Borso d'Este

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Borso d'Este

Borso d'Este (born August 24, 1413 , † August 20, 1471 in Ferrara ) was the first Duke of Modena from the House of Este .

He was an illegitimate son of Margrave Niccolò III. d'Este of Ferrara , Modena and Reggio with Stella de 'Tolomei . He succeeded his brother Leonello d'Este on October 1, 1450 in his father's possessions as Margrave / Marchese.

He took Modena and Reggio from Emperor Friedrich III on May 18, 1452 . as duchies. On April 14, 1471 he accepted Ferrara as Duke of Paul II as a papal fief. Borso's court was the center of the Ferrara School of Painting , which included Francesco del Cossa , Ercole de 'Roberti and Cosmè Tura . Borso d'Este was not married and had no offspring. He was succeeded by his half-brother Ercole I. d'Este .


  • Luciano Chiappini:  Borso d'Este. In: Alberto M. Ghisalberti (Ed.): Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani (DBI). Volume 13:  Borremans – Brancazolo. Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana, Rome 1971.
  • Karl-Georg Pfändtner: Un capolavoro finora sconosciuto dedicato a Borso d'Este nella Staatsbibliothek di Bamberga. Breve nota. Rivista di Storia della Miniatura 16 (2012), pp. 105-107.
  • Karl-Georg Pfändtner: An unknown masterpiece for Borso d'Este in Bamberg. The Querimonia of Baldessare Fontanella with a portrait of Borso d'Este by Taddeo Crivelli. Bamberg State Library, MSc. Class. 86. Codices Manuscripti 76/77 (2011), pp. 39-41.

Web links

Commons : Borso d'Este  - Collection of images, videos and audio files
predecessor Office successor
Leonello d'Este Duke of Ferrara, Modena and Reggio
Ercole I. d'Este