August 24th
The August 24 is the 236th day of the Gregorian calendar (the 237th in leap years ), thus remain 129 days by year end.
Historic anniversaries July · August · September |
Politics and world events
- Visigoths under Alaric I conquer and plunder Rome . 410: The
- 1215: Pope Innocent III. rejects the internally negotiated Magna Carta by King John Ohneland of England and threatens those who obey her with excommunication .
- 1217: In the first war of the barons , English loyal to the king defeat a fleet of the opposing party in the sea battle of Sandwich , which supports the French crown prince Ludwig .
- 1218: In the Fifth Crusade , the Europeans succeed in conquering the chain tower of Damiette in Egypt with the help of a ship tower designed by Thomas Olivier . You gain control of the only navigable branch of the Nile .
- 1335: In the Treaty of Trenčín with Bohemia , King Casimir the Great relinquishes all Polish claims to the territories of the Silesian Piasts . This delimitation of the area between Poland and Silesia remains largely in place for more than 600 years.
- 1349: Beginning of a pogrom against the Jews in Cologne , who are suspected of being responsible for the plague . Several thousand people lose their lives or are displaced, the Jewish quarter is burned down by the mob.
- 1499: Led by the Spanish navigator Alonso de Ojeda , the first Europeans cross the Gulf of Venezuela and the Maracaibo Sea . Cartographers Juan de la Cosa and Amerigo Vespucci are also on board his ship .
- 1511: Afonso de Albuquerque conquers the city of Malacca for the Portuguese and thereby gains control of the Strait of Malacca , the route to the Moluccas spice islands .
- 1572: Between 2,000 and 10,000 Huguenots are murdered in Paris during Bartholomew's Night.
- 1581: The siege of Pskov in Tsarist Russia during the Livonian War begins. Jan Zamojski and King Stephan Báthory besieged the city until February 8, 1582.
- 1690: Job Charnock establishes a branch of the British East India Company on the banks of the Hugli River . The city of Calcutta emerged from the settlement .
- 1704: The Battle of Vélez-Málaga ends with a strategic victory for the Dutch-English fleet over French warships. The dispute is seen as the greatest naval battle in the War of the Spanish Succession .
- 1796: In the First Coalition War , Archduke Karl of Austria defeats the army of French Marshal Jean-Baptiste Jourdan in the Battle of Amberg .
- 1801: In the Treaty of Paris , Bavaria receives Napoleon Bonaparte's promise to be compensated for the loss of his possessions on the left bank of the Rhine in the near future. The treaty is a result of Bavaria's rapprochement with France in terms of power politics .
- 1802: Because of the Treaty of Lunéville contains open points of detail, occurs in Regensburg an extraordinary Reichsdeputationshauptschluss together. It is necessary to regulate the effects of the cession of areas on the left bank of the Rhine to France. In 1803 the deliberations lead to the Reichsdeputationshauptschluss .
- 1814: In the British-American War , a British army of 4,500 men defeated an American militia army of over 7,000 men in the Battle of Bladensburg and conquered the US capital Washington . The Capitol is destroyed, the White House is damaged. President James Madison flees to Virginia with his government .
- 1820: A revolt of officers breaks out in Porto . The Liberal Revolution in Portugal aims for the return of King John VI, who resides in Brazil . , the creation of a constitutional monarchy and the withdrawal of resident British military personnel.
- 1821: The Mexican general Agustín de Itúrbide and the viceroy Juan O'Donojú , who acted without a Spanish commission, conclude the Treaty of Cordoba . It forms the basis for Mexico's independence and provides for a constitutional monarchy there.
- 1828: As a colonial power, the Netherlands form an administration in Dutch New Guinea and thus underline their claim to ownership of the island.
- 1866: The last federal assembly of the German Confederation in Augsburg leads to its self-dissolution.
- 1912: The previous District of Alaska is converted into the Alaska Territory . As a territory , it has the status of an area under the direct jurisdiction of the US federal government without the status of a state .
- 1929: The two-day Hebron massacre kills 67 people and expels all Jews from the city . They lose all their belongings that they cannot carry.
- 1936: Hitler had the military service reintroduced on March 16, 1935, contrary to the provisions of the Versailles Treaty , extended to a period of two years.
- 1939: Germany and the Soviet Union agree in Moscow on a non-aggression pact , the Hitler-Stalin Pact . The contract, dated August 23, will only be signed after midnight by Foreign Ministers Molotov and von Ribbentrop due to the lengthy negotiation period .
- 1952: British troops evacuate the Suez Canal .
- 1953: The zebra crossing is included in the West German road traffic regulations .
- 1954: US President Dwight D. Eisenhower signs the Communist Control Act of 1954 , a law criminalizing membership in and support of the US Communist Party .
- 1954: Brazilian President Getúlio Dornelles Vargas kills himself with a pistol shot after losing military support the day before because of a previous assassination scandal. He is replaced by João Café Filho .
- 1961: Eleven days after the border with West Berlin was closed , GDR citizen Günter Litfin dies trying to escape. He is the first person to be shot dead on the Berlin Wall while trying to escape.
- 1967: At the Geneva Disarmament Conference, the USA and the USSR agree on a draft Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty after five years of negotiation.
- 1968: France detonates its first hydrogen bomb
- 1989: In Poland , Tadeusz Mazowiecki becomes the first non-communist prime minister after the Second World War.
- 1991: Ukraine becomes independent.
- 1992: On the third day of the xenophobic riots in Rostock-Lichtenhagen , there is an arson attack on a house inhabited by Vietnamese.
- 1994: While trying to defuse a pipe bomb discovered in front of a bilingual school in Klagenfurt , both hands of the police officer Theo Kelz are blown off. Franz Fuchs is identified as the bomber .
- 2006: The Turk Murat Kurnaz is released from the prison camp at Guantanamo Bay Naval Base after four and a half years in prison .
- 1569: The first salt is extracted in Bad Harzburg .
- 1853: Potato chips are prepared for the first time.
- 1857: The suspension of payments by a New York bank triggers the economic crisis of 1857 . The crisis is spreading across the world.
- 1894: The shoe manufacturer Bata is founded in the Moravian city of Zlín .
- 1995: The operating system for personal computers Windows 95 by Microsoft appear in the US.
- 2011: Steve Jobs resigns from the post of CEO of Apple .
science and technology
- 1617: The Fruchtbringende Gesellschaft , the oldest German language society , is brought into being in Weimar .
- 2000: In the science magazine Nature , the discovery of the only known argon compound, argon fluorohydride, is reported by a research group led by the Finnish chemist Markku Räsänen in Helsinki.
- 2001: On the way from Toronto to Lisbon , an Airbus A330 runs out of fuel on Air Transat flight 236 over the Atlantic . After the previously longest glide of a jet aircraft , the pilot can use the machine with 293 passengers and 13 members on board crew on the Azores island Terceira emergency landing .
- 2006: At the 26th General Assembly of the International Astronomical Union , the decision is made to revoke Pluto 's planetary status and place it in the newly defined class of dwarf planets .
- 2016: The discovery of the closest exoplanet Proxima Centauri b is announced. It orbits its sun , a red dwarf , in the habitable zone.
- 1794: In the text Rapport sur les destructions opérées par le vandalisme , the French priest Henri Grégoire denounces the destructiveness of the radical Jacobins during the revolution and uses the word vandalism for the first time .
- 1893: The ceremonial unveiling of the equestrian monument of Grand Duke Friedrich Franz II - a major work by the sculptor Ludwig Brunow - takes place in the palace garden in Schwerin .
- 1948: During excavations in the vineyard caves in the Bavarian walls , the Venus of Walls is found, a Venus figurine from the more recent Paleolithic .
- 1990: The Diddl mouse is sketched by Thomas Goletz for the first time.
- 2012: The Norwegian mass murderer Anders Behring Breivik is declared sane by the Oslo District Court, contrary to the prosecutor's request, and sentenced to 21 years in prison with subsequent preventive detention for the murder of 77 people .
- Vesuvius erupts , the Roman cities of Pompeii , Herculaneum and Stabiae are buried. The report of the Roman writer Pliny the Younger , whose uncle Pliny the Elder was killed in the volcanic eruption , is the first natural disaster to be documented in detail. 79: When
- 1848: Off Llandudno on the Welsh coast, the Bark Ocean Monarch goes up in flames. Nearby ships can save 208 people, but 178 passengers and crew are killed.
- 1866: In Vienna , a widespread cholera - epidemic . The epidemic had previously broken out in the Prussian army, which had advanced to Austria during the German War . The pathogen is also raging in Lower Austria, killing around 15,000 people by November.
- 1921: The rigid airship R38 / ZR II had an accident on its fourth test run. 44 people are killed.
- 1992: Hurricane Andrew devastated Florida and the Bahamas .
- 2016: In central Italy , the happened earthquake of Accumoli .
Minor accidents are listed in the sub-articles of Disaster .
nature and environment
- 1960: At the Soviet Vostok station in East Antarctica , the lowest air temperature on earth is measured at -88.3 ° C.
- 1610: The Schesaplana , the highest mountain in the Rätikon , is conquered for the first time by the group of three Christa Barball, Claus Manall and David Pappus von Tratzberg.
- 1875: The Briton Matthew Webb became the first person to swim the English Channel . Arrival is on August 25th
- 1926: Max Schmeling defeats Max Diekmann and becomes German light heavyweight champion at the age of 21 .
- 1963: In the Federal Republic of Germany , the first matchday of the Bundesliga takes place, in which 16 clubs take part. The ZDF radiates for the first time , the current gym from.
- 1996: The dancer and choreographer James Saunders loses his footing during a dance performance in the Museum Ludwig in Cologne and falls several floors to his death in front of the audience.
- 2008: The XXIX , which has been running since August 8, ends with the closing ceremony . Beijing Summer Olympics. IOC President Jacques Rogge declares the games over.
Entries of track and field world records can be found under the respective discipline under track and field .
Before the 16th century
- 1076: al-Mustaʿlī bi-Llāh , Caliph of the Fatimids
- 1113: Gottfried V , Count of Anjou, Tours and Maine and Duke of Normandy
- 1198: Alexander II , Scottish king
- 1248: Bartholomeus von Capua , Italian lawyer and functionary of the kingdoms of Sicily and Naples
- 1336: Jacob IV , titular king of Mallorca
- 1358: John I , Castilian king
- 1390: Otto I , Count Palatinate of Palatinate-Mosbach
- 1393: Arthur III. , Constable of France and Duke of Brittany
- 1413: Borso d'Este , Italian Duke of Modena
- 1420: Albrecht von Eyb , German humanist and writer
- 1463: Jakob von Oldenburg-Delmenhorst , German nobleman and pirate
- 1486: Siegmund von Herberstein , Austrian diplomat and founder of Russian studies
- 1487: Bartholomäus Bernhardi , Lutheran theologian
- 1492: Bartholomaeus Rieseberg , German theologian
16th and 17th centuries
- 1510: Elisabeth of Brandenburg , Hohenzollern princess, Duchess of Braunschweig-Calenberg-Göttingen ("Reformation Princess")
- 1511: Jean Bauhin , French doctor
- 1536: Matthäus Dresser , German school humanist, educator, philologist and historian
- 1552: Lavinia Fontana , Italian mannerist painter
- 1557: Bartholomäus Gölnitz , German jurist
- 1559: Sophie Brahe , Danish astronomer
- 1561: Bartholomäus Pitiscus , German mathematician
- 1561: Thomas Howard, 1st Earl of Suffolk , English politician
- 1571: Niklaus Henzi , Swiss Protestant clergyman and university professor
- 1578: John Taylor , English poet
- 1584: Giovanni Andrea Ansaldo , Italian painter and fresco artist
- 1607: Sebastian von Rostock , Bishop of Breslau
- 1613: Bartholomäus Holzhauser , founder of the first secular priestly community
- 1616: Johannes Choinan , Sorbian linguist and theologian
- 1618: Gustaf Persson Banér , Swedish field marshal
- 1619: Johann Jakob Redinger , Swiss Protestant clergyman, philologist and headmaster
- 1628: Wilhelm Leyser II , German lawyer and jurist
- 1633: Laurentius von Schnüffis , court actor, composer, poet and storyteller
- 1640: Philipp Müller , German Lutheran theologian
- 1645: Johann Heinrich am Ende , German painter
- 1663: Valentin Ulrich Grotian , East Frisian organ builder
- 1666: Damian Hugo Graf von Virmont zu Neersen , German general and diplomat
- 1676: Otto Heinrich Volger , Mayor of Hanover
18th century
- 1716: Johann Friedrich Heintzmann , master builder from Wernigerode and mountain master
- 1736: Stanisław Małachowski , Polish MP and statesman
- 1750: Hans Ernst Bütemeister , German civil servant
- 1750: Laetitia Ramolino , mother of Napoléon Bonaparte
- 1752: Karl Mack von Leiberich , Austrian general
- 1753: Louis-Marie de La Révellière-Lépeaux , French politician, member of the board of directors
- 1753: Alexander Michailowitsch Rimski-Korsakow , Russian general, governor general of Lithuania
- 1753: Caroline Rudolphi , German educator, poet and writer
- 1758: Thomas Picton , British Lieutenant General, Governor of Trinidad
- 1758: Sophie Friederike von Mecklenburg , Hereditary Princess of Denmark
- 1759: William Wilberforce , British MP, opponent of slavery
- 1763: Johannes Amon , German composer and music publisher
- 1764: Gottfried Fähse , German philologist and educator
- 1766: Jacob Friedrich Georg Emmrich , German lawyer and university professor
- 1767: Hans Conrad Escher von der Linth , Swiss scientist, civil engineer and politician
- 1768: Samuel Paynter , American politician
- 1768: Julius von Voss , German writer
- 1771: Georg Friedrich von Reichenbach , Bavarian inventor and engineer
- 1772: Wilhelm I , King of the Netherlands
- 1775: Karl Joseph Hieronymus Windischmann , doctor, philosopher and anthropologist
- 1779: Dietrich Georg von Kieser , German physician and psychiatrist
- 1782: Kilian Joseph Fischer , German Roman Catholic theologian
- 1787: James Weddell , British polar explorer, navigator and whaler
- 1792: Joaquim António de Aguiar , Portuguese politician, leader of the Cartists
- 1793: William Macnaghten , British civil servant and diplomat
19th century
- 1805: Gustav von Manstein , Prussian infantry general
- 1808: Thomas Fenwick Drayton , American politician and Confederate general
- 1809: Philipp Blommaert , Flemish writer
- 1810: Theodore Parker , American theologian, abolitionist, and writer
- 1818: Hugo Bürkner , German painter and illustrator, professor of wood cutting art
- 1831: Reinhold Baumstark , German politician and literary historian
- 1833: Luman Hamlin Weller , American politician
- 1837: Théodore Dubois , French composer
- 1837: Adolf von Wilbrandt , German writer and director of the Burgtheater in Vienna
- 1838: Sanford Christie Barnum , American dentist and inventor
- 1838: Louis Philippe Albert d'Orléans, comte de Paris , grandson of the last French king
- 1839: Eduard Naprawnik , Czech conductor and composer
- 1843: Ernst Wülcker , German Germanist, historian and archivist
- 1846: Antoine Taudou , French music teacher, violinist and composer
- 1851: Wilhelm Schwarze , German politician, MdR
- 1852: Ferdinand Hueppe , German medic and President of the German Football Association
- 1854: William Oscar Atkeson , American politician
- 1855: Eugen Berg , German-Baltic pastor and Protestant martyr
- 1855: Marie Therese of Portugal , Princess of Bragança and Infanta of Portugal
- 1856: Felix Mottl , Austrian conductor and composer
- 1856: Hans von Zanthier , Prussian district administrator and politician
- 1857: Eugen Guglia , Austrian historian, journalist and writer
- 1862: Karl Dehner , German homeland researcher
- 1863: Elemér Lónyay , Hungarian nobleman
- 1865: Ferdinand I , King of Romania
- 1866: Josef Jarno , Austrian actor and theater director
- 1872: Max Beerbohm , English parodist and caricaturist
- 1872: Leo Schrattenholz , German composer, cellist and music teacher
- 1874: Karel Hlaváček , Czech poet and painter
- 1874: Walther Schieck , German politician, Prime Minister of Saxony
- 1875: Emma Meyn , German painter
- 1876: Carl Wilhelm Wirtz , German astronomer
- 1876: Karl Pembaur , composer and church musician
- 1876: Nesta Webster , English conspiracy theorist
- 1876: Robert Oerley , Austrian architect, craftsman, watercolor painter and lithographer
- 1879: Carlo Biscaretti di Ruffia , Italian industrial designer and graphic artist
- 1879: Ludwig Eisenschmid , German organ builder
- 1879: Emmerich Hanus , Austrian film actor, director and producer
- 1880: Hans Nawiasky , German lawyer and constitutional lawyer
- 1881: Vincenzo Lancia , Italian automobile designer
- 1883: Theodor Mayer , Austrian historian
- 1884: Earl Derr Biggers , American writer
- 1885: Wakayama Bokusui , Japanese writer
- 1886: Earl Johnson , American country musician
- 1887: Alexander Falzmann , Polish Protestant clergyman
- 1887: Franz Wallack , Austrian planner and technician
- 1887: Harry Hooper , American baseball player
- 1888: Leo Bosschart , Dutch football player
- 1889: Rudolf Ahlers , German author
- 1889: Tom London , American actor
- 1890: Duke Kahanamoku , Hawaiian swimmer, surfer, and actor
- 1890: Franz Philipp German church musician and composer
- 1890: Jean Rhys , Dominican writer
- 1895: Abdul Rahman , King of Malaysia
- 1895: Fritz Büchner , German journalist
- 1895: Richard James Cushing , Archbishop of Boston and Cardinal
- 1895: Victor Halperin , American director
- 1897: Boris Kaufman , American cameraman
- 1898: Marianne von Angern , German writer
- 1898: Fred Rose , American country musician, composer, and publicist
- 1898: Malcolm Cowley , American writer, journalist, and literary critic
- 1899: Ferhat Abbas , Algerian politician
- 1899: Giuseppe Amato , Italian film producer and director
- 1899: Albert Claude , Belgian medic
- 1899: Johan Fabricius , Dutch writer, illustrator, journalist and adventurer
- 1899: Jorge Luis Borges , Argentine writer
- 1899: Ruth Schaumann , German poet, poet, sculptor and illustrator
- 1900: Josef Felder , German politician
- 1900: Leonardo Conti , German-Swiss medic, suspected war criminal
20th century
- 1901: Paul Hofmann , German military and politician, Mayor of Dessau, Gauleiter, MdL
- 1902: Carlo Gambino , American gangster
- 1902: Fernand Braudel , French historian
- 1902: Walter Fabian , German politician, resistance fighter and journalist
- 1903: Erwin Zucker-Schilling , Austrian journalist and writer
- 1903: Graham Sutherland , British painter and graphic artist
- 1903: Karl Hanke , German party functionary, politician and military, MdL, MdR, Gauleiter, last Reichsführer SS
- 1903: Ede Zathureczky , Hungarian violinist and music teacher
- 1904: Eric Ashby , British botanist
- 1904: Ludwig Schmidseder , German composer, pianist, TV chef
- 1905: Arthur Crudup , American blues musician
- 1905: Hilary Minc , Polish economist and politician
- 1905: Paul Polte , German working-class poet
- 1905: Siaka Stevens , President of Sierra Leone
- 1905: Walter Loos , Austrian architect
- 1906: Ruth Berlau , Danish-German actress
- 1906: Józef Michał Chomiński , Polish musicologist
- 1906: Hans Revenstorff , German politician, Member of the Bundestag
- 1906: Ludwig Wenz , German football player
- 1907: Donald Joyce Borror , American entomologist, bioacoustic specialist, and ornithologist
- 1911: Friedrich Luft , German journalist and theater critic
- 1911: Michel Pablo , Greek Trotskyist
- 1911: Siegfried Seidl , Austrian concentration camp commandant
- 1911: Victor Barna , Hungarian table tennis player
- 1912: Freddie Brocksieper , German jazz musician, drummer and band leader
- 1912: Otto Šling , Czechoslovak politician
- 1913: Malcolm Knowles , American educator
- 1914: Wolfgang Kummer , German bobsledder
- 1915: Inge Birkmann , German television and theater actress
- 1915: James Tiptree, Jr. , American science fiction writer
- 1915: Wynonie Harris , American blues singer
- 1916: Léo Ferré , French chanson singer and composer, author and anarchist
- 1918: Abdallah Ibrahim , Prime Minister of Morocco
- 1918: Avery Dulles , American theologian and cardinal
- 1919: Benny Moré , Cuban singer
- 1919: Carlos Julio Arosemena Monroy , Ecuadorian politician, President
- 1919: Egon Hartmann , German architect and urban planner
- 1919: Paul Steg , American composer and music teacher
- 1919: Herbert Tröndle , German legal scholar
- 1919: Niels Viggo Bentzon , Danish composer and pianist
- 1920: Heinz Arnold , German politician
- 1920: Herbert Kaufmann , German journalist and writer
- 1920: Hermann Lein , Austrian resistance fighter
- 1920: Richard Twiss , British physicist and radio astronomer
- 1921: Schuyler Carron , American bobsledder
- 1921: Sidney Hayers , Scottish film director, film editor, film producer and screenwriter
- 1921: Ercole Rabitti , Italian football player and coach
- 1921: Sam Tingle , Rhodesian racing car driver
- 1922: Arthur West , Austrian writer and journalist
- 1922: Howard Zinn , American historian and political scientist
- 1922: Josef Tichy , Austrian painter and graphic artist
- 1922: Boris Sichkin , Russian-American actor, dancer and choreographer
- 1923: Arthur Jensen , American psychologist
- 1923: Oswald Eggenberger , Swiss author, pastor and sect connoisseur
- 1924: Ahmadou Ahidjo , President of Cameroon
- 1924: Ofelia Ramón , Venezuelan singer
- 1924: Karljosef Schattner , German architect
- 1925: Shirley Hufstedler , US Secretary of Education
- 1925: Karel Vrána , Czech Catholic theologian and philosopher
- 1927: Harry M. Markowitz , American economist, Nobel Prize winner
- 1927: Wolfgang Troßbach , German athlete and football coach
- 1929: Yasser Arafat , President of the Palestinian Territories
- 1929: Paul Lendvai , Austrian journalist
- 1931: Friedhelm Dohmann , German politician, Member of the Bundestag
- 1932: Jim Aparo , American comic artist
- 1932: Cormac Murphy-O'Connor , Archbishop of Westminster, Cardinal and Primate
- 1932: Heinz-Werner Meyer , German trade unionist, DGB chairman
- 1932: Ludwig Adamovich jun. , Austrian lawyer, President of the Constitutional Court
- 1932: Bobby Sisco , American country and rockabilly musician
- 1933: Rupert Ludwig Ferdinand zu Loewenstein-Wertheim-Freudenberg , German-British banker and finance manager of the Rolling Stones
- 1934: Kenny Baker , American actor
- 1935: Peter Reuschenbach , German politician, Member of the Bundestag, Lord Mayor of Essen
- 1936: Antonia S. Byatt , British writer
- 1936: Antonio María Rouco Varela , Archbishop of Madrid and Cardinal
- 1937: Moshood Abiola , Nigerian politician and businessman
- 1937: Otto Dann , German historian and writer
- 1938: Elmar Altvater , German political scientist
- 1938: Mason Williams , American guitarist and composer
- 1939: Michael E. Phelps , American mathematician and chemist
- 1939: Heinrich Rehbein , German local politician
- 1939: Joshua Sobol , Israeli playwright
- 1940: Klaus Hopt , German lawyer
- 1941: Hans-Georg Reimann , German walker, Olympic medalist
- 1941: Jürgen Eschert , German canoeist, Olympic champion
- 1941: Skip Scott , American racing car driver
- 1942: Barthélemy Adoukonou , Beninese theologian and Curia Bishop
- 1942: Gerhard Garbers , German actor
- 1942: Karlheinz Guttmacher , German politician
- 1942: Hans Peter Korff , German actor
- 1942: Ernst-Joachim Küppers , German swimmer
- 1942: Giovanni Migliorati , Ethiopian bishop
- 1942: Frank-Michael Pietzsch , German politician
- 1942: Alfred Post , German university manager
- 1942: Jimmy Soul , American pop singer
- 1943: John Cipollina , American musician
- 1943: Sabi Dorr , Israeli actor
- 1944: Edward Joseph Adams , American clergyman
- 1944: Christine Chubbuck , American news anchor
- 1944: Gregory Bruce Jarvis , American astronaut
- 1945: Christine Ostrowski , German politician
- 1945: Ken Hensley , British musician
- 1945: Ronee Blakley , American singer and actress
- 1945: Vince McMahon , American wrestling promoter
- 1946: Vic Akers , English football coach
- 1946: Manfred Zapf , German soccer player
- 1947: Joe Manchin , American politician, governor of West Virginia
- 1947: Ólafur Haukur Símonarson , Icelandic writer and author
- 1947: Paulo Coelho , Brazilian writer and best-selling author
- 1947: Roger De Vlaeminck , Belgian racing cyclist
- 1947: Peter Paul Koprowski , Canadian composer, pianist, conductor and music teacher of Polish origin
- 1947: Werner Stiller , German intelligence officer
- 1948: Spiros Argiris , Greek conductor
- 1948: Burghardt Arndorfer , German politician
- 1948: Nana Jordschadze , Georgian film director
- 1948: Geff Harrison , British singer
- 1948: Jean Michel Jarre , French musician, composer and record producer
- 1948: Sauli Niinistö , Finnish politician, President
- 1949: Charles Rocket , American actor
- 1949: David Zwilling , Austrian ski racer
- 1949: Natalja Lebedewa , Soviet hurdler
- 1949: Pia Degermark , Swedish actress
- 1949: William Schnoebelen , American Christian fundamentalist
- 1950: Sybille Schnehage , German development worker in Afghanistan
- 1950: Tim White , American paleoanthropologist, first descriptor of Australopithecus afarensis
- 1951: Danny Joe Brown , American musician
- 1951: George Brunner , American composer, musician and record producer
- 1951: Orson Scott Card , American writer
- 1951: Rainer Gebauer , German soccer player
- 1952: Raymond Asquith , British diplomat and politician
- 1952: Ian Grob , British racing car driver
- 1952: Linton Kwesi Johnson , British poet and reggae musician
- 1952: Veronika Schmidt , German cross-country skier
- 1952: Billy Ward , American jazz drummer
- 1953: Sascha Anderson , German author and poet
- 1953: Sam Torrance , British golfer
- 1953: Elfi Zinn , German athlete, Olympic medalist
- 1954: Alvaro Cordero , Venezuelan composer
- 1954: Salomé , German painter, representative of the Neue Wilden
- 1954: Vaiva Radasta Vėbraitė , Lithuanian politician
- 1955: Karin Hopfmann , German politician
- 1955: Mike Huckabee , American politician, governor of Arkansas
- 1955: Sylvie Perrinjaquet , Swiss politician
- 1956: Muhammad Sa'ad Abubakar , Sultan of Sokoto
- 1956: Mimi Fox , American jazz guitarist and music teacher
- 1956: Theresia Fröwis , Austrian politician
- 1956: Christiane Köpke , German rower
- 1956: Jürgen Krause , German handball player and coach
- 1956: Nina Ruge , German television presenter
- 1956: Frank-Michael Wahl , German handball player
- 1957: Stephen Fry , British actor and writer
- 1957: Andrea Komlosy , Austrian historian
- 1957: Norbert Trieloff , German soccer player
- 1957: Jane Wang , British-American double bass player and composer
- 1958: Steve Guttenberg , American actor
- 1958: Marion Warden , German politician
- 1959: Keita Amemiya , Japanese game character designer and film director
- 1959: Michael Andersson , Swedish football player
- 1959: Peter Assion , German soccer coach
- 1959: Hernan Borja , American football player and coach
- 1959: Michael Kleeberg , German writer and literary translator
- 1959: Burkhardt Müller-Sönksen , German politician, Member of the Bundestag
- 1960: Kim Christofte , Danish football player
- 1960: Steven Lindsey , American astronaut
- 1960: Takashi Miike , Japanese film director
- 1960: Cal Ripken Jr. , American baseball player
- 1960: Heike Trammer , German-Austrian local politician
- 1960: Franz Viehböck , first Austrian Austronaut
- 1961: Ingrid Berghmans , Belgian judoka
- 1961: Jared Harris , British actor
- 1961: Kirsten Heisig , German lawyer and author
- 1961: Beate Schasching , Austrian politician
- 1961: Werner Schmidbauer , German moderator and musician
- 1961: Edith Simon , Austrian judoka
- 1962: Mary Ellen Weber , American astronaut
- 1963: Jutta Cordt , German lawyer
- 1963: Hideo Kojima , Japanese game developer
- 1963: Ingrid Mattson , Canadian scholar of Islam
- 1963: Helga Scholten , German ancient historian
- 1963: Yrsa Sigurðardóttir , Icelandic writer
- 1964: Éric Bernard , French Formula 1 racing driver
- 1964: Julie Cypher , American film director
- 1964: Carlos Hermosillo , Mexican soccer player
- 1964: Andrea Holzner , Austrian politician
- 1964: Salishan Sharipov , Russian cosmonaut
- 1964: Svandís Svavarsdóttir , Icelandic politician
- 1965: Petra Bohuslav , Austrian manager and politician
- 1965: Sylvia Eder , Austrian ski racer
- 1965: Marlee Matlin , American actress
- 1965: Reggie Miller , American basketball player
- 1965: Carol Montgomery , Canadian triathlete, duathlete, and long distance runner
- 1965: Pavel Telička , Czech politician, EU commissioner
- 1965: Zhang Xin , Chinese entrepreneur
- 1966: Torsten Fröhling , German soccer player and coach
- 1966: Carry Sass , German singer and entertainer
- 1966: Jonathan Sieben , Australian swimmer, Olympic champion
- 1966: Aurelija Stancikienė , Lithuanian politician
- 1967: Jan Eriksson , Swedish football player
- 1967: Ian D. Marsden , Swiss cartoonist and artist
- 1967: Judianna Makovsky , American costume designer
- 1967: Swantje Volkmann , historian and cultural advisor for Southeast Europe
- 1968: Dagmar Belakowitsch , Austrian politician
- 1968: Shoichi Funaki , Japanese wrestler
- 1968: Barbara Keller-Inhelder , Swiss politician
- 1968: Andreas Kisser , Brazilian guitarist
- 1968: James Toney , American boxer
- 1970: Stephan Passlack , German soccer player
- 1970: Michael Roth , German politician, Member of the Bundestag
- 1970: Sandra Whyte , American ice hockey player
- 1971: Sabine Binder , Austrian politician
- 1971: Aileen McLeod , Scottish politician
- 1971: Marika Mikkola , Finnish orienteer
- 1972: Jean-Luc Brassard , Canadian freestyle skier
- 1972: Mikko Eloranta , Finnish ice hockey player
- 1972: Olga Sawjalowa , Russian cross-country skier
- 1972: Fritz Strobl , Austrian ski racer
- 1973: Inge de Bruijn , Dutch swimmer, Olympic champion
- 1973: Anna Carlsson , German actress
- 1973: Dave Chappelle , American comedian and actor
- 1973: Carmine Giovinazzo , American actor
- 1973: Taylor Mac , American actor, playwright, and performance artist
- 1973: Andrew Marshall , British golfer
- 1973: Barret Oliver , American film actor and photographer
- 1974: Jennifer Lien , American actress
- 1975: Marc Miller , American racing car driver
- 1976: Alex O'Loughlin , Australian actor
- 1976: Yang Yang , Chinese short track speed skater
- 1977: Jarkko Ahola , Finnish musician
- 1977: Safiye Can , German poet, writer and literary translator
- 1977: Massimo Colomba , Swiss football player
- 1977: Robert Enke , German soccer player
- 1977: John Green , American writer, video blogger, film producer, and podcaster
- 1977: Jürgen Macho , Austrian football player
- 1977: Denílson de Oliveira , Brazilian soccer player
- 1978: Yves Allegro , Swiss tennis player
- 1979: Franziska Brantner , German politician
- 1979: Orlando Engelaar , Dutch soccer player
- 1979: Kaki King , American musician
- 1979: Katja Nyberg , Norwegian handball player
- 1980: Rachael Carpani , Australian actress
- 1981: Chad Michael Murray , American actor
- 1981: Andreas Schrott , Austrian soccer player
- 1981: Goran Šukalo , Slovenian football player
- 1982: Anders Bardal , Norwegian ski jumper
- 1982: Enrico Becker , German motorcycle racer
- 1982: José Bosingwa , Portuguese football player
- 1982: Kim Källström , Swedish football player
- 1982: Tomáš Mrázek , Czech sport climber
- 1983: Marcel Goc , German ice hockey player
- 1983: Martin Grütter , German composer
- 1983: Aivis Jurdžs , Latvian handball player
- 1984: Marcel Landers , German soccer player
- 1984: Lumidee , American hip hop and R&B musician
- 1984: Paco-Luca Nitsche , German actor
- 1986: Joseph Akpala , Nigerian soccer player
- 1986: Jonny Cocker , British racing car driver
- 1986: Fabiano Santacroce , Italian football player
- 1987: Ri Jun-il , North Korean soccer player
- 1987: Anže Kopitar , Slovenian ice hockey player
- 1988: Nicholas Alexander , American ski jumper
- 1988: Rupert Grint , British actor
- 1988: Saliha Özcan , German-Turkish web video producer
- 1991: Stefan Bell , German soccer player
- 1991: Mark Uth , German soccer player
- 1993: Marina Rajčić , Montenegrin handball player
- 1994: Mathieu Jaminet , French racing car driver
- 1996: Luca Amato , German motorcycle racer
- 1997: Amber Bongard , German actress
- 1997: Heinz Mörschel , German soccer player
- 1997: Alan Walker , Norwegian DJ and producer
Before the 16th century
- Pliny the Elder , Roman scholar 79:
- Kōgyoku , Empress of Japan 661:
- Kōbun , 39th Emperor of Japan 672:
- Ouen , Frankish bishop and saint 684:
- Leuderich , Bishop of Bremen 845:
- Sisinios II , Patriarch of Constantinople 998:
- 1032: Libentius II , Archbishop of Bremen
- 1042: Michael V , Byzantine emperor
- 1051: Hunfried , Archbishop of Ravenna
- 1101: Su Shi , Chinese poet, painter, calligrapher and politician
- 1103: Magnus III. , King of Norway
- 1167: Eberhard the Swabian , Bishop of Regensburg
- 1197: Gottfried II , Bishop of Würzburg
- 1217: Eustache le Moine , French pirate and mercenary
- 1230: Geoffrey de Say , English nobleman and rebel
- 1244: Athanasios II , Melkite patriarch of Jerusalem
- 1261: Ela of Salisbury , English noblewoman and abbess
- 1288: Bruno von Kirchberg , Bishop of Brixen
- 1289: Patrick III. , Military commander on the Scottish-English border
- 1290: Zawisch von Falkenstein , important nobleman from the Witigonen family
- 1309: Theobald de Verdon , Anglo-Irish nobleman
- 1313: Henry VII , Count of Luxembourg and Laroche, Holy Roman Emperor
- 1318: Richard Newport , English clergyman
- 1322: Beatrix von Schlesien-Schweidnitz , Roman-German queen
- 1367: Gil Álvarez Carillo de Albornoz , Spanish cardinal and administrator of the Papal States
- 1368: Barnim III. , Duke of Pomerania-Szczecin
- 1371: Eduard , Duke of Geldern
- 1372: Casimir III. , Duke of Pomerania-Szczecin
- 1431: Ruprecht II , Duke of Lüben and Haynau, Grand Prior of the Order of Malta
16th to 18th century
- 1507: Cecily of York , English princess
- 1511: Albrecht von Bibra , Canon of Würzburg and Bamberg
- 1516: Al-Ashraf Qansuh (II.) Al-Ghuri , Sultan of the Egyptian Mamluk Empire
- 1522: Gaspard I. de Coligny, seigneur de Châtillon , French marshal
- 1540: Parmigianino , Italian mannerist painter
- 1542: Gasparo Contarini , Italian cardinal
- 1558: Vettor Grimani , Venetian patrician, procurator of San Marco and patron
- 1572: Gaspard II. De Coligny, seigneur de Châtillon , French admiral and Huguenot leader, victim of St. Bartholomew's Night
- 1572: Claude Goudimel , French composer, victim of St. Bartholomew's Night
- 1572: Petrus Ramus , French Huguenot philosopher and humanist, victim of St. Bartholomew's Night
- 1582: Anna , Countess of Tecklenburg, Bentheim and Steinfurt
- 1583: Hans Seeck , German sculptor
- 1595: Karl von Mansfeld , military in Spanish, French and imperial services
- 1617: Rosa von Lima , Peruvian mystic, consecrated virgin, Dominican-Terzian and first saint of America
- 1633: Ambrosius Rhode , German mathematician, astronomer and physician
- 1635: Egon VIII von Fürstenberg-Heiligenberg , imperial count, Bavarian general field master and military leader
- 1652: Otto Brokes , mayor of Lübeck
- 1664: Cornelis Pietersz. Bega , Dutch painter and etcher
- 1670: William Neile , English mathematician
- 1679: Jean-François Paul de Gondi , Archbishop of Paris
- 1680: Ferdinand Bol , Dutch painter, student of Rembrandt
- 1701: Ahasverus Fritsch , German lawyer and hymn poet
- 1702: Louis Thomas von Savoyen-Carignan , Count of Soissons, officer in the French and Austrian armies
- 1704: Ludolf Hugo , German lawyer and politician
- 1709: Elisabeth Dorothea of Saxe-Gotha-Altenburg , Countess of Hesse-Darmstadt
- 1724: Andreas Kneller , German composer
- 1730: Jacques Garrigue , jeweler and parish councilor of the French Reformed Church in Magdeburg
- 1731: Justus Gotthard Rabener , German Lutheran preacher and author
- 1733: Pierre-Étienne Monnot , French sculptor
- 1733: Jean-Baptiste Moreau , French composer
- 1739: Takebe Katahiro , Japanese mathematician
- 1747: Johann Georg Schröter , German organ builder
- 1755: Christian Franz Dietrich von Fürstenberg , electoral Cologne politician
- 1758: Bartolomeo Nazari , Italian painter
- 1759: Ewald Christian von Kleist , German poet and Prussian officer
- 1766: Friedrich Wilhelm Otte , Eckernförder wholesale merchant, shipowner, entrepreneur, politician and diplomat
- 1768: Antonio de Guill y Gonzaga , Spanish officer, colonial administrator and governor of Panama and Chile
- 1783: Tikhon of Sadonsk , Bishop of Voronezh
- 1796: Maria Elisabeth Ziesenis , German painter
19th century
- 1804: Josef Valentin Adamberger , German opera singer
- 1807: Jacques-Christophe Valmont de Bomare , French naturalist
- 1832: Nicolas Léonard Sadi Carnot , French physicist
- 1844: Aaron Chorin , Hungarian rabbi
- 1846: Adam Johann von Krusenstern , first Russian circumnavigator
- 1847: Charles Théobald de Choiseul-Praslin , French nobleman
- 1852: Sarah Guppy , British inventor
- 1856: William Buckland , English geologist and paleontologist
- 1856: Carl Justus Heyer , German forestry practitioner, teacher and scientist
- 1857: August Wilhelm Julius Ahlborn , German landscape painter
- 1857: Grigore Alexandru Ghica , Prince of Moldova
- 1859: Johann Friedrich Ruthe , German botanist
- 1860: Pío de Tristán , formally the last Spanish viceroy in Peru and President of the Republic of Southern Peru
- 1864: Jakob Lorber , Austrian writer and musician
- 1873: Friedrich Paschen , German geodesist and astronomer
- 1874: Georg Benjamin Mendelssohn , German geographer, university professor and writer
- 1883: Henri d'Artois , as Henry V, King of France, according to the Legitimists
- 1884: Julius Strobel , German organ builder
- 1885: Anna Plochl , Austrian noblewoman, Countess of Meran
- 1888: Rudolf Julius Emanuel Clausius , German physicist
- 1888: Jakob Eisendle , South Tyrolean farmer, mechanic and inventor
- 1895: Ludwig Edenhofer , German organ builder and violinist
- 1897: Mutsu Munemitsu , Japanese politician, foreign minister among other things
20th century
- 1901: Gunnar Wennerberg , Swedish poet, composer, civil servant and politician
- 1903: Eugen Askenasy , German biologist
- 1908: Bai Bureh , ruler of the Kingdom of Koya in what is now Sierra Leone
- 1912: Moïse Saucier , Canadian pianist, organist and music teacher
- 1912: Alexei Suvorin , Russian publisher and publicist
- 1914: Johannes Weiß , German theologian
- 1919: Friedrich Naumann , German Protestant theologian and politician, MdR, social reformer and publicist
- 1921: Nikolai Gumiljow , Russian poet
- 1929: Gustava Louise Georgia Emilie Grüner , Danish painter
- 1932: Marcellus Schiffer , German painter and graphic artist, chanson writer and librettist
- 1940: Paul Nipkow , German technician and inventor, television pioneer
- 1943: Ernst Anemüller , German philologist, high school professor and librarian
- 1943: Simone Weil , French philosopher
- 1944: Rudolf Breitscheid , German politician
- 1946: Harry Maasz , German garden architect and building writer
- 1946: Antonio Paoli , Puerto Rican opera singer
- 1950: Arturo Alessandri Palma , Chilean politician
- 1950: Ernst Wiechert , German writer
- 1951: Louis Waizman , Canadian composer, violist, trombonist, pianist and music teacher
- 1954: Cyril Asquith , British lawyer
- 1954: Robert Talbot , Canadian violinist, music teacher and composer
- 1954: Getúlio Dornelles Vargas , Brazilian President
- 1955: Hermann Röchling , German coal and steel entrepreneur
- 1957: Fritz Hillebrand , German motorcycle racer
- 1957: Ronald Knox British theologian, satirist and detective writer
- 1958: Inge Stoll , German motorcycle racer
- 1960: Erwin Ackerknecht , German public librarian
- 1961: Günter Litfin , first casualty on the Berlin Wall
- 1962: Clark Templeman , American racing car driver
- 1963: Carl Voscherau , German actor
- 1964: Hermann von Wenckstern , German forestry and economist
- 1965: Amílcar Barbuy , Italian-Brazilian soccer player and coach
- 1966: Tadeusz Komorowski , Polish Commander-in-Chief of the Home Army
- 1967: Hermann Grapow , German Egyptologist
- 1971: Carl Blegen , American archaeologist
- 1972: Don Byas , American jazz tenor saxophonist
- 1972: Emmanuel Sougez , French photographer and author
- 1974: Alexander Procofieff De Seversky , American aerospace engineer
- 1977: Happy Wilson , American country musician
- 1978: Louis Prima , American musician and singer
- 1979: Hanna Reitsch , German aviation pioneer
- 1979: Nakano Shigeharu , Japanese writer
- 1982: Giorgio Abetti , Italian astronomer
- 1983: Scott Nearing , American environmentalist and writer
- 1985: Morrie Ryskind , American author
- 1989: Willem Karel Hendrik Karstens , Dutch botanist
- 1991: Sergei Achromeev , Soviet military and Marshal of the Soviet Union
- 1993: Georges Mercure , Canadian Benedictine monk, organist, choir director and composer
- 1994: Wolf von Aichelburg , Romanian-German writer
- 1995: Zbyněk Brynych , Czech director
- 1996: Jean Aurel , French screenwriter and film director
- 1997: Werner Abrolat , German actor
- 1997: Luigi Villoresi , Italian Formula 1 racing driver
- 1999: Roberto Bussinello , Italian racing driver
- 1999: Alexandre Lagoya , Egyptian guitarist
- 2000: Andy Hug , Swiss martial artist
21st century
- 2001: Jane Greer , American actress
- 2001: Donald A. Prater , British writer, German scholar and diplomat
- 2002: Cornelis Johannes van Houten , Dutch astronomer
- 2003: Herbert Otto , German writer
- 2003: Wilfred Thesiger , British explorer
- 2004: Irmgard Düren , presenter of the television of the GDR
- 2004: Eleni Ioannou , Greek judoka
- 2004: Elisabeth Kübler-Ross , Swiss-American doctor
- 2005: William J. Eaton , American journalist
- 2005: Ambrogio Fogar , Italian adventurer
- 2006: Ervin Acél , Hungarian conductor
- 2006: Herbert Hupka , German journalist and politician, Member of the Bundestag
- 2006: Fernanda de Utrera , Spanish flamenco singer
- 2006: John Weinzweig , Canadian composer
- 2007: Hansjörg Felmy , German film and theater actor
- 2008: Tonino Ascari , Italian racing driver and entrepreneur
- 2008: Hansi Lang , Austrian singer and actor
- 2009: Wolf Leder , German costume and set designer
- 2009: Toni Sailer , Austrian ski racer and actor, multiple Olympic champion
- 2010: Satoshi Kon , Japanese screenwriter and director
- 2013: Julie Harris , American actress
- 2014: Richard Attenborough , British actor and film director
- 2014: Walter Pradt , German soccer player
- 2015: Justin Wilson , British racing car driver
- 2016: Michel Butor , French writer
- 2016: Walter Scheel , German politician, MdL, MdB, MEP, Federal Minister, Federal President
- 2016: Henning Voscherau , German lawyer, notary and politician
- 2020: Pascal Lissouba , Congolese politician
- 2020: Erika Richter , German dramaturge
- 2020: Wolfgang Uhlmann , German chess player
- 2021: Charlie Watts , British musician ( Rolling Stones )
Holidays and memorial days
- Church memorial days
- St. Bartholomew , apostle, martyr and patron saint (Anglican, Protestant, Catholic)
- Name days
- Bartholomäus , Emilia , Isolde , Michaela
- State holidays and memorial days
- Ukraine : Independence from the Soviet Union (1991)
The list of days of remembrance and action contains further entries .
Commons : August 24th - Collection of images, videos and audio files