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17th century |
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1670s |
1680s |
1690s |
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1703 |
1704 |
1705 |
1706 |
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1707 | |
The Act of Union creates the Kingdom of Great Britain . | |
France under Louis XIV capitulates in the War of the Spanish Succession and renounces ownership claims in Italy. | |
1707 in other calendars | |
Armenian calendar | 1155/56 (turn of the year July) |
Ethiopian calendar | 1699/1700 (turn of the year 11/12 September) |
Bengali solar calendar | 1112/13 (beginning of April 14th or 15th) |
Buddhist calendar | 2250/51 (southern Buddhism); 2249/50 (alternative calculation according to Buddha's Parinirvana ) |
Chinese calendar | 73rd (74th) cycle
Year of the fire pig丁亥 ( at the beginning of the year fire dog 丙戌) |
Chula Sakarat (Siam, Myanmar) / Dai calendar (Vietnam) | 1069/70 (turn of the year April) |
Dangun era (Korea) | 4040/41 (October 2/3) |
Iranian calendar | 1085/86 |
Islamic calendar | 1118/19 (turn of the year 3rd / 4th April) |
Jewish calendar | 5467/68 (September 26-27) |
Coptic calendar | 1423/24 (September 11-12) |
Malayalam calendar | 882/883 |
Seleucid era | Babylon: 2017/18 (turn of the year April)
Syria: 2018/19 (New Year October) |
Vikram Sambat (Nepalese Calendar) | 1763/64 (turn of the year April) |
Politics and world events
Great Britain / Act of Union
- February 16 : The Scottish Parliament votes on the Act of Union . The unification treaty with England is approved by 110 votes to 69 . A number of MPs have been bribed or are hoping to get compensation for the failed Darién project with a “yes” vote .
- April 25 : The Scottish Parliament dissolves and is subsequently merged with the British Parliament to form the British Parliament .
- May 1 : The Kingdom of Great Britain is created through the unification of the Kingdoms of England (with the Principality of Wales in 1536 ) and Scotland .
- October 23 : The British Parliament, newly formed under the Act of Union , meets for its first session.
War of the Spanish Succession
- March 13 : The military strength of Prince Eugene of Savoy's troops, demonstrated in the battle of Turin last year , leads to the general capitulation of France in the War of the Spanish Succession . King Louis XIV waived all ownership claims in Italy with the exception of Naples .
- April 25 : The victory of Marshal Berwick over the Anglo-Portuguese army at Almanza marks a turning point in the war on the Iberian Peninsula. This means that the southern provinces of Spain also fall into the hands of Philip , after he had already been able to recapture Madrid .
- June 6th : The Duchy of Württemberg concludes the Schwieberdinger Treaty with France , with which it buys a protection from the French troops for the price of one million guilders.
- End of June: The Savoy troops under Viktor Amadeus II advance from Italy to France. The aim is to destroy the Flotte du Levant in Toulon . Afraid of falling into Allied hands , the French Mediterranean fleet sank itself .
- July 14th to August 22nd : After more than a month, the Allies under Duke Viktor Amadeus II and Eugene of Savoy give up the siege of Toulon and retreat to Piedmont .
- The Austrian Field Marshal Wirich Philipp von und zu Daun conquered the Kingdom of Naples.
Great Northern War
- The Swedish King Charles XII. In Altranstädt in February, June and August, he refuses peace offers from Russian Tsar Peter I because he considers them to be a deception and plans to liberate the Swedish Baltic provinces.
- September 1st : Charles XII. of Sweden and Emperor Joseph I conclude the Altranstadt Convention , with which the Emperor must grant freedom of belief in Silesia .
- September 7th : Charles XII. sets out on a campaign against Russia in the Great Northern War . At Steinau an der Oder it crosses the Polish border. But the Russians cleverly evade a battle under the orders of Alexander Danilowitsch Menshikov .
- Autumn: Under the leadership of Ataman Kondrati Afanassjewitsch Bulavin , the Russian Cossacks begin a social revolutionary uprising in favor of the serf peasants. On October 9 rub a division of the Russian army in completely, which in search of runaway serfs is.
- At the end of October, because of the muddy season that began in autumn, Karl had his army held east of Posen , where new recruits increased the Swedish armed forces to 44,000 men. After the frost has made the roads passable again and the rivers have frozen over, the Swedish army crossed the frozen Vistula in the last days of the year . Menshikov is now avoiding a confrontation and continues to withdraw. Instead of following the trail devastated by the Russian army, the Swedes are marching through Masuria , which is considered impassable , thereby bypassing the prepared defensive lines of the Russians.
Other events in Europe
- January 1st : John V of the House of Braganza is crowned King of Portugal .
- March 23rd : The Toggenburg passes a constitutional draft in a rural community , which sets up an autonomous state administration while maintaining the sovereign rights of the prince-abbey of St. Gallen . In doing so, they are constituted as a rural community democracy , following the example of Appenzell . All abbot officials and the governor are expelled and religious freedom is issued, which is clearly directed against the interests of the Catholic cantons. Therefore, the Catholic place of protection Schwyz now swings to the side of the prince abbot, whereupon the dispute takes on a decidedly denominational note and the Confederation takes the side of the prince abbot or the Toggenburgers along the denominational boundaries .
- March 29th : Wilhelm Hyacinth , Prince of Orange and Regent of Nassau-Siegen , is chased out of the city and the office by the population of Siegen . Friedrich Wilhelm I. Adolf takes over the rule.
Tekle Haymanot I , who ascended the Ethiopian throne the previous year and murdered his father Iyasu I , has difficulties to consolidate his rule as a negus because of the murder . There are several uprisings in the empire. One of the rebels had himself proclaimed emperor as Amda Seyon in Gojam and then even conquered the capital Gondar . Tekle Haymanot returns quickly to Gonder despite the stressful travel that the rainy season brings with it and forces the usurper to flee. But his unpopularity both among the people and at court grows.
- March 3 : After the death of Aurangzeb , there are throne disputes in the Mughal Empire in India . His second eldest son Muhammad Azam Shah initially takes power, but is defeated on June 8 by his older brother Bahadur Shah I near Agra and falls. He then tried in vain to consolidate the empire again.
- On the mediation of King Phrachao Suea of Ayutthaya , the Laotian Kingdom of Lan Xang , which has been in disintegration since 1694 due to throne disputes, is split into two parts, the Kingdom of Luang Prabang under Kingkitsarat and the Kingdom of Vientiane under the previous King Sai Setthathirath II.
- Emperor Joseph I founds the Dispatch Office in Vienna, today's Dorotheum .
- The Eichstatt prince-bishop Johann Anton I. Knebel von Katzenelnbogen founds a brewery in Titting .
- The Amalienhütte ironworks is founded in Niederlaasphe .
- In Schöppingen , the Sasse Feinbrennerei is mentioned for the first time as a distillery and brewery .
science and technology
- September 27th : The French physics professor Denis Papin , who teaches in Marburg , cruises the Fulda between Kassel and Hann in a steam-powered rowing ship . Münden .
- December 16 : The Bear Tavern on the beach in London the first session of the place Learned Society Society of Antiquaries of London instead. The members want to look after the country's antiquities and cultural assets.
- April 11th : Georg Friedrich Handel completes the work Dixit Dominus in Rome , a setting of Psalm 110 in the Latin version of the Vulgate . A performance of the work as part of Vespers for the annual feast of the Carmelite Order on July 16 and 17 in the Roman church of Santa Maria in Montesanto on the Piazza del Popolo is likely, but not proven. Handel conducts the music on at least one of these festive days. In the same year, Handel also wrote the oratorio The Triumph of Time and Truth in Rome, although it was not premiered until 50 years later.
- Spring: Dido, Queen of Carthago , an opera in three acts by Christoph Graupner based on the libretto by Heinrich Hinsch , based on Virgil's epic Aeneid , has its world premiere at the Oper am Gänsemarkt in Hamburg.
- July 26th : The world premiere of the opera Turno Aricino by Giovanni Battista Bononcini on a libretto by Silvio Stampiglia takes place at the Teatro della Favorita in Vienna.
- November / December: Georg Friedrich Handel's first Italian opera Rodrigo has its world premiere at the Teatro del Cocomero or in the Palazzo Pitti in Florence. The libretto is believed to be by Antonio Salvi and is based on the piece Il duello d'amore e di vendetta by Francesco Silvani .
- around 1707: During his time in Mühlhausen, Johann Sebastian Bach wrote the cantata From the depths I call, Lord, to you .
- 22 October : Four ships belonging to a Royal Navy squadron under Admiral Sir Cloudesley Shovell stranded in the Isles of Scilly due to navigation errors. Over 1,600 dead, 26 survivors
- October 28 : The Hōei earthquake , with a magnitude of 8.4 one of the strongest in Japan, kills 30,000 including a tsunami.
- December 16 : The volcano Fuji , Japan's highest mountain, begins its last eruption for the time being , possibly triggered by the previous Hōei earthquake. The eruption lasting around two weeks creates a second volcanic crater halfway up the mountain.
First half of the year
- January 6th : Johann Friedrich Crell , German anatomist and physiologist († 1747 )
- January 11 : Vincenzo Riccati , Venetian mathematician († 1775 )
- January 18 : Johann Aloys I. zu Oettingen-Spielberg , Prince of the Principality of Oettingen-Spielberg († 1780 )
- January 22nd : Jean Esprit Isnard , French Dominican and organ builder († 1781 )
- January 30 : Johann Gottlieb Immermann , German Protestant clergyman and educator († 1777 )
- January 31 : Friedrich Ludwig of Hanover , Prince of Wales and Prince Elector of Hanover († 1751 )
- February 13 : Suraj Mal , Maharajah of Bharatpur, representative of the Jats ethnic group in northwest India († 1763 )
- February 16 : Wilhelm Anton von der Asseburg , Lower Saxon nobleman († 1782 )
- February 23 : Matthias Faller , German monastery sculptor and wood carver († 1791 )
- February 24 : Sven Lagerbring , Swedish historian († 1787 )

- February 25 : Carlo Goldoni , Italian playwright († 1793 )
- February 27 : Johann Christian Stock , German physician († 1758 )
- February 28 : Johann Christian Senckenberg , doctor and naturalist († 1772 )
- March 2 : Guillaume Barthez de Marmorières , French engineer and encyclopaedist († 1799 )
- March 2 : Louis-Michel van Loo , French portrait painter († 1771 )
- March 11 : Friedrich Grimm , German pastor of the Reformed Confession and grandfather of the Brothers Grimm († 1777 )
- March 18 : Józef Baka , Polish Jesuit priest, missionary, preacher and poet († 1780 )
- March 31 : Sophie Karoline von Brandenburg-Kulmbach , Princess of East Friesland († 1764 )
- April 1 : Franz de Paula Penz , Austrian pastor and architect († 1772 )
- April 4 : Hans Karl von Winterfeldt , Prussian general and close friend of Frederick II († 1757 )
- April 10 : Michel Corrette , French composer and author of music theory treatises († 1795 )
- April 10 : John Pringle , British medic († 1782 )
- April 14 : Daniel Bruckner , Basel clerk and historian († 1781 )
- April 15 : Stefano Evodio Assemani , Arab orientalist († 1782 )
- April 15 : Claude-Louis, comte de Saint-Germain , French Minister of War and Marshal of France († 1778 )
- April 15 : Leonhard Euler , Swiss mathematician and physicist († 1783 )
- April 22 : Henry Fielding , British writer († 1754 )
- May 2 : Jean-Baptiste Barrière , French cellist and composer († 1747 )
- May 12 : Maria Anna von Kottulinsky , Princess of Liechtenstein († 1788 )
- May 14 : António Teixeira , Portuguese composer and harpsichordist († 1776 )

- May 23 : Carl von Linné , Swedish botanist and taxonomist († 1778 )
- May 27 : Jean Deschamps , Franco-German philosopher, Prussian court preacher, theologian and writer († 1767 )
- June 4 : Henning Alexander von Kleist , Royal Prussian Lieutenant General († 1784 )
- June 12 : Barbara Helena Preissler , German miniature painter, copper engraver and wax boss († 1758 )
- June 15 : Maria Karolina von Königsegg-Rothenfels , abbess of the free worldly women's monastery Buchau († 1774 )
Second half of the year
- July 4th : Georg Friedrich von Kleist , Prussian Lieutenant General († 1765 )
- July 12 : Esteban de Terreros y Pando , Spanish Jesuit, philologist and lexicographer († 1782 )
- July 13 : Jakob Emele , South German builder († 1780 )
- July 17 : Johann Joseph von Trautson , Archbishop of the Archdiocese of Vienna and Cardinal († 1757 )
- August 4th : Johann August Ernesti , German Protestant theologian, philologist, pedagogue and rector of the Thomas School in Leipzig († 1781 )
- August 7th : Carl Günther Ludovici , German philosopher, lexicographer and economist († 1778 )
- August 13 : Hans Jakob Pestalozzi , Swiss entrepreneur († 1782 )
- August 25 : Ludwig I , King of Spain († 1724 )
- August 28 : Anton Peter Příchovský von Příchovice , Archbishop of Prague († 1793 )
- September 3 : Johann Peter Süßmilch , German pastor and statistician († 1767 )
- September 3 : Johann Friedrich Glaser , German medic († 1789 )
- September 7th : Georges-Louis Leclerc de Buffon , French naturalist († 1788 )
- September 16 : Wytze Foppes , Frisian carpenter, arithmetic master and instrument maker († 1778 )
- September 16 : Joseph Michael Schnöller , German builder and architect († 1767 )
- September 21 : Conrad Wilhelm von Ahlefeldt , German General and Minister of War († 1791 )
- September 30th : Pietro Rotari , Italian painter, active in Italy, Vienna, Dresden and as court painter in Saint Petersburg († 1762 )
- October 1 : Johann Kaspar Arletius , German educator and polymath († 1784 )
- October 4th : Francesco Fontebasso , Venetian painter († 1769 )
- October 12 : Johann Gottfried Hermann , German Lutheran theologian († 1791 )
- October: Madeleine Angélique Neufville de Villeroy , French Salonnière († 1787 )
- November 1 : Giuseppe Bonito , Neapolitan painter († 1789 )
- November 2 : Johann Julius Hecker , founder of the first Prussian teacher training college († 1768 )
- November 3 : Bernardino Galliari , Piedmontese fresco artist and theater painter († 1794 )
- November 23 : Anna Karolina Orzelska , Princess of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Beck († 1769 )
- December 17th : Ernst Friedrich II. , Duke of Saxony-Hildburghausen († 1745 )
- December 18 : Charles Wesley , British theologian and co-founder of the Methodist movement († 1788 )
- December 22nd : Johann Amman , Swiss doctor and botanist († 1740 )
- December 24 : Carl Heinrich von Heineken , art writer and collector, director of the Dresden Kupferstichkabinett († 1791 )
- December 29th : Magdalena Sibylla Rieger , German poet († 1786 )
Exact date of birth unknown
- Ehrentreich Friedrich von Aschersleben , Prussian Major General († 1761 )
- Nicolas de la Grange , French playwright and translator († 1767 )
- Moshe Chaim Luzzatto , Jewish philosopher and Kabbalist († 1746 )
- Johann Baptist Georg Neruda , Bohemian violinist, conductor and composer († 1780 )
- Johann Nikolaus Tischer , German organist and composer († 1774 )
- Jakob Rüdiger von Zastrow , royal Prussian officer († 1782 )
January to April
- January 4th : Ludwig Wilhelm , regent of the margraviate of Baden-Baden and imperial general (* 1655 )
- January 6th : Abraham Wenzel Löbel , German mountain master (* 1631 )
- January 9 : Kaspar Frizzoni , Swiss Reformed pastor (* around 1640 )
- January 25 : John Cutts of Gowran , English lieutenant general and politician (* 1661 )
- January 29 : Otto Mencke , German scholar and professor of morality and politics (* 1644 )
- February 8 : Giuseppe Aldrovandini , Italian composer and conductor (* 1671 )
- February 8 : Johann Heinrich Starcke , German physician (* 1651 )
- before February 13: Thomas Schwanthaler , Bavarian sculptor (* 1634 )
- February 15 : Anton Winckler , Mayor of Lübeck and lawyer (* 1637 )
- February 22nd : Giacinto Calandrucci , Sicilian painter (* 1646 )
- March 3 : Aurangzeb , Mughal Mughal of India (* 1618 )
- March 9 : Jean II. D'Estrées , Marshal and Admiral of France (* 1624 )
- March 20 : Juliane Elisabeth von Waldeck , German noblewoman and benefactress (* 1637 )
- March 30th : Sébastien Le Prestre de Vauban , French general, fortress builder of Louis XIV and Marshal of France (* 1633 )
- April 1 : Takarai Kikaku , Japanese Haikai poet (* 1661 )
- April 2 : Gérard Edelinck , French engraver of Flemish origin (* 1640 )
- April 6 : Willem van de Velde the Younger , Dutch painter (* 1633 )
- April 9 : Jean Gallois , French scholar and clergyman (* 1632 )
- April 10 : Valentin Kühne , woodcut master from North Harz (* 1656 )
- April 20 : Johann Christoph Denner , German instrument maker, is considered the inventor of the clarinet (* 1655 )
- April 27 : Maria Franziska von Eptingen , abbess at Olsberg Monastery (* 1631 )
- April 28 : Christian , Duke of Saxony-Eisenberg (* 1653 )
- April 29 : George Farquhar , Irish playwright (* around 1677 )
- Girolamo Sartorio , Italian architect in Germany (* before 1667) April:
May to August
- May 3 : Michiel de Swaen , Dutch-speaking French author (* 1654 )
- May 9 : Dieterich Buxtehude , Danish-German organist and composer of the Baroque (* 1637 )
- May 9 : Johann Eisenhart , German legal scholar (* 1643 )
- May 17th : Karl Wilhelm von Hessen-Darmstadt , Hessian prince and colonel (* 1693 )
- May 17th : Benjamin Raule , Dutch shipowner and general naval director from Brandenburg (* 1634 )
- May 27 : Françoise-Athénaïs de Rochechouart de Mortemart , Marquise de Montespan, mistress of Louis XIV (* 1640 )
- May 29 : Samuel Bottschild , Dresden painter (* 1641 )
- June 3 : Pieter de Graeff , Dutch aristocrat (* 1638 )
- June 8 : Muhammad Azam Shah , Mughal Mughal of India (* 1653 )
- June 10 : Johann Ernst III. , Duke of Saxe-Weimar (* 1664 )
- June 14 : Hieronymus Dathe , German Lutheran theologian (* 1667 )
- June 15 : Antonio Verrio , Italian painter in England (* 1636 or 1639 )
- June 23 : John Mill , English theologian (* around 1645 )
- June 24th : Kaspar von Stieler , German scholar and linguist (* 1632 )
- July 12 : Carl Leonhard Müller von der Lühne , Swedish general (* 1643 )
- July 20 : Korbinian von Prielmayr , Bavarian statesman (* 1643 )
- August 17th : Petter Dass , Norwegian poet and hymn writer (* around 1646 )
- August 18 : William Cavendish, 1st Duke of Devonshire , English politician (* 1640 )
- August 20 : Nicolas Gigault , French organist and composer (* around 1627 )
- August 28 : Johann Jacob John , German organ builder (* 1665 )
- August 31 : Samuel Benedict Carpzov , German poet and Protestant theologian (* 1647 )
September to December
- September 8 : Andreas David Carolus , German Lutheran theologian (* 1658 )
- September 15 : George Stepney , English diplomat and poet (* 1663 )
- September 21 : Johann Mauritz Gröninger , German sculptor and painter (* 1652 )
- September 30th : Georg Pasch , German ethnologist, logician and Protestant theologian (* 1661 )
- October 5 : Daniel Speer , German writer and composer (* 1636 )
- October 11 : Johann Reinhold von Patkul , Livonian and Saxon statesman (* 1660 )
- October 27 : Rudolph , Count zu Lippe-Brake (* 1664 )
- October 29 : Maria Clara Eimmart , Nuremberg astronomer (* 1676 )
- November 5 : Denis Dodart , French doctor and botanist (* 1634 )
- November 10 : Joseph I , Patriarch of the Chaldean Catholic Church based in Diyarbakır (* 1667 )
- November 26th : Leonhard Dientzenhofer , German builder and architect (* 1660 )
- November 27th : Fitz-John Winthrop , English colonial administrator, governor of the Colony of Connecticut (* 1638 )
- December 1 : Jeremiah Clarke , English composer (* around 1674 )
- December 24th : Gottlob Friedrich Seligmann , German Lutheran theologian (* 1654 )
- December 24th : Charlotte von Liegnitz-Brieg-Wohlau , Duchess of Liegnitz, Brieg and Wohlau and by marriage Duchess of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Wiesenburg (* 1652 )
- December 24th : Noël Coypel , French painter (* 1628 )
- December 27 : Jean Mabillon , French Benedictine monk, scholar and founder of the auxiliary historical sciences (* 1632 )
Exact date of death unknown
- Daniel Bernhardi , Protestant theologian (* 1622 )
- Ehmedê Xanî , Kurdish writer, scholar and poet (* 1651 )
Web links
Individual evidence
- ^ Significant Earthquakes Full Search, sort by Date, Country. In: Significant Earthquake Database. National Geophysical Data Center (NGDC), NOAA, accessed March 27, 2010 .