Otto Mencke

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Otto Mencke (portrait of Martin Bernigeroth )

Otto Mencke (* 22. March 1644 in Oldenburg , † January 18 . Jul / 29. January  1707 greg. In Leipzig ) was a German scholar and professor of moral and political science at the Faculty of Arts University of Leipzig .


Mencke was the eldest son of the Oldenburg businessman Johannes (or Johann) Mencke. His cousin was Lüder Mencke , who also became a professor in Leipzig (for jurisprudence). After attending the Latin school in his hometown, he attended high school in Bremen, studied philosophy in Leipzig and received his master's degree in 1664 . He then studied for half a year theology at the University of Jena and then returned to Leipzig to turn to the law. A study trip took him to the Netherlands and England.

When he returned to Leipzig, he taught as a private lecturer, and from 1667 as a member of the Philosophical Faculty. He received his doctorate in 1668 under Jakob Thomasius at the University of Leipzig, was a member of the Kleiner Fürstenkolleg and in 1669 received the professorship for practical philosophy , morality and politics. At the same time, he continued his theological studies, which he completed in 1671 with a licentiate. He gave his lectures a. a. Hugo Grotius ' De jure belli ac pacis and gave a lecture on a kind of Ius publicum universale , which, according to Notker Hammerstein , calls him a “cautiously concealed supporter of the newer Dutch. Doctrine of Natural and International Law ”.

Mencke married Magdalena Sybilla Berlich in 1672, daughter of the Jena law professor Burchard Berlich . They had three children, one of whom died young. The son Johann Burckhardt Mencke (1674-1732) also became a scholar and history professor. The daughter Anna Sophia (1678-1714) married the Wittenberg orientalist Johann Christoph Wichmannshausen .

Mencke's particular merit is the publication of the first German scholarly journal , Acta eruditorum , which first appeared in Leipzig in 1682. Their model was the French Journal des sçavans . In this monthly magazine, written in Latin , new, mainly scientific books were presented. Mencke was a close friend of Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz , who wrote over 100 articles on the Acta eruditorum. Mencke's son Johann Burckhard and grandson Friedrich Otto Mencke continued the magazine after Otto Mencke's death; its publication was discontinued in 1782.


Web links

Commons : Otto Mencke  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. NDB and all entries in the German Biographical Archive indicate January 29th as the date of death. Only the ADB mentions January 18th.
  2. a b c Notker HammersteinMencke, Otto. In: New German Biography (NDB). Volume 17, Duncker & Humblot, Berlin 1994, ISBN 3-428-00198-2 , p. 33 f. ( Digitized version ).
  3. ^ AMS Mathematic Genealogy Project