Ernst Anemüller

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Ernst Anemüller (born September 26, 1859 in Rudolstadt ; † August 24, 1943 in Detmold ) was a German philologist , high school professor and librarian .


Ernst Anemüller was born in Rudolstadt on September 26, 1859 as the son of Bernhard Anemüller . From 1868 to 1878 he attended the grammar school in Rudolstadt and from 1878 to 1881 he studied classical philology and history at the universities of Leipzig , Halle and Berlin . In 1881 he was at the University of Halle on the history of the Constitution of Milan in the years 1075–1117 Dr. phil. PhD. In 1882 he passed the state examination and a probationary year from 1883 to 1884 at the grammar school in Jena .

From 1884 to 1918 he was first a teacher and then senior teacher at the Gymnasium Leopoldinum in Detmold. From 1891 to 1918 he was also part-time librarian and head of the Lippische Landesbibliothek in Detmold. In 1911 he established the Lippische Wanderbibliothek, which supplied around 70 villages in the surrounding area with literature. From 1918 to 1924 he was full-time head of the state library.

His literary activity included Germanic antiquity, historical studies on Thuringia (under the pseudonym "E. Thuringia"), as well as contributions to Lippe local history, the central archive on Lippe personalities, library issues and Lippe history.

He was chairman of the Detmold educational association and a member of the Royal Academy of Non-Profit Science in Erfurt .

Anemüller died on August 24, 1943 in Detmold.

His estate is in the Lippische Landesbibliothek.

Works (selection)

  • History of the Constitution of Milan from 1075–1117; together with an appendix on the Consulate in Cremona , Halle: Niemeyer 1881 (Halle, Univ. Diss. 1881).
  • Sigeboto's lost Vita Paulinae . In: New archive of the society for older German history . Vol. 10. 1885, pp. 11-34.
  • together with Otto Weerth : Bibliotheca Lippiaca: Overview of the geographical and historical literature of the Principality of Lippe. Detmold 1886 ( online ).
  • Hg: Document book of the Paulinzelle monastery , Jena: Fischer 1889f. (Thuringian historical sources, NF; 4 = 7).
  • Anemüller, Bernhard . In: Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie , Vol. 47, Leipzig: Duncker & Humblot 1903, pp. 411f.
  • Preuss, Otto . In: Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie, Vol. 53, Leipzig: Duncker & Humblot 1907, pp. 173f.
  • Schiller and the von Lengefeld sisters. Detmold: Meyer 1920.
  • The fire in the Lippe State Library in Detmold. In: Zentralblatt für Bibliothekswesen , Vol. 39, 1922: 25–29 ( online ).
  • Constitutional dispute and obstruction in Lippe 1868–1876 , Detmold: Meyer 1931.
  • Chronicle of the city of Detmold. Magdeburg: Willmann 1932 ( online ).
  • Goethe and Paulinzelle. In: Willy Flach (ed.): Festschrift Berthold Rein on his 75th birthday. Research on Schwarzburg history , Jena: Frommannsche Buchhandlung Walter Biedermann 1935, pp. 198–206.


  • Detlev Hellfaier, Ernst Fleischhack: Lippisches Autorenlexikon, Volume I . FL Wagener, Lemgo 1986 ( Online [PDF; 10 kB ; accessed on May 7, 2013]).

Web links

Wikisource: Ernst Anemüller  - Sources and full texts

Individual evidence

  1. Ernst Anemüller's estate, overview of Collection 37 in the Lippische Landesbibliothek (PDF; 72 kB)