Ehrentreich Friedrich von Aschersleben

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Ehrentreich Friedrich von Aschersleben (* 1707 ; † November 1761 in Wittenberg ) was a royal Prussian major general .


He was the son of Martin Sigmund von Aschersleben and his wife Margarethe Hedwig von Klützow from the Dedelow house ( Prenzlau ).

He initially served in the Gensdarmes Regiment , from here he was transferred to the Cuirassier Regiment No. 12 (Kyaw). There he became major on May 22, 1744. On June 27, 1751 he became lieutenant colonel and in 1754 he took over the Dragoon Regiment No. 10 (Finck). On June 13, 1755 he was promoted to colonel, on August 30, 1758 to major general. On September 18, 1758 he became commander of the Cuirassier Regiment No. 5 , which he headed until his death. There he succeeded Hans Sigismund von Zieten , who had died shortly before at Zorndorf .

He was involved in all of Frederick II's campaigns. He was seriously wounded near Chotusitz in May 1742 , but fought again in Hohenfriedberg in 1745 . In the Seven Years' War he fought in Groß-Jägersdorf , Krefeld and Torgau . In 1759 he belonged first to the army of Prince Heinrich in Thuringia, then to the army of Lieutenant General Johann Dietrich von Hülsen in Bohemia and still fought in Kunersdorf .


Individual evidence

  1. ^ Philipp von Schröter , Johann Friedrich Seyfart : War history of the Prussians from 1655 to 1763. 1764, p. 373, digitized .