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1550s |
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1580 |
1581 |
1582 |
1583 |
1584 |
1585 |
1586 |
1587 |
1588 |
January – June
- January 31 : Henry I of Portugal dies without a direct descendant.
- March 1st : Michel de Montaigne , founder of essay writing , publishes his essais (Essais de messire Michel).
- Easter: The Second Desmond Rebellion takes place in Ireland .
- June : England signs a trade treaty with the Ottoman Empire .
- June 11 : Juan de Garay founds Buenos Aires for the second time.
- June 25th : The Konkordienbuch , a collection of Lutheran symbolic books , is published in Dresden.
July – December
- August 25 : Under the Spanish King Philip II , Portugal is conquered and united with Spain after the battle of Alcántara .
- August 30th : Charles Emanuel I becomes Duke of Savoy . He will hold this rule until 1630 .
- September 26th : Francis Drake completes the first circumnavigation of the world by an Englishman after 1,018 days and lands in Plymouth .
- November 26th : The Seventh Huguenot War ends in France with the Peace of Fleix . This confirms agreements of two previous peace agreements in the religious struggle of the Protestants .
Unknown date
First documentary mentions
- Surava is first mentioned in a document.
- The Gansbräu in the Upper Palatinate is founded.
- The Kalt-Loch-Bräu in Lower Franconia is founded.
- Archduke Karl founds a horse stud in Lipica , the origin of the later Lipizzaner breeding .
- The city of Zamosc , the old town to the 1992 World Heritage Site of UNESCO is one, is the residence of the noble family Zamoyski of Jan Zamoyski founded.
- The Thomas College , predecessor of the Pontifical University of Saint Thomas Aquinas , is founded.
- Peter Binsfeld was appointed auxiliary bishop in Trier , an office he held until his death in 1598 . During this time the worst witch hunts took place in the Electorate of Trier .
- The Chronicle of Pema Karpo , a work of Tibetan historiographical Chöchung genus of of Pema Karpo is completed. The work contains biographical material from the period when the teaching of Buddhism was later spread .
- The 3rd Dalai Lama Sönam Gyatsho founds the Litang Monastery .
January – June
- February 19 : Claudio Acquaviva becomes the fifth general of the Jesuits .
- April 4 : Francis Drake is returned to honor his circumnavigation, which he last year of Queen Elizabeth I in the knighthood raised. From now on he bears the title Sir .
July – December
- July 24 : The Republic of the Seven United Provinces decided in The Hague during the Eighty Years' War , the Declaration of Independence from Spain . King Philip II is formally deposed and the country becomes a republic under the leadership of the States General . Governor is William of Orange appointed.
- August 24th : The siege of Pskov , which lasted until February 4th, 1582, begins; the Livonian War is then ended.
- September / October: Russia begins with the conquest of the Siberian Khanate and thus takes the first step towards the Russian conquest of Siberia .
- October 7th : After Honoré I's death , his son Charles II becomes lord of Monaco .
- October 15 : In the Paris Louvre , the Ballet Comique de la Reine , a five-hour ballet de cour to celebrate the wedding of Anne de Joyeuse de Lorraine and Marguerite, a half-sister of Queen Louise de Lorraine-Vaudemont , premiered.
- November 16 : Tsar Ivan IV of Russia , known as the Terrible, kills his son Ivan in Alexandrowa Sloboda in a fit of rage with the steel point (or iron knob) of his ruler's staff .
Unknown date
- Jan Zamoyski becomes Grand Hetman of the crown of the Polish-Lithuanian aristocratic republic .
- Finland , part of the Kingdom of Sweden since 1154 , is granted the status of a Grand Duchy .
- Swedish troops under Pontus de la Gardie conquer Narva in what is now Estonia and Ingria from Russia .
- The Japanese warlord Oda Nobunaga conquers the Iga Province and the Inaba Province .
First documentary mentions
- Geilensiepen is first mentioned in a document.
science and technology
- A new cookbook by Marx Rumpolt appears, the first textbook for professional chefs in training.
- The University Hospital Würzburg is founded.
- The Schweckhausen Castle , a moated castle of the Lords of mirror for Desenberg in Schweckhausen is completed.
- The renaissance castle Albrechtsberg in Lower Austria is being built over a medieval castle .
- The red castle in Mihla is completed.

January – June
- January 15 : The Jam Zapolski armistice ends the Livonian War . The Russian Tsar Ivan the Terrible leaves Livonia to the Polish-Lithuanian crown under Stephan Báthory .
- February 4 : The siege of Pskov in the Livonian War ends after the armistice agreed in the Yam Zapolski Treaty with the withdrawal of the last Polish-Lithuanian units from the Russian city.
- February 24th : Gregory XIII. signs the Pontifical Bull Inter gravissimas for the introduction of the Gregorian calendar .
- March 18 : The Biscay Jean Jaureguy carried out an assassination attempt on William I of Orange , a leader in the Eighty Years' War , which the victim survived.
- April 16 : Hernando de Lerma founds today's city of Salta in northwest Argentina under the name Ciudad de Lerma en el Valle de Salta .
July – December
- July 2 : After Oda Nobunaga by Akechi Mitsuhide on June 21 has been killed, uses Toyotomi Hideyoshi his chance, defeating Mitsuhide at the Battle of Yamazaki and secures Nobunaga's successor as the second realm unifier in Japan of the Sengoku period .
- Thursday, October 4th , is followed by Friday, October 15th in several Catholic countries : the beginning of the Gregorian calendar (year of correction ).
- October 23 : The Cossack ataman Yermak Timofejewitsch conquered the Tatar Khanate of Sibir after a three-day battle on the Irtysh near today's Tobolsk , thus opening the way for the colonization of large parts of western Siberia. The capital, Qashliq , falls on October 26th and is renamed Siberia . The conquest of the Siberian Khanate is a first step towards the Russian conquest of all of Siberia .
- November 27 : The line-up for the marriage of 18-year-old William Shakespeare with Anne Hathaway is ordered.
Unknown date
Holy Roman Empire
- The Diet of Augsburg rises Radkersburg to imperial fortress and approved Emperor Rudolf II. Funding for the fight against the Turks , although for several decades a relative peace with the Ottoman Empire there. In the Reichsfürstenrat , a distinction will be made between old and new princes .
- The Ducal Printing House in Barth is founded.
science and technology
- The University of Würzburg is newly founded.
Culture and society
- Giordano Bruno publishes the comedy Candelaio in book form
- Camillus de Lellis founded the Camillians -Orden Ordo Clericorum Regularium Ministrantium Infirmis .
The Jesuit Matteo Ricci is sent to China as a missionary as assistant to Michele Ruggieri . During his stay in Macau , Ricci already learned the Chinese language and writing . First, it can be in Zhaoqing in the province of Guangdong down. He is very popular with the Chinese and 20 years later brings out the first world map in China, the Kunyu Wanguo Quantu , on which the country of China is actually shown in the middle of the world according to the Chinese imagination. Ricci's missionary activity established the arrival of Christianity in China during the Ming Dynasty .
Due to the war events during the Desmond Rebellions , there is a famine in the Irish county of Munster .
January – June
- January 26th : The learned society Accademia della Crusca , the oldest language society, is founded in Florence .
- February 2 : In Bonn, the elector and Archbishop of Cologne Gebhard I. von Waldburg, who converted to Protestantism, marries Countess Agnes von Mansfeld-Eisleben . The marriage triggers the Truchsessian War and immediately excommunicates the archbishop.
- 7 February to 23 April : Eindhoven is besieged, conquered and destroyed by Spanish troops in the Eighty Years' War .
July – December
- August 5th : The Kingdom of England receives its first colony . Sir Humphrey Gilbert's seizure of the entire region for the English crown made the area around St. John's in Newfoundland the oldest British colony for a long time.
- August 10 : The Pljussa contract is signed . The three-year armistice ends the Livonian War between Russia and Sweden . Ivan IV renounces Jam , Koporje and Ivangorod and grants Sweden the possession of Estonia and Ingermanland .
- September 8th : In the Merlau Treaty between Landgrave Wilhelm IV of Hesse-Kassel and the new Archbishop of Mainz Wolfgang von Dalberg , the two sides agree on long-simmering border conflicts between Kurmainz and the Landgraviate, with almost all of the remaining Mainz possessions in North Hesse final fall to the Landgraviate, but Hessen-Kassel gives up its claims in the Eichsfeld . All of the pledges made during the Mainz collegiate feud come to Hesse for a further payment of 40,000 guilders.
- September 27th : Elisabeth Plainacher is burned at the stake as the only victim of the witch hunt in Vienna .
- December 17 : In the Sewer War mercenaries conquer the new Elector Ernst of Bavaria , the Godesburg , by a force of its predecessor Gebhard I von Waldenburg is defended.
Unknown date
Central Europe
- Bavarian-Spanish troops lay siege to Godesburg near Bonn in the Truchsessian War .
British Islands
- Francis Walsingham exposes the Catholic Throckmorton conspiracy against Queen Elizabeth I in England , which aims to bring Mary Stuart to the throne. Francis Throckmorton is arrested. The conspiracy leads to the creation of the Bond of Association , a document drafted by Francis Walsingham and William Cecil, 1st Baron Burghley , which obligated all signatories to do so, anyone trying to usurp the throne or attempting an assassination attempt on the Queen or succeeding commits to execute.
- End of the Desmond Rebellions in Ireland
- May: By winning the Battle of Shizugatake , Toyotomi Hideyoshi succeeds in consolidating his supremacy in Japan and eliminating his adversary Shibata Katsuie .
- The Osaka Castle is completed.
- The playing card tax is introduced in France .
science and technology
- Galileo invents the pendulum .
- The French legal scholar Dionysius Gothofredus uses this term for the first time in his work Corpus iuris civilis and contrasts it with the Corpus Iuris Canonici .
- The Austrian chronicler Michael von Aitzing published the first Leo Belgicus in his historical work De Leone Belgico , engraved by Frans Hogenberg . The book deals with contemporary Dutch history since 1559 from a Spanish perspective. As Aitzing explains in the preface, the representation of the seventeen provinces as a lion is intended to graphically illustrate the power and strength of the country struggling for independence.
- The Scottish King James VI. founds the University of Edinburgh .
- Ernst von Bayern becomes Archbishop of Cologne .
- The Strasbourg chapter dispute between the Catholic and Protestant parties for dominance in the cathedral chapter of the Strasbourg cathedral begins. The dispute lasted until 1604 .
- The Auspund , the oldest hymn book of the Anabaptist movement , appears in a second edition, expanded by 80 songs.
January – June
- January 2 : In the Truchsessian War , the Protestant side suffers a defeat in the Battle of the Agger . An ambush by Spanish-Bavarian troops leads to great losses among the allies of the Cologne elector Gebhard I von Waldburg, who has converted to the Protestant faith .
- March 28 : Ivan IV dies at the age of 53. Immediately after his death, the power struggle for the successor flares up.
- April 27th : The researchers Arthur Barlowe and Philip Amadas set out on an expedition to the area of the Outer Banks in what is now North Carolina on behalf of Sir Walter Raleigh and come across Roanoke Island , the residential area of the Roanoke Indians . They are enthusiastic about the landscape and the opportunities it offers and can win two Pamlico Indians to return to England with them. Queen Elizabeth I was so impressed with the report from the two pioneers that she gave Raleigh the green light to set up a colony in the New World .
- May 31 : After the death of Tsar Ivan IV “the terrible” , his insane son Fyodor comes to power. Boris Godunov conducts government affairs .
July – December
- July 10th : The Catholic fanatic Balthasar Gérard murders William I of Orange- Nassau. He will be executed by quartering on July 13th . King Philip II of Spain, on the other hand, raised the murderer's entire family to the nobility and gave them the goods of Orange in Franche-Comté .
- September 13 : Not far from Madrid, the Real Sitio de San Lorenzo de El Escorial , the largest Renaissance building in the world, is completed.
Unknown date
- Ivan IV has a fortified port for foreign trade with Western Europe built in the estuary of the Northern Dvina near the Archangel Michael Monastery . Based on the name of the city monastery, the place Novocholmogory is later called Arkhangelsk .
- Another Siamese-Burmese war begins with a pincer attack by the Burmese Empire of Pegu on the Siamese Empire of Ayutthaya .
science and technology
- Giordano Bruno publishes the dialogues De l'infinito, universo e mondi (dialogues between the infinite universe and the worlds).
- A scientific academy is founded in Lucca , the Accademia Lucchese di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti .
- Count Johann VI. of Nassau-Dillenburg founded at the urging of his brother William of Orange in Herborn the High School Academia Nassauensis .
- Sir Walter Mildmay founds Emmanuel College in Cambridge on the site of a former Dominican monastery .
- The Chinese mathematician and musicologist Zhu Zaiyu initially calculates the equal tuning with the help of a system of nine-digit numbers relatively precisely.
- The Indian mogul Akbar I introduced the Bengali solar calendar in his empire .
- The Catholic areas of the Confederation adopt the calendar reform through the Gregorian calendar .
- Margrave Ernst Friedrich von Baden-Durlach donates the Order of the Blue Band .
- The Icelandic bishop and scientist Guðbrandur Þorláksson publishes the Guðbrandsbiblia , the first complete translation of the Bible into the Icelandic language .
January – June
- March 3 : The Teatro Olimpico in Vicenza is opened according to plans by Andrea Palladio as the first free-standing theater building to be built in Europe since ancient times.
- April 4 : A at the siege of Antwerp in the Eighty Years' War by the Spaniards under Alessandro Farnese on the Scheldt stricken ship's bridge is explosive ships of the Italian Federigo Giambelli partially destroyed. As the success of this action is not immediately noticed in Antwerp, the Spaniards can restore the bridge. A little later, on August 17th, Antwerp had to surrender to the Spaniards.
- April 9 : Richard Grenville and 600 people leave Plymouth for the new world. Together with 107 other people, he founds the first English settlement on the east coast of North America. The settlement of Roanoke Island planned by Sir Walter Raleigh last year is developing into a disaster. The settlers arrive too late for a cheap harvest and also get into a dispute with the native Indian tribes.
- April 10 : Pope Gregory XIII. dies in Rome after almost 13 years of pontificate.
- April 24 : Cardinal Felice Peretti di Montalto is after three days of conclave by acclamation elected Pope and takes the name of Sixtus V on. One of his first official acts is the appointment of his great-nephew Alessandro Damasceni-Peretti di Montalto as cardinal. This takes on the function of a cardinal depository . Sixtus is also working on the financial situation of the Papal States, which under his predecessor Gregory XIII. has deteriorated rapidly, to renovate through radical austerity measures.
- June 23 : During the Eighty Years War the battle of Amerongen in the province of Utrecht takes place . Count Adolf von Neuenahr and his troops consisting of Dutch and German mercenaries fail in an attempt to stop the marauding of Spanish units.
July – December
- July 7th : King Henry III. abolishes all freedom of the Huguenots in the Treaty of Nemours with the Catholic side.
- July 15 : The University of Franeker is founded in the province of Friesland .
- September 9 : The Frankfurt Stock Exchange is founded. 84 merchants come to set the course initially .
- December 26th : The Geislautern ironworks is founded.
Unknown date
- Beginning of the eighth Huguenot War of the Catholic League (until 1588 )
- The Baden Treaty regulates the state relationship as well as the territorial and confessional sovereignty between Basel and the Principality of Basel . The treaty is a great success for the Swiss Counter Reformation .
- The gentlemen von Schlitz found the Auerhahn brewery in Sandlofs . The Schlitzer distillery also produces in an adjoining building .
science and technology
- Giordano Bruno publishes the Eroici furori (dialogues between heroes and enthusiasts).
- John Davis embarks on a multi-year voyage of discovery in search of the Northwest Passage . Among other things, he becomes a new discoverer of Greenland . He drives through Davis Strait and discovers what will later become Baffin Bay .
- Archduke Charles II of Inner Austria founds the University of Graz .
- Dietrich IV von Fürstenberg becomes Prince-Bishop of Paderborn.