Sophie Karoline of Brandenburg-Kulmbach

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Sophie Karoline von Brandenburg-Kulmbach, Princess of East Friesland

Sophie Karoline von Brandenburg-Kulmbach (born March 31, 1707 in Weferlingen , † June 7, 1764 at Sorgefri Castle near Copenhagen ) was a princess of Brandenburg from the Kulmbach branch line (the Kulmbach-Bayreuth branch) of the younger line of the Franconian Hohenzollern and through Marriage to the Princess of East Frisia .


Sophie Karoline was a daughter of Margrave Christian Heinrich von Brandenburg-Kulmbach (1661–1708) from his marriage to Sophie Christiane (1667–1737), daughter of Count Albrecht Friedrich von Wolfstein zu Sulzbürg.

On December 8, 1723 she became the second wife of Prince Georg Albrecht of East Frisia at Pretzsch Castle . Sophie Karoline Burg Berum was assured as a Wittum . The marriage remained childless and turned out to be extremely unhappy in its final years. Georg Albrecht turned to a Polish lady-in-waiting of his wife and was completely under her influence. Sophie Karoline was described as moderately gifted, but was very popular because of her piety and lovable character. She published spiritual poems.

She outlived her husband by 30 years, lived at Berum Castle from 1734 to 1740, then moved to Denmark as a guest of her sister, the Danish Queen Sophie Magdalene , and died at Sorgefri Castle near Copenhagen. She was buried in Roskilde Cathedral. The place Carolinensiel was named after Sophie Karoline .


  • Johann Samuelersch : Volume 60 of the General Encyclopedia of Sciences and Arts in alphabetical order of the mentioned scripts edited and edited by JS Versch and JG Gruber, Johann Samuelersch , J. f. Gleditsch, 1855, p. 61
  • Martin Jhering: Hofleben in Ostfriesland: the princely residence Aurich in 1728 , Verlag Hahnsche Buchhandlung, 2005, p. 45
  • Fridrich Arends: Earth description of the Principality of East Friesland and Harlingerland , printed by Wittwe Hyner, 1824, p. 419