Albert Stoessel

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Albert Frederic Stoessel (born October 11, 1894 in St. Louis , Missouri, † May 12, 1943 in New York City ) was an American composer and violinist .


Albert Stoessel studied music with Emanuel Wirth and Willy Hess at the Berlin University of Music . At 19 he began his career as a professional musician with the Hessian String Quartet and toured as a violinist in Switzerland, Holland and Germany. In 1915 he returned to the United States for a concert tour. He performed with the St. Louis Symphony Orchestra and the Boston Symphony Orchestra and lived in Boston until 1917 while continuing his career as a violinist and composer.

In 1917 he was drafted into the US Army and held the rank of lieutenant in the 301st Infantry American Expeditionary Forces. He also became the leader of the Regimental Band at Camp Devens. In 1918 Stoessel went to France with the 76th Division as Kapellmeister of the 301. He became director of the AEF Kapellmeister School of Chaumont (France) organized by Walter Damrosch .

After he was released in 1919, Stoessel appeared as a soloist with the Boston Symphony Orchestra and accompanied Enrico Caruso on his last tour. In 1921 he became deputy conductor of the Oratorio Society of New York under Walter Damrosch. In 1923 he became director of the faculty of music at New York University , which he chaired for seven years and where he made his master's degree in 1924. From there he went to the Juilliard School in 1931 , where he held the post of director of the department for opera and orchestra. In 1925 he became the conductor of the Worcester Festival of the Worcester (Massachusetts) County Musicalo Association and directed the Westchester Festival in White Plains, New York, from 1927 to 1933. Stoessel began working with the Chautauqua Institution in 1921 as a conductor and became musical director in 1929 appointed.

Albert Stoessel married Julia Pickard Stoessel on June 27, 1917, who had also trained as a violinist in Berlin. They had two sons, Edward and Fredric.

Stoessel died of a heart attack during a concert while conducting an orchestra for the American Academy of Arts and Letters in New York.

Since 1931 he was an elected member of the American Academy of Arts and Letters.


  • American Dance, No. 1 in G minor. (No. 2 in E. for violin & piano) / 1917
  • Beat! beat! Drums. (Song in 4 parts, text by W. Whitman) / 1922
  • Boston's own. March. Piano Solo / 1918
  • Christmas bells. / 1933
  • Comparative table of clefs
  • Compositions. Op. 8. No. 1. Lullaby. No. 2. Humoresque ... (violin & piano) / 1916
  • Concerto Grosso / 1935
  • Crinoline. Minuet, etc. (violin & piano) / 1916
  • Cyrano de Bergerac. A symphonic portrait. For orchestra / 1931
  • Early Americana
  • Garrick (1936)
  • Hymn to Diana. sketch
  • Short studies in double stopping, for the violin through all the keys. / 1940.
  • Suite Antique (for 2 violins and piano) / 1924
  • The Technic of the Baton (1919; originally written for his Chaumont classes)
  • Virginia reel., [Np] [19-] Stoessel, Albert, 1894–1943 arr. [From old catalog]

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Members: Albert Stoessel. American Academy of Arts and Letters, accessed April 28, 2019 .