Johann Samuel Publ

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Johann Samuel Publ

Johann Samuelersch (born June 23, 1766 in Großglogau , Silesia , † January 16, 1828 in Halle (Saale) ) was a professor and librarian in Halle.

Ersch founded with the Handbook of German literature since the mid-18th century , the German bibliography and gave together with Johann Gottfried Gruber the unfinished General Encyclopedia of Science and Arts in 167 volumes with over 78,000 pages out (Leipzig 1818-1889). Counting up the volumes published, this edition would have consisted of almost 300 volumes at regular completion. His work in Halle was preceded by studies at the library in Göttingen , the editing of the "Neue Hamburger Zeitung", the collaboration on the magazine "Allgemeine Deutsche Bibliothek" and his work as a librarian and professor in Jena .

Writings (chronological)

  • Repertory on the general German journals and other periodical collections . 3 volumes, Lemgo 1790–1792
  • General repertory of literature for the years 1785–1800 , 8 volumes. Weimar 1793-1807
  • The learned France or Lexicon of the French writers from 1771 - 1796. Hamburg 1797
  • Allgemeine Literatur-Zeitung (with Christian Gottfried Schütz ). Hall 1804–1849
  • Handbook about the Kingdom of Westphalia: for instruction on land u. Inhabitants, constitution, administration etc. external conditions d. State at all u. its individual parts in particular; along with e. Delay d. noblest court u. State officials; with e. Kt. Of d. Kgr. Westphalen . Halle: Hemmerde and Schwetschke 1808
  • Handbook of German literature since the middle of the 18th century (as publisher). 1812-1814
  • General Encyclopedia of Sciences and Arts (with Johann Gottfried Gruber ), 167 volumes. Leipzig 1818–1889. Digitized


Web links

Wikisource: Johann Samuelersch  - Sources and full texts

Individual evidence

  1. Download possible at the Munich digitization center after entering a free key number issued online
  2. C. G Schütz and JS Verlag (ed.): Allgemeine Literatur-Zeitung on the year 1821. First volume. January to April. , Royal Saxon. privil. Newspaper expedition. Halle and Leipzig 1821., Allgemeine Literatur-Zeitung. (January-April 1821) , accessed June 9, 2014