Robert Talbot

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Jean Robert Talbot (born December 2, 1893 in Montmagny , † August 24, 1954 in Québec ) was a Canadian violinist, music teacher and composer.

Live and act

Robert Talbot studied law at Laval University before studying music with Joseph-Alexandre Gilbert, Berthe Roy and Joseph Vézina. After completing his training as a music teacher at the Académie de musique du Québec, he went to New York in 1919, where he was a student of Franz Kneisel , Albert Stoessel and Louis Svecenski at the Institute of Musical Art, which is now the Juilliard School .

In 1922 he returned to Canada, where he gave a series of concerts and became secretary, from 1932 director of the music school at Laval University. Until 1954 he also taught violin and harmony here. His students included Maurice Blackburn , François Brassard , Gilbert Darisse , Marthe Lapointe and Henri Mercure .

Talbot founded the Schubert String Quartet in 1921 and the Talbot String Quartet around 1924 . From 1924 to 1941 he was the conductor of the Société symphonique (later Quebec Symphony Orchestra). He was a member of several international musicological societies (Société française de musicologie, International Musicological Society , Musical Association of London) and wrote a number of musicological publications and articles.

He composed the oratorio Évangéline , the opera Celle qui voit , a symphony , a poème for violin and orchestra, a string quartet , organ and piano pieces as well as songs .

Individual evidence

  1. CV in "The Canadien Encyclopedia"