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Flag of Florida.svg Seal of Florida.svg
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Alaska Hawaii Rhode Island Washington, D.C. Maine New Hampshire Vermont Massachusetts Connecticut New York Pennsylvania Delaware New Jersey Maryland Virginia West Virginia Ohio Indiana North Carolina Kentucky Tennessee South Carolina Georgia Florida Alabama Mississippi Michigan Wisconsin Illinois Louisiana Arkansas Missouri Iowa Minnesota North Dakota South Dakota Nebraska Kansas Oklahoma Texas New Mexico Colorado Wyoming Montana Idaho Utah Arizona Nevada Washington Oregon Kalifornien Kuba Kanada Bahamas Turks- und Caicosinseln MexikoUSA, Florida map highlighted
About this picture
List of states
Capital: Tallahassee
State motto: In God we trust
Official language : English
Surface: 170,304 km²
Residents: 21,570,527 (2019) (121 U / km²)
Member since: March 3, 1845
Time zone: UTC − 5 ( EST )
UTC − 4 (daylight saving time)
Westl. of the Apalachicola River
UTC − 6 ( CST )
UTC − 5 (daylight saving time)
The highest point: 105 m ( Britton Hill )
Average Height: 30 m
Deepest point: 0 m Atlantic Ocean
Governor : Ron DeSantis ( R )
Post  / Office /  ISO FL / FLA / US-FL
Florida map
Florida map

Florida (pronunciation American-English  [ ˈflɔːɹɪdə ] , also [ ˈflɑːɹɪdə ]; Spanish [ floˈɾiða ]) is a state in the southeast of the United States of America . It is known as the Sunshine State . The peninsula of the same name was discovered by the Spanish explorers during Easter and named after it: Easter is also called Pascua Florida in Spanish . The emblematic animal of Florida is the Florida panther . The state capital is Tallahassee . Please click to listen!Play


Geographical location

Florida topographic map

Florida consists of the Florida Peninsula and the mainland Florida Panhandle and is located in the southeastern United States. The Atlantic Ocean lies on the east coast and the Gulf of Mexico on the west and south coast .

The state has a chain of islands at the southern end, the islands of which are called "Keys". The most famous are the Florida Keys , which are connected by 42 bridges. Key West is at the end of this chain of islands . From there it is only 140 kilometers to Cuba. Key West is also the southernmost point of the continental United States .

With a total area of ​​170,304 km², Florida ranks 22nd among the states. 30,634 km² (17.99%) of the national territory are bodies of water.

Extension of the national territory

Florida has a latitude of 260 km between 79 ° 48 'W and 87 ° 38' W and a longitude of 800 km between 24 ° 30 'N and 31 ° 00' N.

Neighbore states

In the north are the US states Georgia and Alabama . It is close to Cuba , Haiti and other Caribbean countries . It is the southernmost state in the United States after Hawaii .


The Florida continental shelf is a 700 km long bulge on the North American continent. The Florida peninsula is the overseas part of this bulge, the panhandle belongs to the coastal plain of the Gulf of Mexico. The deep subsoil is composed of Precambrian volcanic rocks, sedimentary rocks from the Devonian and later volcanic rocks from the Triassic and Jurassic . Above it lie young sedimentary rocks from all periods between the Jurassic and the Holocene . Formative structure is limestone which is predominantly highly porous. The central aquifer, which is important for Florida's fresh water supply, is located in this porous limestone . The chemical erosion on the surface of the limestone leads to karst phenomena .

Florida is particularly hard hit by rising sea levels. In Miami Beach , sea levels have risen nine inches since about 1920. The rising salt water penetrates the aquifer and has led to the loss of drinking water supplies since the 1990s. In addition, drainage ditches lose their slope towards the sea, so that floodplains can no longer be drained.


Florida is divided into two climatic zones: the northwest region is subtropically humid and the rest is tropically humid. From June to November Florida is often hit by sometimes violent tropical storms ( hurricanes ). The winters are warm with temperatures around 25 ° C. Snow is very rare in Florida.

Climate table Jacksonville
Day temperature ° C 18th 20th 23 27 30th 32 33 33 31 27 23 19th 26.3
Night temperature ° C 6th 7th 10 14th 18th 21 23 23 20th 15th 10 7th 14.5
Hours of sunshine per day 6th 7th 8th 9 10 8th 8th 8th 6th 7th 6th 6th 7.3
Rainydays 7th 7th 7th 6th 7th 11 13th 12th 14th 11 6th 7th 108
Water temperature ° C 17th 17th 18th 20th 23 26 29 30th 29 27 24 20th 23
Climate table Key West
Day temperature ° C 24 25th 26 28 30th 31 32 32 31 29 26 25th 28.2
Night temperature ° C 18th 19th 20th 22nd 24 25th 26 26 25th 23 20th 19th 22.1
Hours of sunshine per day 8th 9 10 11 11 11 10 10 9 9 8th 7th 9.3
Rainydays 6th 6th 5 6th 7th 9 8th 9 13th 12th 9 6th 96
Water temperature ° C 24 24 24 25th 26 27 29 30th 29 28 27 25th 27
Climate table Miami
Day temperature ° C 24 25th 26 28 30th 31 32 33 32 30th 27 25th 28.6
Night temperature ° C 15th 15th 18th 19th 22nd 23 25th 25th 24 22nd 19th 16 20.2
Hours of sunshine per day 7th 8th 9 10 10 10 10 9 9 9 8th 7th 8.8
Rainydays 5 6th 6th 6th 9 10 13th 16 14th 11 7th 5 108
Water temperature ° C 22nd 22nd 23 25th 27 29 30th 31 30th 28 26 24 26
Climate table Orlando
Day temperature ° C 24 23 26 28 31 32 33 33 32 29 26 23 28.1
Night temperature ° C 9 10 13th 15th 19th 22nd 23 23 22nd 19th 14th 11 16.6
Hours of sunshine per day 6th 7th 8th 10 10 9 9 8th 8th 7th 7th 6th 7.9
Rainydays 6th 7th 7th 4th 7th 13th 12th 12th 10 6th 6th 6th 96

Flora and fauna

Native alligator and alien tiger python in battle

In Florida there are mainly subtropical wet forests - consisting mainly of pines and various palm species - which change into tropical vegetation forms in the extreme south and on the southern coastal areas - here are mainly the bald cypress forests, the "tropical forest islands" in the Everglades swamps (hammocks) and the mangrove forests on the coast. In the interior of the country, the forests form partly open areas, which are referred to as “ prairies ”, although besides grasses they also have a high proportion of woodland. The state's biodiversity and biodiversity are among the highest in the United States.

In the sometimes still largely unspoiled landscapes have over fifty from extinction threatened species their homes, including the Caribbean manatee , the leatherback , Kemp's ridley sea turtle and loggerhead turtle and the American crocodile in the waters, the mammals Florida panther (Puma subspecies), Key - Whitetail deer and Florida bulldog bat, as well as numerous species of birds including the bald eagle .

Florida is one of the world's hotspots for invasive alien species introduced by humans. These include the sagebrush ragweed , the Asian ladybird or the dark tiger python in the Everglades. The proximity of the natural areas to the densely populated coastal cities with plenty of tourism and trade favors this development. Not all newcomers are necessarily harmful. In Florida, however, there are a number of species that have become a major threat to the endangered native species. The python in particular has multiplied enormously in South Florida and (as of 2015) destroyed up to 99 percent of the existing possums , raccoons and marsh rabbits . From Southeast Asia native snake was probably abandoned by private snake holders, as an import and sale of constrictors in Florida were still legal. In view of the problem, this has now been banned. Today the water authority pays a premium for every python hunted. Given the suspected 30,000 animals, however, this is a hopeless fight.


Population development
Census Residents ± in%
1830 34,730 -
1840 54,477 56.9%
1850 87,445 60.5%
1860 140.424 60.6%
1870 187.748 33.7%
1880 269.493 43.5%
1890 391.422 45.2%
1900 528,542 35%
1910 752.619 42.4%
1920 968.470 28.7%
1930 1,468,211 51.6%
1940 1,897,414 29.2%
1950 2,771,305 46.1%
1960 4,951,560 78.7%
1970 6,789,443 37.1%
1980 9,746,324 43.6%
1990 12,937,926 32.7%
2000 15,982,378 23.5%
2010 18,801,310 17.6%
2017 estimate 20,984,400 11.6%
Before 1900

1900–1990 2000 2010

Population density

Florida has 21.47 million inhabitants (as of July 2019), of which 77.3% are white (26.1% Hispanics and Latinos ), 16.9% African-American , 3.0% Asian-American . Based on population estimates by the United States Census Bureau, Florida overtook New York state and has been the third most populous state in the United States since 2014. The two states with larger populations are California and Texas .


Most of the people in Florida belong to various Protestant churches . However, the proportion of Catholics is increasing rapidly, mainly because of the immigration of immigrants from Cuba , the Dominican Republic and other Latin American countries. In contrast to other southern states in the USA, Florida has a relatively high proportion of Jews at around 4% .

The most important religious communities in 2000:

2,596,148 Catholic Church , 1,292,097 Southern Baptist Convention , 628,485 Judaism , 458,623 United Methodist Church

Biggest cities

Pompano Beach West Palm Beach Palm Bay (Florida) Miami Gardens Clearwater (Florida) Coral Springs Miramar (Florida) Gainesville (Florida) Hollywood (Florida) Cape Coral Pembroke Pines Port St. Lucie Fort Lauderdale Tallahassee Hialeah Orlando (Florida) Saint Petersburg Tampa Miami Jacksonville (Florida)


For the colonial history of Florida see also: Spanish Colony Florida


The archaeological site of Windover near Titusville provides important information about the early settlement of Florida. In 1982, the remains of at least 168 bog bodies from the 6th millennium BC were found in Windover there . Chr. Were excavated.

Spanish expeditions

Ponce de León discovers Florida (woodcut)

Archaeological finds suggest that Florida had been inhabited for several thousand years before it was discovered by European settlers. The east coast of Florida was discovered in 1513 by the Spaniard Juan Ponce de León . In 1521 Ponce de León - equipped and accompanied by a group of settlers - traveled to Florida again to found a La Florida colony for Spain , which was broken up by the indigenous population. In 1528 the conquistador Pánfilo de Narváez , who hoped to find gold in Florida, explored the west coast of the peninsula, but also failed because of the hostility of the locals. Narváez was shipwrecked in the end, but his officer Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca survived and returned to Spain, where he was able to report on the expedition. Hernando de Soto was encouraged to try an invasion again in 1539. Like Narváez, De Soto landed on the west coast and embarked on an extensive expedition through the southeastern part of what is now the USA, but neither gold nor a suitable location for establishing a colony was found, so that the Spaniards died after De Soto's death Expedition tasks. In 1559 Tristán de Luna y Arellano established a settlement in the Pensacola area , but gave it up again two years later.

Huguenot and Spanish settlements

In 1562 the Frenchman Jean Ribault , who was looking for a possible settlement site for Huguenot emigrants, explored the mouth of the St. Johns River on the east coast of Florida. In 1564 his compatriot René Goulaine de Laudonnière founded the first Huguenot settlement there, Fort Caroline . The Spaniards saw themselves challenged and in 1565 appointed a governor of Florida, Pedro Menéndez de Avilés , who had the French fort demolished that same year and founded 60 km south of San Agustín , the first permanent European settlement on the North American mainland should. From San Agustín the Spaniards began to cover the southeast with a network of Catholic missions .

British and French hostilities

In 1586 San Agustín was attacked and plundered by the English privateer and later Vice Admiral Francis Drake . In the 17th century, English settlers in Virginia and the Carolinas kept trying to push the border of the Spanish colony further south. The French settlers on the lower Mississippi did the same . In 1702 the British colonial governor of South Carolina, Colonel James Moore , had San Agustín destroyed with the help of allied Muskogee Indians; however, he did not succeed in taking the Spanish fort. Two years later, Moore began burning Spanish missions in northern Florida and killing Indians who were on good terms with the Spanish. In western Florida in 1719, the French took the Spanish settlement in Pensacola, which had existed again since 1696.

Under British rule

Expanded West Florida (1767)

After the Seven Years' War , Spain ceded Florida to Great Britain, which in turn left the rule of Havana to the Spanish . This exchange was contractually sealed in the Peace of Paris in 1763 . Up until this point in time, La Florida only covered part of what is now the state of Florida; the southern border was about what is now Gainesville . The British divided the territory into East Florida and West Florida and pursued a consistent settlement policy. They offered the settlers free land and support in setting up export-oriented companies. In order to meet the demand for labor, debt servants were brought to Florida in large numbers from Europe . In 1767, the borders of western Florida were expanded so far north that the territory also included the south of what is now the states of Mississippi and Alabama .

Fate of the indigenous people

The natives of Florida died in their thousands after the arrival of the first Spaniards because they were not immune to the diseases they brought in. Entire peoples were wiped out, and it is believed that after the British takeover of Florida, the Spanish brought the few Indians who survived their Catholic missions to safety in Cuba. In the course of the 18th century, however, the peninsula was repopulated by Indians when parts of the Muskogee, which had fallen apart, began to pour in from the north. As a result of the Yamasee War , many Yuchi and Yamasee refugees also came to Florida. Despite their heterogeneous roots, these Indians were uniformly referred to as " Seminoles ".

Again under Spanish rule

In the American War of Independence , Spain, which was fighting on the French side against the British, regained control of most of western Florida in 1781. In the Treaty of Paris (1783) , all of Florida was restored to Spain. There was no significant Spanish settlement afterwards, but the settlement policy of the Spaniards attracted migrants, especially from the United States. Florida also became a haven for slaves who escaped from the southern states because the Spaniards had promised them freedom if they professed their Catholic faith.

American conquest

In 1810, British settlers revolted against Spanish rule and on September 23 proclaimed a Free and Independent Republic of West Florida , which, however, only lasted a good ten weeks.

On October 27 of the same year, parts of western Florida were claimed by the United States, who claimed that the region was the subject of the Louisiana Purchase , in which the United States acquired the French colony of Louisiana in 1803 . The surrender of the affected areas, which were then incorporated into the Orleans Territory and the Mississippi Territory , took place in December 1810. After the First Seminole War (1817/1818), during which American troops repeatedly invaded Spanish territory, the United States controlled it entire area of ​​West Florida. Since the British-American War (1812-1814) parts of East Florida were also under American control.

Under American rule

The Americanization of Florida found its conclusion in 1819 with the Adams-Onís Treaty , in which the United States waived land claims in Texas in return . On July 17, 1821, the future US President Andrew Jackson officially took control of Florida in Pensacola. Florida became an Organized Territory on March 30, 1822 . East Florida and West Florida were united, but large parts of West Florida remained attached to the Orleans Territory and the Mississippi Territory. Tallahassee became the new capital of the territory.

As a result of the Indian resettlement , Florida experienced an economic boom in the 1830s . This was also promoted by the debt-financed expansion of the transport routes. In 1840, Florida’s national debt had increased massively. With a debt ratio of 77% of economic output, Florida was at the top of the American states and territories. As a result of the economic crisis of 1837 Florida had to declare state bankruptcy in 1840 and no longer serviced its government bonds .

State of the USA

On March 3, 1845, Florida became the 27th state in the United States. During the Third Seminole War (1855 to 1858), a large part of the remaining Seminoles was forcibly relocated to Indian territory. Under the leadership of Governor Madison S. Perry , Florida left the Union on January 11, 1861 and joined the Confederate States . After the defeat in the American Civil War and the suicide of Governor John Milton , Florida was placed under military occupation law as part of the Reconstruction . A new constitution was not drafted until 1868, and on June 25, 1868 it was re-admitted to the Union. The "Reconstruction" ended with the "Compromise of 1877". Florida, South Carolina and Louisiana agreed to the controversial presidency of Rutherford B. Hayes due to an unclear election result if all US troops were to leave these states at the same time.

The oil magnate Henry Morrison Flagler began the tourist development of Florida in 1885. He was the builder of the railway line on Florida's east coast ( Florida East Coast Railway ). On January 22, 1912, the first train ran to Key West . Flagler created a kind of American Riviera . The Florida rural boom drew tourists and residents from the north to Florida. The boom was stopped by the Miami Hurricane (1926) , the Okeechobee Hurricane (1928) and the Great Depression . The tourism industry was hit hard by the recession. The arrival of the Mediterranean fruit fly hit citrus growers and also darkened the economic situation in Florida. During the Second World War , the military built many training barracks in Florida due to the strategic location. Florida's economy only recovered after the end of World War II.

In 1947, US President Harry S. Truman declared the Everglades a national park. It was not until 1967 that Florida was forced by the Supreme Court to become one of the last states in the USA to lift the ban on mixed marriages . Since the 1960s, Florida has also been a destination for tens of thousands of immigrants from Central and South America, many of them Cubans . In 1950, 2.7 million people lived in Florida; in 2006/08 there were already more than 18 million. In 2000, a controversial vote count in Florida decided the US presidential election . George W. Bush , brother of then Governor Jeb Bush , became the 43rd President of the United States.


Governor and State Government

Governor's Mansion in Tallahassee Residence of the Florida Governor

Ron DeSantis of the Republican Party has been the governor of the state since January 8, 2019 .

The governor exercises executive power at the state level, that is, he leads the state government and determines the guidelines of the policy. He has the right to pardons , appoints senior civil servants and judges to the state constitutional court, and plays a central role in lawmaking by signing or vetoing bills of law . He is also commander in chief of the state's national guard and represents the state externally. The governor is elected directly by the people every four years. Other important members of the executive are the lieutenant governor , the attorney general , the secretary of state and the state treasurer (roughly equivalent to a finance minister).

State Legislature

The legislative power to level the state is determined by the Florida Legislature exercised. It consists of a state senate with 40 directly elected senators and the House of Representatives with 120 directly elected representatives. The terms of office are four or two years. Republicans have a majority of the seats in both chambers. The seat of the legislature is the Capitol in Tallahassee, the capital of the state.

Political landscape

Like the other southern states, Florida was heavily influenced by the Democrats until the 1950s . Probably because of the immigration policy of the Democrats, which was considered too liberal, there was a republican dominance. The increasing urbanization of the 1940s and 1950s gave Republicans a political base in the suburbs, to which many Republican-elected internal migrants from the northeastern United States moved. The Republicans won their first congressional mandate in Florida since 1880 in the 1954 election in the Tampa Bay Area ( William C. Cramer ) and their second in the 1962 election on the central eastern Space Coast with Edward Gurney , who was the first since the Reconstruction in 1968 United States Senate for Florida won. The southern tip of Florida became a disputed area due to the mass immigration of Cuban exiles who leaned toward Republicans. Republican presidential candidate George HW Bush won Florida by 22 percentage points in the 1988 election , but centrist Democrat Bill Clinton won many of the suburbs in the 1990s, such as Pinellas and Palm Beach Counties , who have been voting for Democrats with increasing frequency since then .

Right now, the Republican-to-Democrat ratio is roughly 1: 1, although Republicans have grown in strength in recent years. The state is changing demographically due to rapid population growth. The groups that make up most of the immigrants in Florida are the so-called Hispanics and the Snow Belt retirees . Both groups in their entirety cannot be clearly assigned to either party. Therefore, immigration to Florida, which has also been able to break away from its image as a sun-drenched agricultural state, does not bring any political camp clear advantages. The very narrow results of the presidential elections in Florida in recent years make the state almost unpredictable for the pollsters . In addition to the change from the southern state to the melting pot , the population growth also brought about an enormous increase in the number of electoral votes. These have increased the most in Florida since the New Deal in relation to the other states of the USA . In 1940 Florida had seven votes, then eight from 1944, ten in 1952, 14 in 1964, and 17 in 1972. The rapid increase in population began in the 1980s when more and more refugees from Cuba settled in Florida. The numbers developed as follows: 1984, 21 votes; 1992, 25 votes; 2000, 27 votes. Florida moved up from 31st place in the Electoral College to fourth place, which it has held since 1992. In the 1952 presidential elections, Florida always voted in favor of the Republicans except for 1964, 1976, 1996, 2008 and 2012. In the presidential elections between 1992 and 2016, the Democrats received a total of 24,140,463 votes, the Republicans 24,122,710, just 17,753 fewer, which is why Florida is now an important swing state at the presidential level, while at the state level most offices are now in Republican hands .

In Miami , the Liberal Democrats compete with the rich Cubans in exile, who are more toward the Republicans. Tampa used to be the center of the Democratic Party, but has become a center for the Republicans in the 2010 decade. The university city of Tallahassee has become a new powerful center for the Democrats. While the Democrats rely primarily on the Afro-Americans as a reliable group of voters and the Republicans can count on the majority of Latinos , both parties have long sought moderation and centrism in order to win over voters in the suburbs and retirees. In the 2018 gubernatorial election , on the other hand, instead of the moderate candidates favored by the respective party leaderships, Ron DeSantis and Andrew Gillum , who both belong to the right and left wing of their party and who are using polarization to mobilize their own party base, prevailed.

When, following a referendum in Florida, former convicts - with the exception of murderers and sex offenders - were given their right to vote back in 2018, the Republicans ruling there, led by Ron DeSantis , decided that the former prisoners (the majority of them black or African-American , eighty Percent vote for the Democratic Party ) are only allowed to exercise their right to vote if they have paid off their debts related to the served sentence. Almost 1.5 million people, about five percent of the state's population, had their right to vote back after the referendum, but the Republicans' debt settlement held up even after lawsuits were filed in the Florida Supreme Court.

After Donald Trump's success in Florida in the 2020 presidential election , it became even more likely that Florida could develop into a permanent Red State in future elections .

Presidential election results
year republican Democrats
2020 51.2% 5,668,731 47.9% 5,297,045
2016 48.6% 4,617,886 47.4% 4,504,975
2012 49.0% 4,163,447 49.9% 4,237,756
2008 48.1% 4,046,219 50.9% 4,282,367
2004 52.1% 3,964,522 47.1% 3,583,544
2000 48.9% 2,912,790 48.8% 2,912,253
1996 42.3% 2,244,536 48.0% 2,546,870
1992 40.9% 2,173,310 39.0% 2,072,698
1988 60.9% 2,618,885 38.5% 1,656,701
1984 65.3% 2,730,350 34.7% 1,448,816
1980 55.5% 2,046,951 38.5% 1,419,475
1976 46.6% 1,469,531 51.9% 1,636,000
1972 71.9% 1,857,759 27.8% 0.718,117
1968 40.5% 0.886,804 30.9% 0.676,794
1964 48.8% 0.905,941 51.1% 0.948,540
1960 51.5% 0.795,476 48.5% 0.748,700

Political structure


Members of the 117th Congress

House of Representatives
Surname Member since Party affiliation
Matt Gaetz 2017 republican
Neal Dunn 2017 republican
Kathryn Cammack 2021 republican
John Rutherford 2017 republican
Alfred Lawson Jr. 2017 democrat
Michael George Glen Waltz 2019 republican
Stephanie Murphy 2017 democrat
William Joseph Posey 2013 republican
Darren Michael Soto 2017 democrat
Valdez Venita Demings 2017 democrat
Daniel Alan Webster 2017 republican
Gus Michael Bilirakis 2013 republican
Charles Joseph Crist Jr. 2017 democrat
Katherine Anne Castor 2013 democrat
Clifford Scott Franklin 2021 republican
Vernon Gale Buchanan 2013 republican
William Gregory Steube 2019 republican
Brian Jeffery Mast 2017 republican
Byron Lowell Donalds 2021 republican
Alcee Lamar Hastings 2013 democrat
Theodore Eliot German 2013 democrat
Lois Jane Frankel 2013 democrat
Deborah Wasserman Schultz 2013 democrat
Frederica Wilson 2013 democrat
Mario Rafael Diaz-Balart 2013 republican
Carlos Antonio Giménez 2021 republican
Maria Elvira Salazar 2021 republican
Surname Member since Party affiliation
Richard Lynn Scott 2019 republican
Marco Antonio Rubio 2011 republican


death penalty

The death penalty is the fourth most popular in the United States in Florida after Texas , Oklahoma and Virginia , closely followed by Missouri . Florida has the second highest number in the US after California with 400 convicts. There have been 92 executions since 1976 and 21 executions in 2010–2015. (As of January 15, 2016). In relative terms, Florida, with a population of 18,801,310, executed 4.9 people per 1,000,000 population in 2010. (In comparison: Texas 21.1, Oklahoma 29.9, California 0.3)

Culture and sights


National park location view
Biscayne National Park
  • Florida
  • 539,307 visitors (2003)
  • founded June 28, 1980
Biscayne National Park
United States map
Biscayne National Park.jpg
Dry Tortugas National Park
  • Florida
  • 61,765 visitors (2005)
  • founded January 4, 1935
Dry Tortugas National Park
United States map
Fort-Jefferson Dry-Tortugas.jpg
Everglades National Park
  • Florida
  • 1,233,837 visitors (2005)
  • founded December 6, 1947
Everglades National Park
United States map

Natural monuments

In addition to the three national parks, the National Park Service (NPS) has two National Preserves and two National Seashores for Florida :

There are also 18 National Natural Landmarks (as of September 30, 2017).

Cultural monuments

In terms of cultural monuments, the NPS has two National Monuments , two National Memorials and a National Heritage Area for Florida :

Florida also has 46 National Historic Landmarks and 1,773 structures and sites that are listed on the National Register of Historic Places (as of September 30, 2017).


Location of the sports teams

In Florida there are several teams in each of the four major leagues. Three teams play in the NFL , the world's most important American football league: The Jacksonville Jaguars , Tampa Bay Buccaneers and the Miami Dolphins , who play their home games at Hard Rock Stadium in Miami Gardens . This is the stadium where the Miami Marlins baseball team played before moving to Marlins Park, which was built on the site of the former Orange Bowl Stadium. Another MLB team are the Tampa Bay Rays from Saint Petersburg . There are also two Florida franchises in the National Hockey League : The Florida Panthers from Sunrise north of Miami and Tampa Bay Lightning . The Orlando Magic basketball team is based in Orlando . You play in the NBA with Miami Heat . Orlando City (home games at Exploria Stadium in Orlando) have been playing in the top US soccer league MLS since 2015 and Inter Miami (home games in Fort Lauderdale) since 2020 . In motorsport , Daytona Beach deserves special mention, with its Speed ​​Week and the annual races for the US NASCAR racing series.

Economy and Infrastructure

Florida's economic output was $ 926 billion in 2016, making it the fourth highest economic output of any state in the United States and accounting for 5.02% of the total American economy. Counted as a separate country, Florida's economic output would roughly correspond to that of Indonesia . The real gross domestic product per capita real GDP was USD 44,964 in 2016 (national average of the 50 US states: USD 57,118; national ranking: 39). The unemployment rate was 3.6% in November 2017 (national average: 4.1%).

Florida's climate and the many beaches make it an interesting place to relax for vacationers from all over the world as well as the retirement home of many Americans. Due to the unbearably humid weather, the main season is rather apart from the summer months of June / August. Also the various amusement parks Universal Studios , Islands of Adventure , Busch Gardens and SeaWorld and last but not least the Walt Disney World Resort with the parks Magic Kingdom, Epcot, Hollywood Studios (formerly: MGM Studios) and Animal Kingdom near Orlando are big attractions for tourists. In addition, the economy focuses on the cultivation of citrus fruits (50% of the consumption in the USA) including juice production, there are numerous banks and phosphate is mined.

Florida is also the most important launch site for NASA and the US Air Force for their space missions from Cape Canaveral , from 1963 to 1973 Cape Kennedy.


In the top 10 list of the most beautiful beaches in the USA by the well-known beach tester Stephen Leatherman alias Dr. Beach, Caladesi Island State Park in the Clearwater region of Florida was named the most beautiful beach in the United States in 2008.


  • Mickaël Augeron, John de Bry, Annick Notter (eds.): Floride, un rêve français (1562–1565) , Illustria, Paris 2012.
  • S. David Webb (Ed.): First Floridians and Last Mastodons. The Page-Ladson Site in the Aucilla River , Springer, 2006.
  • Michael Gannon: Florida. A short history , University Press of Florida, Gainesville 2003.
  • Jerald T. Milanich: Florida's Indians From Ancient Time to the Present , University Press of Florida, Gainesville 1998.
  • Gloria Jahoda: Florida: A History. WW Norton, New York 1984, ISBN 0-393-30178-8 .

Web links

Commons : Florida  - collection of pictures, videos, and audio files
Wikivoyage: Florida  Travel Guide

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Density Using Land Area
  2. US gov. census. Population estimates, July 1, 2019
  3. ^ John C. Wells : Longman Pronunciation Dictionary. Harlow: Pearson Education Ltd., 2000.
  4. USGS: Geologic Map of the State of Florida , 2001.
  5. ^ Lithostratigraphic Units of Florida , USGS, 2001.
  6. ^ National Park Service: Everglades National Park: Geology
  7. Mean Sea Level Trend 8723170 Miami Beach, Florida , NOAA.
  8. Jeff Goddell: Goodbye, Miami , Rolling Stone , June 20, 2013.
  9. floridasunmagazine.com , accessed March 10, 2020.
  10. Where do most bio-invaders live? on scinexx.de of June 13, 2017, based on Nature Ecology and Evolution, 2017; doi: 10.1038 / s41559-017-0186, accessed March 10, 2020.
  11. ^ Daniel Lingenhöhl: Pythons take over South Florida. spectrum. de of March 20, 2015, online , accessed on March 10, 2020.
  12. Steffen Schneider: Fight against the python plague in the Everglades. daserste.de from December 1, 2018, accessed on March 10, 2020.
  13. US Census Bureau - Census of Population and Housing . Retrieved February 28, 2011.
  14. Excerpt from Census.gov . Retrieved February 28, 2011.
  15. Excerpt from factfinder.census.gov.Retrieved February 28, 2011.
  16. Extract from census.gov ( Memento from August 14, 2012 in the Internet Archive ). Retrieved on March 31, 2012.
  17. Development of the population , in: typical-florida.de, accessed on March 10, 2020.
  18. ^ The Association of Religion Data Archives | Maps & Reports
  19. Florida History Online ( Memento from December 18, 2013 in the Internet Archive )
  20. ^ Hidden Treasures: Historical Highlights of New Smyrna's Past. In: volusia.com. Dolores Maylone, accessed August 22, 2016 .
  21. Spanish Missions. In: New Georgia Encyclopedia. Retrieved August 22, 2016 .
  22. ^ Frank Jacobs: The Free and Independent Republic of West Florida. In: bigthink.com. February 27, 2007, accessed August 22, 2016 .
  23. Bob Leonard: Florida in the 1920's - The Great Florida Land Boom ( English ) floridahistory.org. Retrieved August 6, 2008.
  24. Sean Trende: Sizing Up the Florida Senate Race. In: RealClearPolitics , August 28, 2018. For the then congressional electoral districts , see General Election 1954: FL District 1 and General Election 1962: FL District 11. In: Our Campaigns .
  25. 2016 Presidential Election Interactive Map. In: 270towin.com. Retrieved August 22, 2016 .
  26. Sean Trende: Sizing Up the Florida Senate Race. In: RealClearPolitics , August 28, 2018.
  27. Sean Trende: Sizing Up the Florida Governor Race. In: RealClearPolitics , September 6, 2018.
  28. a b Thorsten Denkler: The Republicans are again tricking with the electoral system. Retrieved March 27, 2021 .
  29. Frauke Steffens, New York: Democrats plan major reform: electoral obstructions should finally be over . In: FAZ.NET . ISSN  0174-4909 ( faz.net [accessed March 28, 2021]).
  30. ^ Florida high court sides with governor on felon voter rights. January 16, 2020, accessed March 27, 2021 .
  31. ^ David Leip: Dave Leip's Atlas of US Presidential Elections. Retrieved November 28, 2018 .
  32. Florida. In: nps.gov. Retrieved November 19, 2018.
  33. Florida. In: nps.gov. Retrieved November 19, 2018.
  34. ^ US Department of Commerce, BEA, Bureau of Economic Analysis: Bureau of Economic Analysis. Retrieved August 27, 2017 (American English).
  35. ^ Unemployment Rates for States. Retrieved January 8, 2018 .
  36. America's Best Beaches 2008 ( Memento from May 27, 2008 in the Internet Archive )

Coordinates: 28 ° 0 ′  N , 81 ° 30 ′  W