Niklaus Henzi

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Niklaus Henzi (born August 24, 1571 in Bern ; † 1635 there ) was a Swiss Protestant clergyman.


Niklaus Henzi was the son of the same name Niklaus Henzi (born September 20, 1541 in Bern). The descendant of his uncle Kornelius Henzi (1543-1620) was the later executed Samuel Henzi , who was involved in the so-called Henzi conspiracy .

He enrolled at the Bern University of Applied Sciences in 1589 and studied theology.

In July 1596 he became a teacher in Aarau and in 1598 a Greek teacher at the University of Bern; as a part-time job he was a preacher in Bremgarten near Bern from 1611 and at the Heiliggeistkirche in Bern from 1619 .


In 1612 he wrote the Latin script Oratio sospitalis , in which he presented the plague as God's punishment for disobedience and thanked him for being spared the plague. In 1620 he described in the writing A Brief, Simple Report of the Allmusen , the care as the most noble task of the Christian.

In 1622 he published a Latin catechism with the original questions and answers of the Heidelberg catechism for students and clergy, which he supplemented with his short commentaries and biblical references.

Some of his sermon notes from 1606–1607 as well as other manuscripts that he owned are now in the Bern Burger Library .

Fonts (selection)

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Individual evidence

  1. Bernese families - persons. Retrieved January 27, 2020 .
  2. Bernese families - persons. Retrieved January 27, 2020 .
  3. ^ Anton von Tillier: History of the Federal Free State of Bern from its origins to its fall in 1798 . C. Fischer, 1838 ( [accessed January 27, 2020]).
  4. ^ Bernhard Samuel Friedrich Schaerer: History of public teaching: Institutions of the German part of the former Canton of Bern ... Buchdr. L.-A. Haller, 1829 ( [accessed January 27, 2020]).
  5. Cod. 660 Henzi, Niklaus: Sermon Notes (vol. 1), lat. (1606 (approx.) - 1607 (approx.)). Retrieved January 27, 2020 .
  6. e-codices - Switzerland's Virtual Manuscript Library. Retrieved January 27, 2020 .