Louis Waizman

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Louis Waizman ( Ludwig Waizmann ; born November 6, 1863 in Salzburg , † August 24, 1951 in Toronto ) was an Austrian-Canadian composer, violist, trombonist, pianist and music teacher.

Waizman took private composition lessons from Joseph Rheinberger and graduated from the Mozarteum in 1884 . He then traveled for several years as a member of an Austrian military band through Europe and Africa until he emigrated to Canada in 1893. He first lived in Ottawa and from 1903 was a trombonist in a band and a theater musician in Toronto. He also taught music theory and composition. His students included Leslie Bell , Percy Faith , Robert Farnon , Samuel Hersenhoren , Charles Jordan , Paul Scherman and Morris Surdin .

From 1923 to 1932 he was violist and from 1923 to 1946 librarian of the Toronto Symphony Orchestra . He also worked from 1933 to 1951 as an arranger for the CBC . Waizman composed piano trios, cantatas, orchestral suites (including the Suite de Ballet dedicated to Luigi von Kunits ) and piano works. After 1910 he recorded several of his compositions on piano roles for solo dancer , solo art and star and word . Unpublished works are still in the library of the Toronto Symphony Orchestra.
