Sylvie Perrinjaquet

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Sylvie Perrinjaquet

Sylvie Perrinjaquet (born August 24, 1955 in Paris ) is a Swiss politician ( FDP , previously LPS ) and lobbyist .

Sylvie Perrinjaquet was a member of the legislature from 1984 to 1998 and of the executive branch of the municipality of Gorgier from 1998 to 2000 . In 1993 she was elected to the Grand Council of the Canton of Neuchâtel , of which she was a member until 2001. From 2001 to 2009 she was State Councilor for the Canton of Neuchâtel. Until 2005 she was head of the finance and social department, from 2005 she was head of the culture and sports department. In the 2007 elections , Sylvie Perrinjaquet was elected to the National Council. There she was a member of the Commission for Education, Science and Culture , and from 2009 the Security Policy Commission . In 2009 she resigned from the State Council. In the 2011 elections she was not re-elected to the National Council. In September 2013 she replaced Alain Ribaux , who resigned on August 31, 2013, in the National Council. She did not run for the 2015 elections .

Since January 2016 she has been working as a lobbyist at the multinational tobacco company Philip Morris International .

Sylvie Perrinjaquet is the mother of two children.

Individual evidence

  1. Rauch in the Bundeshaus: This is how the tobacco lobby works. In: NZZ. November 28, 2016, accessed February 14, 2018 .
  2. Un rôle de lobbyiste auprès des entreprises et des particuliers. In: Agefi. Retrieved September 13, 2017 .

Web links