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Calendar overview 1624
1624 | |
Cardinal Richelieu becomes First Minister in France . |
John Smith is the author of The General History of Virginia . |
The siege of Breda in the Eighty Years War begins. | |
1624 in other calendars | |
Armenian calendar | 1072/73 (turn of the year July) |
Ethiopian calendar | 1616/17 (September 10-11) |
Bengali solar calendar | 1029/30 (beginning of April 14th or 15th) |
Buddhist calendar | 2167/68 (southern Buddhism); 2166/67 (alternative calculation according to Buddhas Parinirvana ) |
Chinese calendar | 71/72 (72./73.) Cycle
Year of the Wood Rat甲子 ( at the beginning of the year Water Pig 癸亥) |
Chula Sakarat (Siam, Myanmar) / Dai calendar (Vietnam) | 986/987 (turn of the year April) |
Dangun era (Korea) | 3957/58 (October 2/3) |
Iranian calendar | 1002/03 |
Islamic calendar | 1033/34 (turn of the year 13/14 October) |
Jewish calendar | 5384/85 (September 13-14) |
Coptic calendar | 1340/41 (September 10-11) |
Malayalam calendar | 799/800 |
Seleucid era | Babylon: 1934/35 (turn of the year April)
Syria: 1935/36 (turn of the year October) |
Vikram Sambat (Nepalese Calendar) | 1680/81 (April) |
Politics and world events
- April 29 : Cardinal Richelieu is taken over by King Louis XIII. Appointed to the Council of State . A few months later, on August 13th, he was entrusted with the management of the body and, as “First Minister” , he was in charge of government in France .
- June 10 : France and the Netherlands join the Treaty of Compiegne . It allows France to subsidize the Dutch war effort against Spain in the Dutch War of Independence after the end of the Twelve Years Peace . France is offering an immediate loan of 480,000 thalers , which will be followed by further installments. This move is part of France's general effort to undermine the Habsburg Empire . In return for the financial contributions, the Netherlands must support France in any future acts of war.
- August 27th : In the Eighty Years War , which broke out again between Spain and the Netherlands in 1621 as part of the Thirty Years War , the nine-month siege of the Dutch city of Breda by the Spanish general Ambrosio Spinola begins .
- As resistance to the arbitrariness of overhauling mercenary troops form up in the Harz region , the resin protecting .
- The Dutch founded the colony Nieuw Nederland in North America with the administrative center of Nieuw Amsterdam , later New York City .
- With the conquest of the city of Bahia by the Dutch to the start in 1661 lasting Dutch-Portuguese War .
- A war breaks out between the Mohawk and Mahican tribes , which is fueled by European arms deliveries.
- The Shiva temple Tirukoneswaram in Trincomalee in Sri Lanka is looted by the Portuguese and razed to the ground.
- The Danish East India Company transfers the town of Tranquebar and Fort Dansborg, acquired in 1620 , to the Danish crown .
- The first Europeans arrive in the Guge Kingdom in Tibet .
- 1624 is the " normal year " according to which the order of church affairs in the Peace of Westphalia is based.
- May 25th : The Statute of Monopolies is the first patent law for England .
- December 24th : King Christian IV's first Danish postal order appears, which also applies to postal services in Schleswig-Holstein . At the beginning, four merchants act as senior postal administrators .
- The Hamburg Admiralty founds the Hamburger Sklavenkasse in order to buy out Hamburg seamen who have fallen into slavery by North African pirates.
science and technology
- John Smith is the author of The General Historie of Virginia, New-England, and the Summer Isles .
- Jacob Bartsch publishes star maps under the title Usus astronomicus planisphaerii stellati , thereby making the constellations giraffe , southern cross , unicorn and rhombus, introduced by Petrus Plancius , known to a wider audience.
- James I founds Pembroke College in Oxford .
- Gian Lorenzo Bernini completes the sculpture of David . In the same year he was commissioned by Pope Urban VIII to build a canopy over Peter's tomb in Rome, for which he developed a new arrangement of columns .
- Il combattimento di Tancredi e Clorinda ( The fight between Tancredi and Clorinda , SV 153 ), a dramatic madrigal by the Italian composer Claudio Monteverdi ,premieres at the Venice Carnival in the palace of Girolamo Mocenigo . Monteverdi introduces two new playing techniques for string instruments for the first time: tremolo and pizzicato .
- 1624/ 1625 : In Bologna is Accademia dei Filomusi founded.
- Decisio Saxonica : Decision of the theologians from Electoral Saxony under the leadership of the Dresden court theologian Matthias Hoë von Hoënegg in the so-called Kenosis-Krypsis dispute , essentially in favor of the Giessen and against the Tübingen side.
- June 9th : The stored explosives in the Ostertorzwinger in Bremen are ignited by a lightning strike, whereupon 80 tons of powder and 30 tons of saltpeter explode and the tower is destroyed down to the foundation walls. Twelve people died in the explosion, most of them prisoners from the kennel. In addition, around a dozen houses are damaged.
- August: The Norwegian city of Oslo is devastated by a major fire. As a result, the city will not be rebuilt in the same place, but rather moved closer to Akershus Fortress under the name Christiania on the orders of King Christian IV .
- November 11th : The Pomeranian municipality of Rügenwalde falls victim to a major fire in which, among other things, the Marienkirche is completely destroyed.
Historical maps and views

Nice 1624

Antwerp 1624
First half of the year
- January 9 : Meishō , 109th Empress of Japan († 1696 )
- January 17th : Guarino Guarini , Italian Theatin, philosopher, mathematician and architect († 1683 )
- January 18 : Thyrsus González , Spanish order general († 1705 )
- January 18 : Johannes Lavater , Swiss Protestant clergyman and university professor († 1695 )
- January 19 : Kitamura Kigin , Japanese poet († 1705 )
- February 13 : Erik Axelsson Oxenstierna , Swedish statesman and Imperial Chancellor († 1656 )
- March 2nd : Jacob Beutel , German musician and choir director, Kreuzkantor in Dresden († 1694 )
- March 12 : Damian Hartard von der Leyen , Archbishop and Elector of Mainz and Prince-Bishop of Worms († 1678 )
- April 15 : Andrés Lorente , Spanish music theorist, organist and composer († 1703 )
- June 11 : Jean-Baptiste Du Hamel , French philosopher and theologian († 1706 )
- June 24th : Job Ludolf , German orientalist, founder of Ethiopian studies († 1704 )
- June 24 : Bernhard Rosa , abbot of the Cistercian monastery Grüssau and important reformer of his order († 1696 )
Second half of the year
- August 23 : Anna Elisabeth , Princess of Saxony-Lauenburg and Countess of Hesse-Homburg († 1688 )
- August 25 : François d'Aix de Lachaise , French Jesuit († 1709 )
- September 10th : Thomas Sydenham , English doctor of the baroque period († 1689 )
- September 29 : Anna Persauter , victim of the witch hunt in Saulgau († 1672 )
- November 20 : Gottfried von Jena , German diplomat and Prussian politician († 1703 )
- November 22nd : Auguste Sophie von Pfalz-Sulzbach , Countess Palatine von Sulzbach and Princess von Lobkowicz († 1682 )
- December 23 : Johann Volkmar Bechmann , German legal scholar († 1689 )
Exact date of birth unknown
- Baptized December 25th : Angelus Silesius , German poet († 1677 )
- August: Zheng Chenggong , Chinese army leader and pirate († 1662 )
- John Easton , English politician and governor of Rhode Island († 1705 )
- Jiři Melcl , Czech composer († 1693 )
First half of the year
- February 16 : Ludovic Stewart, 2nd Duke of Lennox , Scottish nobleman (* 1574 )
- February 22nd : Heinrich Eckhard , German Lutheran theologian (* 1580 )
- February 28 : Johann Affelmann , German theologian (* 1588 )
- March 23 : Samuel Huber , Swiss Lutheran theologian (* 1547 )
- March 28 : Richard Sackville, 3rd Earl of Dorset , English nobleman and statesman (* 1589 )
- April 3 : Kemankeş Ali Pasha , Grand Vizier of the Ottoman Empire
- April 13 : Ernst Cothmann , German lawyer and legal scholar (* 1557 )
- June 23 : Quirinus Cubach , German historian, lawyer and poet (* 1589 )
Second half of the year
- July 11th : Bernhard Schwarte , victim of the persecution of witches in Lüdinghausen (* around 1590 )
- July 31 : Henry II , Duke of Lorraine (* 1563 )
- September 9 : Andreas Cludius , German legal scholar (* 1555 )
- September 10 : Peter Finxius , German medic (* 1573 )
- September 18 : Pedro Osores de Ulloa , Spanish officer and governor of Chile (* around 1540 )
- September 20 : Isaac Le Maire , Dutch entrepreneur (* around 1558 )
- September 23 : Willem Pietersz. Buytewech , Dutch painter, draftsman and etcher (* 1591 / 92 )
- November 17 : Jakob Böhme , German theologian, philosopher and writer (* 1575 )
- November 26 : Benedikt Carpzov the Elder , German professor of law (* 1565 )
- December 5 : Caspar Bauhin , Swiss botanist and university professor (* 1560 )
- December 6th : Francesco Contarini , 95th Doge of Venice (* 1556 )
- December 14 : Charles Howard, 1st Earl of Nottingham , English statesman and admiral (* 1536 )
Exact date of death unknown
- Giulio Cesare Lagalla , Italian professor of philosophy (* 1576 )
Web links
Commons : 1624 - collection of pictures, videos and audio files