Hopkins , American politician
- 1946: Sidney Jones , British composer and conductor
- 1946: Bolesława Maria Lament , Polish nun and founder of the order
- 1947: Albert Arnstadt , German politician
- 1948: Aimone, 4th Duke of Aosta and Duke of Spoleto , fourth Duke of Aosta and Duke of Spoleto
- 1954: Walter Conrad Arensberg , American literary scholar and art collector
- 1956: Henry L. Mencken , American writer, journalist, literary critic, columnist, satirist, and cultural critic
- 1961: Johann Raithel , German general
- 1962: Fritz Kreisler , Austrian violinist and composer
- 1962: Philipp Meyer , German politician, MP
- 1963: Robert Frost , American poet and four-time Pulitzer Prize winner
- 1963: Albert K. Hömberg , German historian and author
- 1964: Alan Ladd , American film actor
- 1965: Alfred Roseno , German surgeon and urologist
- 1965: Michał Spisak , Polish composer
- 1965: Harold Steinacker , German historian
- 1965: Gladys Moore Vanderbilt , American member of the Vanderbilt family
- 1968: Hermann Asmus , German film architect and theater painter
- 1966: Josef Winckler , German writer
- 1969: Theodor Boehm , German pharmaceutical chemist
- 1969: Allen Welsh Dulles , American diplomat, director of the CIA and member of the Warren Commission
- 1969: Julius Gold , American violinist, musicologist and educator
- 1970: Basil Liddell Hart , British military historian, correspondent and strategist
- 1970: Viktor Fyodorovich Bolkhovichinov , Soviet aircraft designer
- 1974: Dillon Anderson , American lawyer
- 1974: Martynas Anysas , Lithuanian jurist, historian and diplomat
- 1974: Klaus Dieter Arndt , German politician, MdL, MdB, MEP
- 1974: Herbert Ernest Bates , English author and novelist
- 1976: Reinhard Federmann , Austrian writer
- 1977: Jack Manders , American football player
- 1977: Freddie Prinze , American actor
- 1978: Stanisław Dygat , Polish writer
- 1979: Alf Ahlberg , Swedish writer, humanist and philosopher
- 1979: René Deltgen , Luxembourgish actor
- 1982: Ōtsuka Hironori , Japanese founder of Wado-ryu karate
- 1984: Max Güde , German lawyer and politician
- 1984: Gunther Ipsen , Austrian sociologist and philosopher
- 1984: Edzard Schaper , German writer and translator
- 1986: Jörg Mauthe , Austrian journalist, writer and cultural politician
- 1986: Leif Erickson , American actor
- 1988: Seth Neddermeyer , American physicist
- 1989: Halina Konopacka , Polish track and field athlete
- 1991: Bruno Marek , Austrian Mayor of Vienna
- 1991: Yasushi Inoue , Japanese writer
- 1992: Willie Dixon , American blues musician
- 1993: Walter Kolbenhoff , German writer, journalist and broadcast editor
- 1994: Ulrike Maier , Austrian alpine skier
- 1994: Joseph Abileah , Israeli violinist and peace activist, first convicted Israeli conscientious objector
- 1997: Osvaldo Soriano , Argentine writer and journalist
- 1998: Bruno Goller , German painter
- 1999: Willy Bandholz , German field handball player
- 1999: David Ricardo Williams , Canadian jurist, historian and writer
- 2000: Hannes Schmidhauser , Swiss film actor, screenwriter and director
- 2000: Thomas Bowles , American baritone saxophone player
21st century
- 2001: Jean-Pierre Aumont , French actor and screenwriter
- 2002: Andy Kulberg , American rock musician
- 2003: Leslie Fiedler , American literary scholar and critic
- 2004: OW Fischer , Austrian actor
- 2004: Janet Frame , New Zealand writer
- 2004: Walter Jansen , German auxiliary bishop
- 2004: Paul-Friedrich Reder , German handball player and coach
- 2004: Roy Woods , American racing driver and racing team owner
- 2005: Toni Berger , German folk actor
- 2005: Alois Derfler , President of the Austrian Farmers' Union
- 2005: Jean Hengen , Archbishop of Luxembourg
- 2005: Karl Heinz Jacoby , Auxiliary Bishop of Trier
- 2005: Ephraim Kishon , Hungarian-Israeli writer and journalist
- 2005: Uli Märkle , German promoter and music producer
- 2005: Hermann Person , German politician, MdL, District President of southern Baden
- 2005: Cora Santa Cruz , Chilean singer, pianist and actress
- 2006: Nam June Paik , American musician and visual artist
- 2008: Abu Laith al-Libi , Pakistani terrorist
- 2008: Helga Goetze , German artist, writer and political activist
- 2008: Philippe Khorsand , French actor
- 2009: Hank Crawford , American musician
- 2009: Karl Gass , German documentary film director
- 2009: John Martyn , British musician
- 2012: Oscar Luigi Scalfaro , Italian politician, President of the Republic
- 2013: Paul Kienle , German physicist, university lecturer and science manager
- 2013: Butch Morris , American jazz and improvisational musician
- 2013: Reinhold Stecher , Austrian theologian, Bishop of the Diocese of Innsbruck
- 2013: Walter Schilling , German theologian and civil rights activist
- 2015: Lope Balaguer , Dominican singer
- 2015: Will McBride , American photographer
- 2015: Colleen McCullough , Australian writer
- 2015: Reiner Süss , German Kammersänger and entertainer
- 2015: Israel Yinon , Israeli conductor
- 2016: Wolfgang Rittmann , German sports official
- 2016: Jacques Rivette , French film director
- 2016: Helmut Zatopek , German footballer
- 2019: James Ingram , American soul musician
- 2021: Hilton Valentine , British musician ( The Animals )
- 2021: Mary Anne Witchger , American swimmer
holidays and commemorations
- Church commemorations
- Theophil Wurm , Bishop of Württemberg, representative of the church resistance against National Socialism , first EKD Council Chairman (Protestant)
- St. Valerius of Trier , Bishop (Catholic)
The list of commemoration and action days contains further entries .
Commons : January 29 - Collection of images, videos and audio files