Gustaf Persson Banér

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Gustaf Persson Banér , baron since 1651 , Swedish Gustaf Persson Banér, formerly af Karleby (* August 24, 1618 - January 21, 1689 ) was a Swedish field marshal .


Origin and family

Gustaf was a member of the Swedish noble family of Barons Banér. His parents were the Swedish Councilor Peder Gustafsson Banér (1588-1644) and Hebbla Fleming.

He married in Stockholm in 1642 with Brita Bielke († 1669), a daughter of the Swedish statesman Nils Bielke (1569-1639). In 1672 he married Countess Märta Elisabet Oxenstierna af Croneborg , a daughter of Maria Sofia De la Gardie (1627-1694). A total of twelve children were born from both marriages.


Banér took part in the Thirty Years' War on the German theater of war . In 1639 he was a lieutenant captain and in 1642 he was imprisoned as a colonel in the battle of Breitenfeld . From 1648 to 1650 he was Landshövding on Gotland . In 1651 he was promoted to Imperial Councilor and was made Baron von Karleby . From 1654 to 1656 he was Landshövding in Uppland . In the Danish-Swedish war (1657-1660) he was able to distinguish several times, rising in 1657 to lieutenant general in the cavalry and 1658 to general of cavalry on. In 1663 he became Häradshövding in Västergötland , Lagman in Södermanland and received his promotion to field marshal. From 1664 to 1668 he was governor-general in Skåne , Halland and Blekinge , where he also held the position of Häradshövding or governor in Ydre , Kinda , Bankekinds and Göstrings and, from 1665, throughout Östergötland . He decided on a career as a war council in 1667 , became president of the war council in 1669 and in 1674 he was still in charge of defending the border with Norway .

Banér was buried in the Riddarholmskyrkan in Stockholm .


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Gabriel Anrep: Svenska adelns ättartaflor. Volume 1, Stockholm 1858, pp. 112-120 (Swedish).