United States Census 1930
The 1930 United States Census was the fifteenth census in the United States since 1790 . As a result of the census, a population of 122,775,046 people was determined for the USA as of April 1, 1930 (the census was carried out in the entire April), about 13.7% more than at the 1920 census . The most populous state was New York (with approx. 12.6 million inhabitants), the state with the smallest population was Nevada (approx. 91,000 inhabitants).
The data contain information on the name, address, relationship with the head of the family, gender, race, age, civil status (and if married, age at the first marriage), place of birth and that of the parents, school attendance, literacy and language skills (the latter for immigrants) , Occupation and industry and veteran status. The household was asked whether it was a farm or a house, property (then the value was also determined) or rent (the rent was then collected), and whether a radio was available in the household.
For immigrants, a separate survey was made as to which language was originally used (abroad), the year of immigration and whether naturalization took place.
The indigenous population was surveyed as to whether they came from a genuine marriage or a mixed marriage between their parents and to which tribe they belonged.
The data can be downloaded from the National Historical Geographic Information System as both microdata and aggregated data. The data is still backed up on microfiche today.
The state population figures from the 10-year United States censuses are key to determining the number of representatives from those states in the United States House of Representatives . The adjustment is usually made in the next but one Congress after a census.
States by population
U.S. states by population in 1930.
rank | State | population |
1 | new York | 12,588,066 |
2 | Pennsylvania | 9,631,350 |
3 | Illinois | 7,630,654 |
4th | Ohio | 6,646,697 |
5 | Texas | 5,824,715 |
6th | California | 5,677,251 |
7th | Michigan | 4,842,325 |
8th | Massachusetts | 4,249,614 |
9 | New Jersey | 4,041,334 |
10 | Missouri | 3,629,367 |
11 | Indiana | 3,238,503 |
12 | North Carolina | 3,170,276 |
13 | Wisconsin | 2,939,006 |
14th | Georgia | 2,908,506 |
15th | Alabama | 2,646,248 |
16 | Tennessee | 2,616,556 |
17th | Kentucky | 2,614,589 |
18th | Minnesota | 2,563,953 |
19th | Iowa | 2,470,939 |
20th | Virginia | 2,421,851 |
21st | Oklahoma | 2,396,040 |
22nd | Louisiana | 2,101,593 |
23 | Mississippi | 2,009,821 |
24 | Kansas | 1,880,999 |
25th | Arkansas | 1,854,482 |
26th | South carolina | 1,738,765 |
27 | West Virginia | 1,729,205 |
28 | Maryland | 1,631,526 |
29 | Connecticut | 1,606,903 |
30th | Washington | 1,563,396 |
31 | Florida | 1,468,211 |
32 | Nebraska | 1,377,963 |
33 | Colorado | 1,035,791 |
34 | Oregon | 953.786 |
35 | Maine | 797.423 |
36 | South Dakota | 692.849 |
37 | Rhode Island | 687.497 |
38 | North Dakota | 680.845 |
39 | Montana | 537,606 |
40 | Utah | 507,847 |
... | District of Columbia | 486,869 |
41 | New Hampshire | 465.293 |
42 | Idaho | 445.032 |
43 | Arizona | 435,573 |
44 | New Mexico | 423.317 |
45 | Vermont | 359.611 |
46 | Delaware | 238.380 |
47 | Wyoming | 225,565 |
48 | Nevada | 91.058 |
Cities by population
The 20 most populous cities in the United States by population in 1930.
rank | city | State | population |
1 | new York | new York | 6,930,446 |
2 | Chicago | Illinois | 3,376,438 |
3 | Philadelphia | Pennsylvania | 1,950,961 |
4th | Detroit | Michigan | 1,568,662 |
5 | los Angeles | California | 1,238,048 |
6th | Cleveland | Ohio | 900,429 |
7th | St. Louis | Missouri | 821.960 |
8th | Baltimore | Maryland | 804.874 |
9 | Boston | Massachusetts | 781.188 |
10 | Pittsburgh | Pennsylvania | 669.817 |
11 | San Francisco | California | 634.394 |
12 | Milwaukee | Wisconsin | 578.249 |
13 | Buffalo | new York | 573.076 |
14th | Washington, DC | District of Columbia | 486,869 |
15th | Minneapolis | Minnesota | 464.356 |
16 | New Orleans | Louisiana | 458.762 |
17th | Cincinnati | Ohio | 451.160 |
18th | Newark | New Jersey | 442,337 |
19th | Kansas City | Missouri | 399,746 |
20th | Seattle | Washington | 365,583 |
Individual evidence
- ^ Fifteenth Census of the United States . United States Census Bureau. Retrieved on March 6, 2011. ( Page no longer available , search in web archives ) Info: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.
Web links
- Historical data from the US Census
- 1930 Census : 1930 United States Census for Genealogy & Family History Research