Andreas David Carolus

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Andreas David Carolus (born June 29, 1658 in Calw ; † September 8, 1707 in Kirchheim unter Teck ) was a German Lutheran theologian.


Andreas David was born as the son of Andreas Carolus . After studying at the University of Tübingen , he went on scientific trips and then became an adjunct at the philosophical faculty of the University of Wittenberg . He returned to his homeland and became a deacon in Tuttlingen in 1687 , in Calw in 1689, and when the French had burned the city down, he took a position as a deacon in Nürtingen in 1693 . In 1697 he went to Freudenstadt and in 1707 became superintendent in Kirchheim and associated parish priest.

Influenced by Gottfried Arnold's work on the history of churches and heretics (1699), he wrote the work Württemberg innocence or Christian examination of what G. Arnold recorded of Württemberg regents and teachers, especially Jakob Andreae , which appeared after his death in Ulm in 1708. He published the work of the Reformed theologian Jean Daillé (1594-1670) De vero usu Patrum and wrote the dogmatic treatises De morte vicaria 1686 and De jure Dei in creaturas 1683.
