Latino or female Latina means a person of Latin American origin. This short form of the Spanish word Latinoamericano ("Latin American") is mainly used in the Anglo-American area for US citizens who themselves or their ancestors come from Latin America and whose mother tongue is mostly Spanish or Portuguese . In the USA , the term is often used synonymously to denote the group of Hispanics - however, Latinos are only part of the Hispanic population group in the USA, while Brazilians living in the USA see themselves as Latinos , but not as Hispanics .
- The Oxford Encyclopedia of Latinos and Latinas in the United States. 4 volumes. Oxford University Press, 2006, ISBN 0-19-515600-5 .
- Christoph Wurm : Latino - confusion about a term. In: Forum Classicum. No. 2, Deutscher Altphilologenverband e. V., 2009, p. 143/144 ( PDF: 4 MB, 100 p. On