The United States Census 1850 was the seventh census in the United States since 1790 . As a result of the count, a population of 23,191,876 inhabitants was determined for the USA on June 1, 1850, of which 3,204,313 were slaves .
While the earlier surveys only determined the name of the head of the family, now every person in the household, women, children, slaves, was completely recorded. For the first time, the place of birth was also asked. The data includes address of residence, age, gender, race, characteristics of a disability (deaf, blind, feeble-minded, crazy), occupation, place of birth, marital status, school status, characteristics of the alms recipient or the criminal.
For the first time since the beginning of the surveys, parts of the microdata were and are available for scientific evaluation.
The state population figures from the 10-year United States censuses are key to determining the number of representatives from those states in the United States House of Representatives . The adjustment is usually made in the next but one Congress after a census.
Most populous cities
The 50 most populous cities in the United States by population in 1850.